
Finally finished.

Scarlett held the sword up in the air for a while. Shaking with every breath she took.

"I'm so sorry" Scarlett said.

Before anybody could think anything else, Say anything else or do anything else there was a sudden yell of pain. Cursing words filled the air.

Scarlett had instantly flipped her whole body around. Her jet black hair flung from one side to the other followed by her leather coat, Letting go of the sword instantly and throwing it as hard as she could in Manson's direction without a second thought or without anybody being able to stop her or say another word.

"What the hell Scarlett, Why!" Manson screamed.

Ash stood there in shock. A smile appeared across Scarlett's face, She knew what she has done nor did she regret it. The sword had pierced right through the middle of Manson's chest. He went crashing to the floor not too long after, attempting to pull the sword out and increasing the blood spillage. Ash walked over to Manson and went to grab a gun from his pocket.

"No, Ash wait!" Scarlett yelled.

Ash turned his attention to Scarlett who was walking in his direction. When Scarlett reached where Ash was standing and where Manson was laying. She grabbed Ash's hand and lowered his gun.

"Wait, Don't get involved. This is between me and Manson. He broke his promise towards me to get his business done. Now I have to break mine. After all if he breaks his promise who's to say I can break mine." Scarlett smirked.

"What do you mean? Are you going to do what I think you are?" Ash asked putting his gun back in his pocket.

Scarlett let go of Ash's hand, Stood back a little. She pointed at the gun that was in Ash's pocket.

"That. Give me that." Scarlett demanded.

Ash pulled out this Silver coloured gun, red oak grips and was decorated with Laser etches ivory design. (Colt 1911. 45 ACP). Ash placed the gun into Scarlett's shaking hands, she grasped the grip tightly. Scarlett pulled the slide aggressively, reloading the gun. Released the safety and pointed it at Manson's chest, Where his heart was. Scarlett gently placed her finger on the trigger.

"Scarlett please don't. You know I'm only following my orders, Please don't do this, I know you wont. Please I'm sorry." Manson begged.

"So, all of a sudden you are begging for you life. That's funny. Since Tate didn't really beg for his. As a hunter you should know your life is always at risk. So why beg? Yet you didn't care when you were torturing me to death. Roles reversed now. You broke your promise to me, You make me almost kill Ash, So now your asking me to spare your life? for what? you to get back up and kill me and him." Scarlett violently snapped.

Scarlett smirked directly down at Manson revealing her fangs.

"You can't change who I once was. Nobody can. If I wanna live a vampire lifestyle than I can. You can't force me to be a hunter. Manson. You cant force me to give up my vampire lifestyle, At the end of the day its my life and you cant control that. Sorry to say." Scarlett snapped.

"Scarlett please. You promised me." Manson begged

"Yes, and you promised me. Then broke it, So here we are. If you broke yours means I can brake mine." Scarlett said.

Ash stood there looking at Scarlett. He pulled the sword out of Manson who instantly let a scream of pain out. The blood began forming a pool around Scarlett's feet.

"Shut it. I'm tired of listening to you beg for your pathetic life. This is the end for you Manson. Say hi for us to Tate please? You turned Scarlett against those she loves, You and your pathetic friend Tate almost killed her, So I guess this is her revenge. Deal with it. Your a hunter your meant to accept your fate no matter what, Aren't you?" Ash laughed.

"This is my unfinished business now Manson. You had your chance and blew it." Scarlett said.


Before Manson could finish there was a loud band. Scarlett had pulled the trigger. Manson didn't move nor talk. Only thing that you could smell was the strong blood sent and the smell of gun powder. The only thing you could see was Manson covered in his own blood and a bullet hole in his chest.

Scarlett shot the gun many other times.

"SCARLETT STOP." Ash yelled.

"He is dead. Stop it." Ash said trying to take the gun off Scarlett.

Scarlett snapped out her rage and turned around, handed the gun to Ash, Who's hands stained with blood from the gun.

"Scarlett? You said you had unfinished business. Is it finished? You wanted to kill Manson? What for?" Ash asked.

"It is. My whole intention this time was to kill him. You killed Tate for hurting me. I killed Manson for attempting to hurt you. Simple as that. Eye for a eye as the bible says right. He hurt you, I hurt him. permanently." Scarlett said.

Ash walked over to Scarlett and handed her Katana back. Scarlett put it away on her back and ash Slid his gun back into his pocket.

"So, What the hell are we gonna do with him? We cant just leave the body lying here, We need to get rid of the body or move it somewhere Scarlett." Ash asked.

"Give me that whiskey out your pocket in your flask thing." Scarlett pointed

Ash nodded and handed her the whiskey flask. She pulled the top off and poured the alchol all over Manson's body and handed the flask back to Ash.

"Well, that's all gone, Was saving that for later." Ash joked.

Scarlett then pulled some matches her pockets she stashed in there and lit one and threw it onto this clothes. The flames glazed almost the height of them, they had to stand back from the heat.

"There. Discard the evidence. He was a hunter after all. Plus his brother is dead too. So they couldn't find out anything anyway. He disgusted me. So, I had to do something. It was bothering me knowing he was running around this area. Also I hate people who break their promises. You make one, you keep it. but I'm not going to explain all this here, Or what I did. Lets get back to the house first. I'll explain it all there." Scarlett Explained.

"Plus, We don't need to worry about our wounds. We heal a lot faster than others, so I guess that's also a plus side of living this lifestyle right." Ash smiled.

Scarlett nodded. Ash placed his hand into Scarlett's and they walk away. Not turning to look at the fire or Ashes of what once was Manson's body. They reached the house just a little after midnight. Ash let go of Scarlett's hand and stood at the door.

"Ash, What's wrong? What's the matter?" Scarlett asked confused.

"Look, there is something you need to know. Please, You have to promise not to get mad. Even though I know you will, but please try not too." Ash said.

Scarlett facial expression dropped.

"What!? What happened. What did you two do?" Scarlett asked with more tone in her voice.

Ash took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Ash!? What happened!?" Scarlett snapped.

"Me and Jacklyn got into a fight. Kind of a big one really. We got to blinded by our own rage, dominance and who knew you better. I'm sorry, I got away with minor injuries, but hers were more. Uh, Fatal in a way. Good thing is she is a werewolf. So she'll heal quicker." Ash explained.

"Oh. You guys better explain everything to me when we get inside." Scarlett said walking up the steps to Ash.

"Look, I knew when I was away you guys needed to settle some score. I'm not stupid. I figured it out." Scarlett said.

Scarlett placed her hands on Ash's face, Which was cold to the touch from the freezing wind. Scarlett pressed her lips against his and pulled away.

"Just explain to me when we get inside okay?" Scarlett asked.

"You're not mad.? Scarlett..?" Ash asked confused.

"I am, But I'm learning to controlling my anger a little more. I don't wanna make assumptions until I hear the full story. So, Lets go see how Jacklyn is healing up. You guys better not do this again!" Scarlett said firmly

"Well you better not just randomly go away again" Ash laughed.

"I went away to finish my business I said that, I went to deal with Manson so we all could be safe and not paranoid on when he would take one of us hostage again" Scarlett said.

Scarlett and Ash walked into the house and closed the door behind them, they took of their coats and walked into the living room.

"Ash..?" Jacklyn's voice mumbled.