
Once More

CurseOneII · Autres
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 - First World

As he shouted out the name of the manga inside his mind, Alfred interrupted his ongoing drama, "Yes, it is that manga and the reason why this world is classified as danger level mid is due to the fact that the people here with this kind of talents are too few to count and so it lowered the danger"

"But still they are still above that danger level, heck the female lead here is a freaking stalker yandere with a freaking inhuman strength and speed"

"That female lead or Komori Hinako you're talking about can only exert that kind of strength is due to her emotions and obsession that is why she can do those feats so it's reasonable that she is counted as mid grade due to this fault" Alfred carefully explained to Hikaru on how Komori's strength emerged in every scene in the manga involving Ichimura.

"Fine I guess you have a point but still living my with this criminal magnet would be a huge pain.... Well power always come with a price as the saying goes" Hikaru sighed in his mind as he thought of his life from now on as imagining himself handling all the criminals that comes after his twin brother's ass.

"So, Alfred. I haven't asked yet what is the mission this world has given to me? Let me guess it involves my brother right?" Potenciano said in his mind as his child body feeling sleeping due to the commotion.

"Yes, would you like to see the mission, master" Alfred asked while Potenciano gave confirmation to it.


Main: Brotherhood

- Protect Ichimura from danger until he doesn't need your protection (0/1)

- Help Ichimura to have at least 1 true friend in his childhood before canon starts (0/1)

- Graduate from Seishin Highschool (0/1)

Reward: 20,000 pts. and refresh of resting period

Sub: None


"....." Hikaru was silent as he saw the contents of the mission and for reason unknown he felt like the overseer really care much on this MC.

"Is there any problem, master?" Alfred asked as Hikaru was silent for quite a while now.

"Nothing, I just thought that this mission would be fairly easy since some of this requirement can be easily handled but having a true friend before the canon start is a pickle since his curse wouldn't allow him a normal childhood" Hikaru says as he thought to himself on what should he do for the second requirement, "I'll just think of it but for now I should think which universe to download so I could buy in the shop now"

"Alfred, I would like to download a universe now?" Hikaru requested to Alfred as it asked "Which universe would you like for me to download?"

"But before that let me ask you if you download let's say Marvel Universe, How long would it take for your resting period to end?" Hikaru asked

"Hmmm.....Testing size of universe and time needed for CPU to rest.... Results is it would take about 350 years before system could load another universe to my system" Alfred answered as Hikaru was shocked by the years needed to rest by the system.

"How the DC universe, how would it take for it's resting period?" Hikaru asked as the same answer was once again answered by Alfred.

"Hmmm.... They both have the same resting period so it would be which of the two is more useful?" Hikaru says as he contemplates on which of the two he would choose.

After thinking for more than 10 minutes, he finally made a decision, "Alfred, I would like to download DC universes"

"Why DC universe, master" Alfred curiously asked.

"Well I just though since both are the same having strong heroes and villains and I just have a reward for refreshing your resting period after I finish this mission, it wouldn't matter much since I would get bought" Hikaru answered.

"Very well, please stand by. The download will be finished in a minute... Download complete, shop is now open" Alfred says as Hikaru then manually opens the shop interface as he saw list of everything from the superheroes to even the villains stuff as list came rolling still.


Search: _____________________








• Batman - Genius Level Intellect

• Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) - Natural Aptitude for having natural aptitudes

• Green Arrow - Archery (Expert)

• Arsenal - Weapons Expert

• Batman - Detective Skills (Expert)

• Karate Kid - Mind Resistance

• Batman - Photographic Memory

• Arsenal - Espionage


As he browsed through the shop, he find a peculiarity as he asked, "Hey Alfred, Why is everything in this shop is tagged Humanity level? where are the Superman's powers here or even Green lantern?"

"Answering your question, the shop is currently prohibited to sell items, skills, abilities and anything that is above the world's grade meaning skills like Superman, Wonder woman, or any else are prohibited and only Humanity Grade skills are allowed here since it would be catastrophic for the inhabitants of this world to know that there is a person having superpower existing here and may cause great war against the nation where that person reside" Alfred explained enlightening Hikaru of the consequences.

"Hmmm.... Then I will just take a look on the shop list then and see which of this could be useful to me" Hikaru murmured as he browse through the list as he clicked on a shop skill only to be surprise by its price, "Holy ****!!! A 200,000 pts. for a genius level intellect. Why don't you go rob a bank, why don't 'cha?!"

