
Blood, Tears and revenge

Scarlett was hung there, by her neck in the hands of Heath. Heath wasn't exactly unmarked. He has cuts, bruises and injuries from Scarlett meanwhile, she had a massive slit right across her torso, next to the stab wound. Her blood dripped to the floor followed by the noise of her dropping her Katana. Scarlett hung there, choking and gasping for air. Heath was holding her in the air just a few centimetres above the ground.

"Heath! what have you done? Let her go!" Jacklyn snapped,

"You must have me mistaken Jacklyn. This one, this girl. Vampire, Means nothing to me. I could kill her on this very spot right now in front of you both. What does she mean to you? All she did was cause pain for you both. Look at her, What is it you have, that they don't?" Heath snapped.

"SCARLETT!" Ash yelled.

Before anybody could do or say something there was a loud slicing noise followed by a grunt of pain. Ash had fallen to his knees as he watched Heath shove his sword right through Scarlett's body. Jacklyn stood there frozen, tears began flooding her eyes. Pouring down her face, crashing to the floor. Heath then removed his sword from Scarlett's body and threw her against the wall. He gave himself a chuckle then turned to face Jacklyn.

"This is what you called a legendary hunter? Please. She's nothing more than a simple girl who drinks blood and calls herself a hunter. Shes pathetic." Heath laughed.

"S-s-scre-w--w Y-y-you" Scarlett gobbed in a mumbled way.

Heath turned and flashed his demonic eyes at Scarlett. He slowly walked over to her, grabbed her by the hair and pinned her against the wall. He began hitting her in the stomach with every word.

"Don't you dare insult me again you blood-drinking leech" He spoke with every punch.

He then dropped her to the floor and walked away and stopped next to Ash and Jacklyn.

"Don't get me wrong. She put up a good fight, Determined, Not the girl I once knew, Shes defiantly not the one I trained. I suggest you leave while you can or watch her slowly die. Your choice. Doesn't bother me either way." Heath said wiping blood off his face.

"What did she ever do to you!" Jacklyn snapped.

"And you guys still want to know her after all she did to you and Manson and Tate. Pathetic, the lot of you. Why would you want to know her still? She killed the two closest people to me. The people who trained her, That's proof of how cold-hearted she is. I felt it was only fitting that I killed her in return you know fair is fair right." Heath explained.

"She did it with reason. Heath, You're the monster here. You just killed her because she killed people you knew. Well those people who she killed, also tried to kill her. Fair is fair as you would say." Ash added.

Heath laughed, Thew a glare at Ash and walked away smirking to himself.

"Heath! GET BACK HERE-" Ash yelled

"ASH! We have bigger issues... Scarlett!" Jacklyn yelled haunting Ash in his tracks.

Ash and Jacklyn both ran over to where Scarlett was laying. Jacklyn threw herself next to Scarlett, kneeling in Scarlett's blood and then took a look at Scarlett's wounds. She removed Scarlett's trench coat off her body and took a look. She freaked and instantly covered it

"Oh, god. This is not good. Her wounds are really bad. Ash we gotta do something." She whispered.

Jacklyn took a look at the rest of her wounds, she placed a hand on Scarlett's face and moved her hair away to reveal a face full of bruises and blood. She sat there not knowing what to do. Ash took and peek and instantly ran out the room to look for supplies. He knew what was needed and what to do. Soon later he came back and handed Jacklyn a first aid box. They both attended quickly to Scarlett's wounds. Scarlett was covered head to toe in blood, bruises, cuts and huge wounds. They aided what they could but Scarlett still wasn't talking. Jacklyn gave her a shake but nothing. Ash looked at Jacklyn who was beginning to cry a little.

"Jacklyn, Hey stop it, She will be okay. Calm down. This is Scarlett, She won't let a little cut or bruise hurt her pride or kill her." Ash comforted

"Ash! Look at her. We need to get her out of here. These aren't just little cuts or bruises, these are serious Ash lets go." Jacklyn said.

Ash nodded, Stood up and grabbed Scarlett's sword. They both grabbed Scarlett and took her away.

"Jacklyn? Why did you not tell us about Heath? This kind of seemed like information we needed to know a while ago. Don't you think?" Ash asked

"Well, Honestly. I don't know. I thought he was dead. I had no clue he trained Manson and then got Manson to train Scarlett. If only I had known. She wouldn't be in this mess. I promise I will deal with it. Heath is my family, my dad. So I kind of feel like it's my reasonability to stop this mess. " Jacklyn explained.

"No, Don't blame yourself. Scarlett wouldn't want you too. Remember, she is strong look at everything she has gone through. She always comes out the other end, no matter what. When she is better we will all deal with him. Trust me. You know as well as I do Scarlett will wanna get her revenge on him in some way or another, so I think it's best until Scarlett has healed up then, we all go after him." Ash said.

Jacklyn smiled and nodded.

"Ash, Do you think when she is better she will want to hunt again? Or even be a vampire for that matter?" Jacklyn asked.

"Hmm. Honestly. I don't know. I wouldn't see why not, but then again I can also see why she wouldn't. Scarlett is unpredictable we just never know. Jacklyn don't worry, I'm scared too, She will be okay, I just know it." Ash said.

They soon reached the nearest hospital. Explained what had happened and showed the wounds that needed treating. Jacklyn had explained who Heath was but very briefly. The people at the hospital took Scarlett in and began aiding on her wounds in an emergency way.

" Oh gosh, that's awful and serious. This is seriously life or death here. We will take care of her" The nurse said taking Scarlett out their hands.

Jacklyn and Ash had decided to return home as they felt they couldn't watch. Ash still had a hold of Scarlett's Katana. Jacklyn and Ash had made their way home, Entered the house and locked the door behind them. Jacklyn collapsed onto the couch, Ash placed Scarlett's Katana on the table and placed himself into the chair close by. It was silent for a good while. No noise. Nothing. You could really feel the emotion and tension in the house. All you could hear was the noise of the clock in the kitchen ticking away by itself. Jacklyn soon later got off the couch and slowly walked over to the table where Ash was and placed herself onto the chair opposite him. She just looked at Scarlett's sword and didn't break her focus at all.

"What do we do now? its so quiet here isn't it? I mean Without Scarlett constantly there talking about how she wants revenge on everything? She was a good laugh. She always wanted to kill someone or get revenge on something or someone too. Or she would talk about her vampire lifestyle and tell us stories. She was amazing. " Jacklyn softly spoke,

Ash looked at Jacklyn with emotion in his eyes.

"Why are you talking about Scarlett like she's dead or not going to return Jacklyn. Please have faith in her" Ash said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried and paranoid. I just keep thinking of the worse. But your right, she will make it out alive, we both know this" Jacklyn added.

"Yeah, it does feel weird, I agree with you there. It's so quiet without her here. Its always buzzing with her personality in her and without her here its just, dead." Ash said.

"We should go back soon and see her, Ask how her recovery is going. Think of this, When Scarlett is better, You know and i know Heath is done for it. Scarlett won't let him get away with this. She won't let him win or almost kill her. She just isn't like that." Jacklyn said.

Ash had picked up Scarlett's Katana and placed it in a box and on the nearby shelf. They both soon had dragged themselves off to bed after a drink and stayed in the house for the next few days. Wondering what had happened in the hospital with Scarlett and if she was going to recover or not.