
Round 2 (Finalized).

"To be fair, I thought that was quite a show. I have never seen anything like it. Forgive me for hitting James but damn Scarlett, the way you just showed Ash up there was quite impressive." Athan mocked

"Shut up. You're the reason all of this has happened. If you never attacked Scarlett with the rock, then James wouldn't have been hurt. This is your fault; Athan, Don't pick sides now." Jacklyn yelled.

Scarlett turned around to face Athan. Tears crashing off her face in rage, fists clenched and baring her fangs. She stood there heavy breathing; in for three out for three.

"Someone seems pissed off." Athan laughed.

Scarlett heavily sighed before slowly proceeding towards where she last left her sword, where Athan had pinned her to the ground. Scarlett picked up her sword and with her shaking hands, clutched it close to her side before proceeding back to where she originally stood.