
Interruptions and assumptions.

Ash and Jacklyn reached the woods. It was cool and well sheltered from the sun. They had been walking for almost two hours non-stop, It seemed like they were going in a circle. Suddenly, Ash came to a halt and Jacklyn crashed into the back of him.

"Why did you stop? Don't just stop like that, Gosh, what are you trying to do, give me a concussion?" Jacklyn exclaimed.

"Sorry Jacklyn, it's just we came to the end of the directions and I still don't see the castle anywhere. It's just trees and bushes, do you think we are lost?" Ash asked concerned.

"How can we be lost? You have the note in your hand. Follow the instructions, I can't be that hard." Jacklyn said, looking around them.

"Yeah, well, the castle is not around here, is it?" Ash said, getting frustrated.

"Alright, no need to get cocky with me," Jacklyn said raising the tone in her voice.