

"What are you doing?" Yixing asked, walking closer to Yitian. But Yitian didn't reply. Having a headset on, he probably didn't hear. So, Yixing came closer. He noticed him watching a gaming stream. Or it was just a loading screen for now.

Yixing lightly tapped on Yitian's shoulder. He jerked himself and quickly took down the headset while turning around to see who it was.

"Oh, sorry, I was listening to this guy…" He smiled when he saw Yixing and put down the headphones on the stand next to him. Yixing smiled, took Chao's chair, and rolled it closer to Yitian.

"I'm bored. Do you mind me being here with you?" Yixing asked, just to be sure he wasn't bothering him. But Yitian flashed him a big grin and put his headset away completely.

"No, it's awesome you joined me. I'm glad." He grinned and put the scream on a full screen. Not that Yixing was a complete idiot, but he had no idea what was going on.

"Who is that? What's going on?" He pointed his finger at the screen that showed a guy in a black mask.

If Yixing had to be honest, he was captivated by the image. Black hair flowing down on pale skin, deep black eyes looking from behind them.

Then he could see a really stylish mask with leather and chains. Underneath that was a very slender pale neck. And because Yixing saw many people in his life. Many women and men that had desired beauty. He was intuitive towards it.

And now, he had the perfect being in front of his eyes. Even though he didn't see underneath the mask, he could see two tiny moles on the bridge of the person's nose. A sign of beauty.

"This guy is a really good player. And he makes live streams. I was thinking of trying to poach him on our team. But someone else was faster than us. I'm now waiting for the result." Yitian nodded towards the screen and woken Yixing up from his trance.

"Team?" he asked, confused. He never knew they would establish a team by themselves. He thought they would actually join someone more famous.

"Yeah, we are thinking of making a team. You know Chao's personality. He would never be able to take someone else's orders," Yitian said, and Yixing chuckled. It was such a truth. Chao wasn't able to take orders, even from his own family. Not saying some stranger.

"The game is there." Yixing pointed out, and they watched the game unfold. Four people were entering the forest. The stream comments were exploding with rage about one of the players, and Yixing was lost.

"What's going on? The guy called MoSHU is the one streaming, right?" he asked, but there was no one next to him. He looked down and saw Yitian unplugging the headset. Then he played with Bluetooth and connected the computer to the nearby speakers.

The people on the screen were running towards the forest, leaving one behind them. Yitian frowned and shook his head.

"They are making a mistake from the beginning. The boss isn't that hard, but you need a good team. There are only four of them and a poor combination of professions. The magician is the slowest. They should be covering him. He is the only one long-ranged there." Yitian was commenting on the game and Yixing suddenly realized he was really good.

From the comments on the screen, he saw that those three were from a known gaming team. Just playing borrowed characters. If Yitian saw something they didn't, he must have been a really good player.

"What are you doing?" someone shouted and Yixing's eyes went back to the game on the screen.

The three players were collectively attacking the boss, not caring about the magician in the back. Even Yixing, who did not play a game other than Tetris and Pokemon in his life, knew it was wrong.

"You are not using all of your skills! You want us to lose?!" another person shouted and the person in the corner of the screen shrugged and started using all the spells on his skill bar.

"They will lose quickly." Yitian chuckled and took a sip of water that was standing on the side.

"How can you be so sure?" Yixing asked. He had the same feeling, but Yitian looked really confident that it would be over quickly.

"This boss summons minions after hitting enough rage. The more you attack him with spell skills, the bigger the rage will be. So MoSHU did well before, waiting and conserving his power for the minions because his profession wasn't a suitable match for this boss." Yixing whistled when he heard the explanation.

He looked at the skill bar and saw that almost all the magical and group attacks had big cooldowns. Some even half an hour. The one that had the least was ten minutes.

Of course, when they all attacked him at the same time, soon the boss summoned his minions from behind them, so all four of them were surrounded.

"Use your group spells!" someone shouted and MoSHU's eyes squinted. Yixing knew this type. It was when someone held back his laughter. They laughed at the same time with Yitian and looked at each other, surprised.

"You get that one too?" Yitian asked, and Yixing nodded, smiling.

"I used them, you told me to use them all!" MoSHU shouted back in fake panic. His voice was gentle, smooth, wrapping around Yixing as the softest Mulberry silk shawl.

He started using his minor spells, the only one that had a short cooldown and he could use them repeatedly. It worked for some time, but there were too many minions to deal with. MoSHU's health and MP started to be too close to death.

"Shoot for the three next to the boss, left! Make it fall on the boss!" he shouted. Yixing chuckled and looked at Yixing.

"He played with us a few times before. And is what Chao used to deal with a similar boss," he explained, and Yixing nodded with a grin on his face.

The screen lit red for MoSHU and showed that they lost due to the time running out.

"It shows that SuoXiangWuDi is the usual leader, this was really messy," he read one of the comments.

When his pitch changed, calmed, Yixing was trapped. Even hot melted chocolate wasn't as sweet as his voice. It deepened and every nerve in Yixing's body responded with shivering.

"I think you are not fit for our team," someone said and woke up Yixing. MoSHU chuckled, and it was such a pleasant sound to Yixing that he got goosebumps. If he had to be honest, he probably had even half wood from the voice. So exciting, pleasant, and beautiful the voice was.

"Okay, okay. Thank you for defending me. But don't be hateful, it's okay for me. What if I continue playing and maybe my friend will show up online…" he said and Yitian poked Yixing for the fourth time.

"I was asking you something…" he sighed when Yixing finally tore his eyes away from the screen and looked at him.

"What?!" he exclaimed, making Yitian flinch.

"If you would like to join us in the game…?" he asked, probably one last time.