
The heart of Li Yixing

Yixing was playing with the box that Huobai gave him. He didn't remember at all having it or giving it to Yixing. But he felt it was somewhat familiar to him. 

He looked around the gaming room and knew this was no place to open it up. And he had to get Li Zhao and take the key he had around his neck. Or that was at least what Huobai suggested he should do. 

Huobai said he remembered parts of his past. And Yixing remembered something, too. He had a feeling that he dreamt about the chest in the hospital, but he wasn't so sure about it. 

Yixing looked at his teammates… Most of them were still bewildered by the fansign they held. And Huobai was nowhere to be seen. He had to visit his grandparents.