
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Pontiac Bandit

Mage Academy, although the name sounds grandiose, the structure of the school is built like a temple that's guarded by fortresses. The buildings are all marble white, and there are stained glass windows that represents the four seasons.

Imagine an ancient church that's big enough to hold rooms for hundreds of students. Then surround that church with walls and fortresses in the corner of all four sides.

The only thing that had made it appear magical was that, within each of the fortresses consists a magical device which emanates a spherical barrier surrounding the entire field.

Couple of years have passed.

Avel is now of age where is he applicable to enrol into the academy, filled with hopeful and talented adolescents. A lot has happened since then and fortunately, there were no attacks upon the village ever since the last raid had occured.

He is seen in his classic black attire albeit taller now with average length hair, walking on the paths, towards what seems to be the main reception of the academy. Where, a lady attendant who dons the school attire and a purple wizardry hat stood behind the counter.

"Greetings, how may I help you?"

"Hi. Is that hat customary or is it a requirement to wear them?"

"Eh?", she questioned, looking flustered.

"Never mind. I've applied here beforehand, may I receive the keys to my dorm?"

"Ah. Please show me your details and verification doc..."

'8 years went by.'

'I've grown a lot stronger than I'd expected but, here I am.'

"Thank you for your verification. Here are your keys, room eight, eighteen.

In the student handbook, you are able to find a map of the school.

A pleasure, having you with us."



A knock was made to a room but without waiting for a response, a moment later the door was opened and Avel entered the room.

'A shared room, huh.'

The room wasn't small. If possible, you'd be able to fit three double-decker busses side by side. In it, were two super-single sized beds and two study tables on each ends. There was also a bathroom and wardrobes by the other end of the room.

It was minimalistic.

As Avel was setting his things down the door could be heard to be opened by someone, following which was the entrance of a young boy.

The boy looked flashy, styled medium-length silver hair and, blue eyes, his clothes screamed jewelry as gems were embroidered in the seams of the cuffs and buttons.


"What?! This has to be a mistake, why is it a shared room?! Father never told me about this!"

"I'm Avel. Nice to meet you too."

"Don't talk to me, peasant. Leave this room at once."

"You sure you're in the right room?"

"Are you sane? Questioning a noble and his actions? I'll have you executed this instant, if you did not just jest."

"Mate, relax. If you have a problem with the room, go and ask the reception lady, don't bring it up with me."

"'Mate'? Are you seriously considering me, a noble, as a 'buddy', to a filthy trash, like you?"

'This dude is getting on my nerves. Should I kill him?

No. Who am I to play judge and, decide who gets to live and who doesn't. Just because I have more than average strength doesn't mean I should misuse it.

With great power comes great re-'

"I'll have you executed if you don't leave the room, this instant."

'Fuck the judge, I'm the executioner.'


"What's all this commotion?!", a matured sounding voice echoed in the halls. Ever since the room had been opened by the flamboyant noble, he stood by the door and had started to whine for a good half a minute.

The man who had just spoken out, appeared as if he had authority. He wore an attire that conveys the impression that he was a teacher. He wore a white buttoned up shirt donned with a maroon red robe which had the insignia of a maple leaf on the left side of it. He had black hair and clear blue eyes.

'The mana around him is calm as compared to his current attitude.'

"What seems to be the problem here?"

"Ah, yes. I was just assigned to this room but as you can see, a peasant is in the very same room where a noble, such as I, am assigned to.

Dispose of him, this instant."

"Hm?", the man glanced at me, then looked back towards the boy.

"What are you doing? Do I have to repeat myself twice? I sai-"

Mana Pressure flared, surrounding the room and it had caught the noble off guard. The pressure was heavy, equivalent to a solid blue mana pressure and it was currently being emitted by the man who seems to be of authority.

[Using mana sense, I am able to verify that the colour of the boy's mana purity was about orange-yellow as I pretended to be somewhat affected by the pressure.]

"wh..at.. is.. th..e mea..ning.. of... thi.s...", the noble murmured as best as he could, under the intense pressure.

"I don't know what world you've been living in, kid. But, right now you're in Mage Academy, where everyone's treated equally. There's no noble or peasant, here. Only merit and grades matters.

Now, unless you're an elite with exemplary grades, you best get off your high horse,

'less you want to be suspended."

Without missing a beat, the man left without checking the condition of the noble boy who had raised a complaint of his accommodation.

"Huffff", the boy exhaled, as if he had just been holding his breath for too long.

"You good?"

"Beat it, peasant."

'Hmm.. solid blue mana, huh. Is that the average for the instructors of the academy? I wonder if there's anyone here with a mana purity that is of indigo or violet.'

As Avel continued to unpack his belongings, the boy who had once entered the room, left to inform his parents, in response to the incident that had just transpired.

Once Avel finished unloading his personal belongings, he left the room carrying the student handbook, to explore around the campus.