
Family history

"Scarlett, Whos that?" Ash asked concerned,

"That's my mum, Ash. That's Cadence Luna." Scarlett slowly said.

"I almost didn't recognize you, Scarlett. You've changed so much," Cadence exclaimed.

"Yeah, I could say the same to you." Scarlett shrugged.

Cadence was about 38 and reached a height of 5' 7". Her hair reached about waist length, bleach blonde, tied up at the top in a messy but, neat bun. Her hair was in the form of mermaid curls, and pieces of hair fell delicately down her back, sort of like Belle's hairstyle. Cadence's eyes shone a bright royal blue, her eyes tightly lined with eyeliner and mascara. Her face was a perfect match of foundation, lightly brushed with blush and contour, Her make up was so natural, you couldn't tell she was wearing any. Her lips were a rose pink colour, She looked like a princess from a Disney movie. On to her clothes, She wore a long black coat, similar in style to Scarlett's, Cadence's coat, which wasn't made from leather, instead, it was made from the finest cotton you could get. The arm cuffs, neckline and hem of the coat was decorated with faux fur. Underneath her coat, she was wearing a white dress. Corset had a floral design covering it. Her skirt was covered in the same floral design, followed by, white lace hem. Her shoes were just normal black shoes with red soles. They were probably, Christian Louboutin. Her wrists had one diamonte bracelet placed on each and a ring on her wedding ring finger and her ears, just normal diamond studs. A heart-shaped locket was carefully placed upon her neck.

"Are those real diamonds on your bracelets and ears?" Jacklyn asked.

"Really Jacklyn? You're going to ask a time like this if her diamonds are real? " Scarlett said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, a girl has got to know how to accessorise." Jacklyn laughed

"Yes dear, they are. Here take this," Cadence smiled, taking off one of her bracelets and handing it to Jacklyn.

"I'm surprised you'd ask that Jacklyn, I thought that be something Scarlett would ask," Ash said.

"Shut it." Scarlett hissed.

"If I may say? You're beautiful." Ash exclaimed

Scarlett stood there, crossed armed and rolling her eyes. Everyone was all over Cadence but, Scarlett just didn't care for it, or her.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" Cadence said, walking over to Scarlett to hug her

Scarlett pushed her away slightly and took a few steps back.

"I'm not your sweetie. You, nor dad, came looking for me when I ran away. You guys didn't accept me for who I was, so I left. Or was it? you just didn't care that much?" Scarlett said with an attitude.

"We felt it was your choice. There was no point in looking for you, you wouldn't have come back." Cadence said softly.

"Damn right. Parents are meant to support their children, not make them feel like an outcast." Scarlett snapped.

Cadence looked to the ground and sighed. It looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"I don't mean to be rude, but Scarlett. Don't you think your mother had gone through enough hell as it is? You running away? Heath killing Ogron? and now, Heath getting a funeral? Give her some slack." Ash explained.

Scarlett turned her head the other way and pucked her lips up. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head.

"You're kind of being a little brat right now girl, Stop it," Jacklyn said.

"Sorry about that. Scarlett has been out for the past few days, maybe, it's just waking up now that's got her so rattled. She got into a fight and got some pretty bad wounds." Ash explained.

"A fight? Oh my god, are you okay?" Cadence asked.

"Yes," Scarlett mumbled.

"Ash? I don't think she knows. Remember? She didn't even know about her own husband." Jacklyn whispered.

Scarlett was getting irritated by everyone acting like Cadence didn't do anything wrong, and Scarlett was being a brat. Scarlett ground her teeth together before, bursting a fuse.

"That's it! I can't take all this lying and secrets anymore. Listen, Cadence? Woman? Whoever you are. That's Ash, my boyfriend. He's a hybrid. That's Jacklyn, my best friend. She's a werewolf. I'm Scarlett, I'm a vampire and a vampire hunter. Heath was a vampire hunter and demon, Ogron was a vampire hunter. Manson and Tate were hunters too. Does that about sum it up for you? " Scarlett snapped.

"Wait? Your father, was a vampire hunter? How come he never told me?" Cadence questioned,

"Because he didn't want you to worry about him. Same with me, I never told you I was drinking blood because I knew you guys disapprove of it and kick me out. So, I left myself." Scarlett explained.

"I'm his wife, why couldn't he tell me? Did he not trust me?" Cadence questioned.

