
Chapter 38: My Deepest Secret


“Pheuan, I’m sorry it had to end this way.”

My mate was in danger.

“Wat d’is it, Alph dawg,” Kun Lalisa questioned, noticing my distress.

“It’s, it’s Arisara. I-I think she’s in danger,” I quickly relayed. Beads of sweat began washing my face as they cascaded from my hairline at all angles.

“Weren’t cha just wit her?” Kun Lalisa added with her head tilted upwards in confusion.

“I was, but we had a fight and—” The Therapist cut me off, and I knew sage words were headed my way.

“Alpha, ya gots da know da first rule in a partnership. Nevah go da bed upset wit eachotha. But, dat’s a lesson y’all gotta work on next time.” She paused and shook her head, seemingly distraught at the fact my mate was in danger. Kun Lalisa continued, “An Alph dawg without da mate is only a shell of himself.”