

"You what? You told the school head he hit you?" Yixing exclaimed, totally baffled.

Chao came back from the library totally pissed and smashing things around. Let's say Yixing wasn't exactly happy because of that, so he asked one stupid question you should never ask.

"What happened?" He looked up from his phone and by a second he managed to evade a textbook that was thrown his way. Yixing only raised his brows in surprise and looked directly at Chao.

"He escaped again!" he yelled and threw a few more papers. Yixing frowned, he wanted to know who was the one cleaning this up. But he knew it wouldn't be him, even if he risked death.

"Why are you so obsessed with that boy?" Yixing asked him a pretty important question, at least important for Yixing. But Chao looked at him as if he grew a pair of feelers on his head.

"I'm not obsessed!" Chao shouted once more, and Yixing winced. It was pretty loud, echoing in their room. But somehow, he loved the way Chao was fussing and fuming.

"You were getting all worked up because he disappeared. And now you almost killed me because I asked. I think you are thinking about him a lot more than you admit…" Yixing said nonchalantly. He saw that Chao halted in his tracks and looked at him, totally shocked.

"Why would I do that?" he asked, astonished. Yixing chuckled and shrugged. How was he supposed to know that? He threw back the textbook which Chao skillfully with quick reflexes caught, and went back to his sitting position.

"Ask that yourself. I don't know your shared history. I have no idea what you went through together…" Yixing took his phone and opened messages.

"I ratted him out, which resulted in his suspension, even though I knew he had an abusive mom. Then I found him half dead on the road and took him to hospital," Chao finished and Yixing just gawked at him. This was… something he did not expect at all.

"Wait, what happened?!" he exclaimed, totally stunned. Somehow only a few words managed to enter his brain.

"I found him on our school roof. He wanted to jump. It was hard not to notice his bruises, even though he tried to hide them. Then he told me about his mother, that she beats him up for many reasons. The school was one of them." Chao stopped and sat down on his bed, took a pillow, and hugged it. He looked at Yixing for a sign that he should continue. So, Yixing nodded, afraid to say something.

"That day the results of final exams came up, and I was first. He was second. For him. It meant another beating. Out of desperation and anger, he punched me. Teachers came and asked if we fought, took us to the principal office and I said he punched me." Chao concluded his story-telling, and Yixing was speechless. Many thoughts circling in his head.

"Then you met again here? In the library?" he asked, curious about it. But Chao shook his head.

"No, I met him the same day. I found him beaten up in the middle of the road, in the middle of the night. I took him to the hospital and left my driver there with him and took a walk. When I came back, he was gone." Chao punched the pillow and Yixing took his phone and fiercely scribbled words down and hit send.

"Father?" Chao asked, knowing what was going on and Yixing nodded. He said he would tell everything to his father, and he was.

"Don't forget some juicy details." Chao laughed, to Yixing's surprise he was taking it really well. But given what Chao did himself, it made more sense.

"So, have you thought about that guy? Do you even know his name?" Yixing changed the topic back to Chao again, which made Chao chuckle.

"His name is Wang Yitian. Same grade as us. The Architecture department, at least those books he looked for, said it." Yixing nodded, satisfied with the information he got.

"So, now you can contact him?" Yixing asked, and the gaze that Chao looked at him with could kill. Yixing laughed out loud. How come he didn't have a way of contacting him? They met… they should have exchanged numbers or something.

"What about trying his department building first?" Yixing suggested and hoped that Chao would be successful, otherwise it would be impossible to be with him in one room.


"I can't take it anymore…!" Yixing shouted and sprung up from the bed. As he thought before, it was impossible to stay with Chao in one room.

The constant whining, yelling, and throwing things made Yixing so annoyed. And even worse was that Chao kept drinking. In bars, in clubs, and sometimes he even brought bottles of liquor into their room. And when he didn't drink, it became like this…

Chao was screaming, yelling, and tossing around in the bed. He had another nightmare. And given that he was shouting mother, it was probably something that happened in his childhood.

Yixing was getting sentimental because he could tell how painful it must have been for Chao. But the knocks on the wall woke him up.

He kneeled down on Chao's bed and didn't know what to do for a moment, because Chao's hands were tossing around, threatening to hit Yixing.

But Yixing didn't give up. He smacked to hand to the side and smacked Chao on his face. He wasn't waking up. Yixing countered another attack and shook Chao's entire body. But he was so deep in the nightmare that he wasn't reacting.

Then, Yixing remembered how his father used to pinch him in the earlobe to punish him. And he remembered that it was really painful. So he did it.

Chao frowned a few times, and then he slowly opened his eyes, recognizing his surroundings, he looked at Yixing.

"Was I too loud?" he asked, his voice hoarse and full of guilt.

"No, not at all," Yixing started, giving him false hope. "Just two complains from our neighbors and the night guard was here, thinking someone was being tortured here," he continued ironically. At that moment he was saved by the phone notification. Yixing escaped by checking it out. It wasn't something pleasant.

'Entertain those two girls. They have important fathers. I have sent the car already' his father sent the message. He expected him to go to the address he sent and entertain those two girls?

He looked at the picture with name and description with address and name of the bar, just to be sure he got the right one. Takamura Miki and Qin Suli. They were neither ugly nor beautiful. Yixing sighed.

"Let's go to a club…" he said to Chao, defeated. Chao only nodded, but they both got up and got ready.