"It's not that he didn't trust you. He just didn't want to worry you, Hunting is a very dangerous job, it's not like working in an office. My injures were from Heath and my dad died from Heath too. That's why I killed him." Scarlett explained

Cadence stood there, tears filling her eyes at the mention of Heath and Dad. She pulled a tissue out from her pocket and tapped her eyes, trying not to ruin her make up.

"Heath killed Ogron and explained his entire life story. What makes no sense to any of us, is the fact he mentioned Ogron had a whole kingdom at his feet? What does that mean Cadence?" Jacklyn questioned.

"That's not something I can explain here. Is there somewhere safer we can go to? I don't want to be stood here on top of his grave." Cadence said.

"Yeah, come to our place, it's safe there," Ash said nodding

Cadence nodded and followed Ash. Jacklyn followed and Scarlett trailed slowly behind. You could tell Scarlett didn't want anything to do with Cadence. They reached their place after a little while of walking. Cadence stood at the steps of the house and looked up.

"Oh wow, This is your place Scarlett?" Cadence shockingly said.

"Yeah, mine and Ash's, Jacklyn stays here now too." Scarlett nodded

"It's very, Gothic, Very you guys." Cadence smiled.

They all walked inside and took off their coats and Jackets before placing themselves at the table in the living room. Scarlett made drinks for them all.

"Don't poison Cadence now." Ash laughed

"Funny, aren't you." Scarlett mocked.

Scarlett walked back over to where they all sat and placed the drinks down. Coffee for her and Ash, Tea for Jacklyn and green tea for Cadence.

"The kingdom thing. Well, How does one explain this? Scarlett's father used to be pretty famous. Everyone loved him, I loved him. When Scarlett left, he went out of his mind. He was either locked away in his bedroom or out for days. We lived in a huge house, bigger than this, a castle. So, when he was locked away it got lonely." Cadence explained, sipping her tea.

"You lived in a castle?" Jacklyn exclaimed.

"We did. It was huge. It was that massive they needed staff, just to manage it." Scarlett laughed.

"Yeah, we did. The people loved him. He always tried to make others happy before himself, I suppose that's what someone of his title does." Cadence sighed,

"Title? He had a title? Like, legendary hunter? knighted by the queen?" Ash asked confused

"Oh goodness no, Ogron was simply a very nobleman. Royal, if you could say. He thought the world of Scarlett but, got really upset when she left. It's like she took a piece of his heart." Cadence explained.

"Yes well, if I remember correctly, you and dad weren't exactly accepting of my style and other choices I wanted to make. You knew Jacklyn but, you never talked bad about her. You knew Ash but, never talked bad about him either. So why me?" Scarlett questioned

"Because you were our little girl, and we just wanted what was best for you. A parents job is to make sure what you are doing is what you really want to do." Cadence said.

"Yeah, okay. Just carry on" Scarlett huffed.

"Well, what title did he have? If he wasnt knighted or a ledgendary hunter, what was it?" Ash asked.

"Well, I can't knight him. A queen can't knight a king, can they? He tried everything to get his daughter back, but just accepted-" Cadence said before being cut off

"Wait, wait, wait. You're a queen? Orgon was a king!?" Jacklyn screamed.

"Yes, I just said that," Cadence said.

"That mean Scarlett is a princess? right?" Ash said, placing his cup down.

"Me? a princess? Not a chance. I'm not some fairy tale girl who lives in big puffy dresses." Scarlett laughed

"You are Scarlett. We just couldn't tell you. We were going to on your 18th birthday but you had gone. The staff search everywhere for you. I mean look at you, No one could of ever guess that was you. You've changed so much, your hair, piercings, tattoos, everything." Cadence said

"That's cliche, I'm not a princess. I can't be, look at me." Scarlett exclaimed

"When Scarlett left and Ogron died, I left the castle, the staff came with me. We just abandoned it." Cadence said

"You what? That's your home! You need to get it back!" Ash yelled.

Cadence put up her hand to calm the room. There was so much tension between everyone you couldn't think straight. Cadence got up to her feet and stood next to Scarlett and smiled.

"You are a princess Scarlett, just not one of those fairy tale ones, you don't need to live in puffy dresses. This isn't a Disney story." Cadence laughed.


This chapter was literally written without any notes, so kind of free styling this one. Let me know how it goes for you ^^

KatanaEvans123creators' thoughts