As he browse once again, he picked another skill only to see the prices are expensive and then pick another only to see a high price. "Why are all of this so expensive, Alfred?"

"It is because they're all from the peak level skills and abilities your looking at, master. Also all of this came from outstanding individuals and there experience also comes with it"

"Okay" Hikaru calm down as he filtered the items from peak to low and browsed the shop list.

Seeing the list, he saw all the list ranging from cooking, diverse languages, different martial arts and many more and when he browse through skills to abilities to see its costs, there are some ranging for over 5,000 points while the lowest he found was over a thousand namely cooking mastery level 2.

"Why are the prices so expensive even even cooking mastery is over a thousand points and there's nothing in that cost only for some hundred points? Tell me, Alfred what is your basis on pricing them like so?" Hikaru asked his system.

"Answering, master it's because the skills and abilities there will be directly learned by you straightforward, no training required and all information regarding it is given. All you needed would be the conditioning of your body and mind to handle the it" Alfred explained

"Then how do I earn points? I can't like get materials to exchange while I am still a child's body"

"Master, there is another way for you to earn points"

"How?" Hikaru asked

"By getting your daily points everyday" Alfred answered

"You have something like that, Alfred!?" Hikaru was silent for a sec before he blurted out as he was shocked to know about it.

"Yes" Alfred say stating it as true.

"Where is it? Alfred, show me!" Hikaru says eagerly.

"As you wish, it's in the Status interface on the points side there you will see a receive icon, just click on it. Oh, master the receive points can be done once everyday as the points you receive are random between 10 - 50 points" Alfred instructed as Hikaru opened the interface.


Original Name: Potenciano Mactanggol

Current Name: Hikaru Tamito

Age: 21 (2) Level: 0

Species: Human (Soul)

Currency: ¥

Points: 0 Receive 🆗

Titles: System's owner


Strength: 1 Agility: 2

Endurance: 2 Vitality: 2

Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 7

Attribute Points: 0


•Cooking (1/10) •Swordsmanship (2/?)

•Mixology (1/10)


•Danger Awareness (2/10)

•Keen Senses (1/10)


"Hold up, Alfred. How about the two years worth of points I missed when my mind was locked? Can I still claim it?" Hikaru asked hoping that he could still claim the points.

"Don't worry, master. I already knew you would ask for it so I took it upon myself to claim it for you, here master..... 'YOU RECEIVED 11,886 pts." Alfred says as a notification pop up inside Hikaru's mind.

"Your the best, Alfred" Hikaru says as he imagine himself hugging a imaginary Alfred while jumping in glee.

"It is my job to serve you, master"

"Okay, time to receive my points for today" Hikaru clicked the receive button as a wheel pop up in his mind as rows of numbers could be seen upon it, then the wheel started to spin.

The wheel spun fast as it reached its fastest, it began to slow down as the wheel's arrow brushing past the 50 pts. award as it slows down and rested upon the 29 pts. slot as fireworks began popping at its side.

"Open Status, Alfred" Hikaru excitedly says as he looked at the total points he currently have.


Original Name: Potenciano Mactanggol

Current Name: Hikaru Tamito

Age: 19 (2) Level: 0

Species: Human (Soul)

Currency: ¥

Points: 11,915 Receive at 23:48 hrs.

Titles: System's owner


"So, It will take me 10 to15 years to get me a hundred thousand points. I can prepare myself then and buy me something useful to protect myself to the shenanigans when the canon start" murmured Hikaru in his mind.

"Is there anything else you want me to do, master?" Alfred asked waiting orders.

"Nothing, Alfred. You can rest for now" Hikaru dismissed as Alfred became silent.

"Now, I just need to live my life for now and prepare for the canon to start"


Hikaru PoV

Two years had gone by from awakening and now I am 4 years old, I can now talk and walk normally which is good, my looks are becoming more prominent with the silver hair in a inward shifted fringe style and hazel brown eyes while my little brother, Ichimura has grown as his black hair and hazel brown eyes made more adorable but the thing that shocked me was he was a lot smarter than your average 4 years old kid since he could now read and do simple arithmetic, maybe this is what main characters are like.

After that fire incident happened, my family move to another city since the rate of criminals going after them increase as burglars, kidnappers, and many kept on targeting them more specifically Ichimura Tamito.

After moving to there new home, his family finally had a time of peace and finally, he had finally have a chance to go out and play outside with his twin since there home is close by a park there parent finally appeased after he and Ichimura both used one of the weakness an adult has that is "Puppy Eyes"

After saying our farewell, I brought Ichimura to the park as they saw the kids playing while there parent or guardian watch them from afar while there is some grandparents feeding pigeons with crumbs.

