
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

We are all specks of star dust

Having dinner at a restaurant called, 'Jounheim Neitr' the two members of the Winter family left feeling stuffed and satisfied. They proceed walking to one of the main gates, heading back towards the village.

"Mum, what happened in the last calamity?"

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to worry about the ramblings of an old man. You can learn more about what happened on the calamity in school."

Although most of the education is self-taught in families, there are still public schools catering towards orphanages and children whose parents are too busy to teach.

Liz, however was referring to the Magic Academy that allows children from 14-16 to enrol in, as she had taught Avel how to read and write, knowing he's more than capable of learning by himself. Additionally, she was certain that her son was smart in arithmetic calculations as well.

Avel couldn't help but sigh at the thought of attending a school again. Despite not needing to go to a public school, the thought of having to spend 3 years in a place full with adolescents filled with pride, bothers him.

'Mate, that's at least another 9 years 'till I learn anything about it. I wonder if there's books keeping records of it instead.. There's no public library in the village and, I could only go to the city's library when I'm accompanied by either one of my parents.'

Leaving one of the main gates and having a few greetings and salutes from some of the guards, Avel and his mother are seen walking on a brick-tiled path towards Lutchberg' village. Liz is in a merry mood after having a cute 'date' with her precious son while, Avel is lost in thought.

'A man who thinks all the time, has nothing to think about except thoughts.'

'In children's' books they portray the calamity as a catastrophic event. As if stormy and dark weather would cause the end of the world. Mentions of the heroes regarding the four seasons were portrayed more than the actual event of calamity itself.'

'Welp, guess I could care less about the calamity. Maybe I could ask Tess or Jen about it instead. Perhaps even, my sister, once she's back after graduating school.'

'After completing MEMPHIS 2.3, my next goals are to-', as Avel was about to continue his thoughts, the gravity force surrounding him began to feel heavier as he was beginning to think that he was under attack.

Although he was starting to lose his footing on the ground and fall due to imbalance, his first thoughts were to protect his mother. Turning his head towards her to assess the situation, contrary to his belief, she doesn't seem to be affected at all by the sudden increase of gravity.

Puzzled, it wasn't until she moved, when he could move freely again. It was as if her motion caused the abrupt event to dissipate into thin air.

"What.. was that?"

"Hm.. it seems someone wanted to test our strengths thinking we'd be an easy prey to rob. Don't worry sweetie, I've sent someone to go after the person who dared to touch my son."

'She did? I barely noticed a thing.. Is there so much of a difference between us in terms of power? Why did she sound like a Manhua character?'

"May I know what he did to do that? Was that a spell?"

"Aww honey, you're so cute. That wasn't a magic spell."


"It was just mana. When you have a large amount of mana stored in your body and around you, it is possible to concentrate on those amount of mana, affecting the gravity of your surroundings. The purer the colour of mana, the greater it would influence the concentration and strength of gravity involving the mana that you store.

Think of it as increasing the mass around you without having mass at all, as that mass is replaced with mana instead. It's as if you are a miniature planet with a set amount of gravity equating to the mana you possess."

"What.. then how come you weren't affected by it?"

"Because I simply have more mana that is stored and concentrated within and around me, as compared to whoever that was that did that. Other times, when both you and another mage have an equilibrium amount of mana stored as well as concentration, it results in having no effect towards one another at all.

Mana Pressure is usually the term that's being used to call this effect against another. It's a common way on how one would know if another mage is stronger or weaker, based on another's Mana Pressure."

"Whoa, but what about warriors or knights who aren't mages? What becomes of them if they were to be under the effects of Mana Pressure?"

"Some warriors and knights are trained to be accustomed to the effects of Mana Pressure. Others have what is called, 'Aura' which is able to slightly negate the effects involving Mana Pressure. Otherwise, they would crumble just by being under the effect."

"I see. I'm glad I'm with you, mum! You're so strong!"

"Aren't I? Hehe", she gestured as she flexed her arm muscles indicating that she's strong towards her son.

'Haah, guess I have another thing to worry about. Practicing Mana Pressure.'

'As I was just saying earlier, after completing project MEMPHIS 2.3 and gaining 7 orangey-yellow trains, my next goal is to increase my endurance. No one likes a glass cannon build unless they're certain the enemy would be done in one, or they're a demon no-hit runner.'

'I've noticed it earlier but as compared to myself and my mother, she has mana both within and surrounding her. It's as if the mana in the air is naturally attracted to her. Not only that, the mana surrounding her is of the same colour as the mana within. Yet, I'm not sure as to how I would be able to replicate the behaviour of mana, myself.'

'I'm familiar with the mana stored within me, but the mana surrounding myself is on a whole different level. Perhaps I should rely on my senses rather than my sight in this case.'