

The restaurant was exactly the type of food Yixing hated. He was allergic to seafood, and they brought him to a sushi restaurant? Were they trying to kill him? 

Huobai was even more amazed when they arrived there. It was so inconsiderate. But he got to know Li Yechao's character just from Yixing's stories and those few interactions he had with him. And this fitted his character perfectly. 

"I will take…" Yixing couldn't choose for a long time, because he couldn't have fishes or shrimps, there wasn't anything more than vegetable sushi to eat. And he wasn't fond of that.

"Give me the sushi set two, wakame, and teriyaki chicken poke. We will eat together," Huobai ordered, and Yixing was surprised. He couldn't remember if he told Huobai about his allergy or not, so he leaned towards him, ready to whisper it. 

"You shouldn't whisper in the presence of elders," his father told him as soon as he saw it. Yixing had a tendency to roll his eyes, but he knew it would start another nagging time.

They brought in the food and placed the chicken bowl in front of Yixing. As if they knew. It was black rice with vegetables and slices of chicken. Perfect for him. 

Yixing wanted to thank Huobai, who was now separating sushi and making a new type from it, just for him. He gave him all those vegetable ones, and when he was ready to take off the seaweed, Yixing stopped him. He was okay with that.

"Don't be picky about your food. That is not something a man should be," his father said and Yixing opened his mouth, stunned.

"Are you kidding me? Who picked this restaurant?" Huobai erupted, surprising everyone.

"I did," Changer smiled sweetly and Huobai showed only disgust on his face.

"You knew Yixing was coming, right?" he asked, and she nodded. Her head was lowered as if she was submissive even to Huobai.

"Mr. Li, you knew what restaurant was picked?" Yixing calmly put the chicken into his mouth and squeezed Huobai's hand under the table, stopping him. 

"Of course I knew. I had to make sure the restaurant was good enough for us." He smiled as if he was expecting praise. 

"That's why I told him to not be picky about food. The food here is excellent," he added. And Huobai was disgusted even more. 

They obviously didn't care about Yixing at all. They didn't even know something like that. He saw Yixing with the corner of his eyes to pick up sushi without looking where and as in slow-motion; he saw him slowly putting in sushi with shrimp in it.

"Don't," he screamed and pressed his hand up to Yixing's mouth. Just close enough that Yixing stopped his chopstick against his hand. It was that close of a call. 

"You idiot! Don't eat when you are not looking!" Huobai yelled. He was scared. A lot. His heart was beating at the speed of a taking-off plane.

"Sorry," Yixing mumbled as he put down the sushi back.

"Why are you overreacting like this?" Li Yechao yelled, and stood up. That was something for Huobai's temperament. 

"It's all your fault! Even if you are trying to kill him, at least shoot him! Don't suffocate him, you moron!" Yixing had no idea whether to laugh or be scared of Huobai when he yelled back. 

But his father was definitely taken aback, together with Changer and Binghuo. It was probably the first time ever that someone yelled at him.

"How dare you?!" Li Yechao stood up from his chair and Huobai followed. 

"Yes, I fucking dare. He is allergic, you dimwit!!" he yelled back and pulled Yixing up, and dragged him away. Yixing tried to put the chopstick back at the table, but Huobai was stronger than he thought, so he couldn't do it.

They stormed out of the room, passing by quite confused servers. Yixing reached out his hand with the chopsticks while still being dragged away.

"They are from the table. Can you take them back, please? Thank you," he managed to say before he was too far away. But in the end, he almost shouted for him to be heard. 

"Huobai. We are out of there. Can you slow down? I think you have longer legs than I do, even though we are almost the same height." Yixing chuckled. 

Somehow, he felt great. Suddenly, it wasn't only him that argued with his father. He had someone on his side, and that filled him with happiness. 

"I'm sorry," he said when they stopped completely on the corner of the street. Huobai stopped, took out his phone, and searched for something for a while. 

"Do you want to go somewhere with me, for a long time?" Huobai asked after he smiled at the phone. Yixing wanted to forget everything for now. He wanted his happiness to stay longer, so he nodded. 

"Let's go. We need to run to Pik Hoi House." That wasn't that far, but they still managed to arrive and buy tickets just as the train arrived. They stood inside and waited for some seats to be freed, but there were more and more people coming in.

"How long are we going?" Yixing asked, and Huobai sighed. 

"An hour and a half or something," he answered, looking defeated. Yixing had no idea where they were going, but if it was that long they would arrive at night definitely. 

And they did. It was dark already when they finally got out of the train and then into a taxi. It was a weekday so there weren't many people there when they arrived. They went on foot a while before Yixing could see their destination. 

"Astropark?" he asked, stunned. Neither of them ever was there, but Yixing couldn't know that. But Huobai guessed it and he wanted to try it out. 

"We should calm down there. It should be nice." Huobai smiled at him and took his hand, and they walked together to the Astropark. 

They arrived at the gate to buy tickets. When Huobai Yixing wanted to take some money from his pocket, he was surprised that he was still holding Huobai's hand. 

He raised it up and, stunned, stared at it for a while. Huobai did the same. They walked like this without even realizing it. 

Was that a good sign or bad? 

Imagine how Yixing felt when he was a child. Somehow, my heart broke when I realized how painful his childhood must have been.

Thank you for reading and supporting my book<3 I would be nothing without you <3 :)

Eolicreators' thoughts