"Hey, big brother. There, let's play over there at the sandbox" he was disturbed from his sightseeing as Ichimura began to pull him over at the sandbox, as the kids build some sand castles.

While he may look like a child but inside he is already 23 if he adds up his age, but nevertheless he couldn't say no to his little brother as he surrender to him since he even used the Puppy Eyes at him.

While they're playing, he saw a girl playing alone in one side of the sandbox as she builds her own sandcastle. At first he thought that she's a loner but when he saw a boy took the girl's pale and ask who owns it like he didn't see the girl behind him as she grabs the boy's hand then spoke to him.

"That is mine" the girl says

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was yours" the boy gave the pale back as the girl release as the boy began to act strange as the other kids began asking why is talking by himself.

"I don't remember" the boy says as he came back to play with others.

The girl grabs the boys hands once again and told him that he was talking to her but the boy says innocently, "Who are you again?"

The girl let's go of the boy's hand, bows her head as she returned back to playing alone.

Finding it strange, I asked my twin brother if he could see the girl and he says yes then I tell him if he could play with her since she looks so lonely. Ichimura agrees as he came over and stand beside the girl.

"Hey" He called out.

"...." the girl looks at him with a confused look as her tears drip from her face.

"Why are you crying, sis?" Ichimura says as he kneels down and wipes her tears.

"You can see me?" the girl asked as disbelief painted in her face while staring at my twin.

"Uhmm.....Yes. Why? Is there a reason not to see you" Ichimura innocently asked as the girl cried as she hugs Ichimura and wails on about there is finally somebody who can see her.

"Uh..uh...uh, brother. What should I do?" Ichimura asked for my help as he look to where I'm standing while I look at him with a smug look and cheered him on.

After he finally calm down the girl, he began to ask why she was crying about and the thing that somebody could see her. She told him that she has special constitution that makes her presence become nothing as well as anyone she interacts to will after a period of time forget all about her and only her parents could see her.

My brother was emotional after listening to her story, he then told her about him and his constitution as well and that he would play with her and he could be her first friend. The girl was startled at my twin's announcement and then she started tearing up as she cried and wailed on about finally having someone as a friend.

"Oh yeah, my older twin is also here. He is over there, come let me introduce you to him" Ichimura says as she drag her to where I am while she strangles as she says, "But can he even see me, I don't want to trouble"

"Don't worry, leave it to me since I know my brother than anyone else" Ichimura assured as they arrived in front of me.

"Brother meet my friend, she's like me who has a weird constitution. This is my older twin brother, Hikaru. Brother, she is uh.... what's your name, sis?" Ichimura excitedly says before remembering he hadn't asked for her name yet.

The girl trembles in anxiety as she spoke in a mosquito like voice, "Hi, my name is Kanan, Harukaze Kanan. It is nice to meet you"

I look at them and returned the greeting with enthusiasm, "Hello, nice to meet you as well. My name is Hikaru Tamito, Can I call you Kanan-chan?"

"She looked at me with surprise as she asked, "You can see me as well?"

"Yes, Why? It's not like your a ghost right?" I asked

"No, I am surprised that there are others that can see me other than my parents" she says as tears began down.

"Hey, don't cry" I panicked as I embraced and patted her back, as my brother gave her a hug.

We stood there for some seconds before she seized crying as I asked her, "There....there. Are you feeling better now? Do you need more hugs?"

"No, thank you. I'm feeling better now" Kanan says a she sniffles and brushed her tears with her arm.

"Kanan, would like to be friends with us?" My brother asked with stars in his eyes.

"Are you sure you would want to be friends with me even with my constitution" She says as her aura become gloomy.

"Sure, we will. You're a good girl, so who wouldn't want to friend with you, Kanan-chan besides my brother's constitution here is more troublesome since he is like a walking criminal magnet" I say as I put my hand on her head as I rubbed it until her hair is a mess. "So would you like to play with us Kanan-chan?"

"Uhm!!" Kanan agrees as we head back to the sandbox to play.

Finally made some improvement with this, I'm happy with what I achieve today.

Next time, I should improve more on conversation skills and situation making since I'm so lacking at that area.

Also, thank you for those reading this and even those who took a bit of their time reading my work.

Also to those who don't know what world this is just go to your manga reading website and type "Criminale!" and you will see it there if not go to mangatown.com and type it there.

CurseOneIIcreators' thoughts