Yixing was in a foul mood. The entire week. Even more than a week.
His idiotic father really got engaged to another woman. A woman with a son. As if he hadn't had enough problems bringing up his own son. Now, he wanted to help raise another one.
When Yixing finally realized what word his father said, he was on the way home from the catastrophic dinner.
His father took him to the table where someone else was already waiting. It was the son of his 'new' mother. Xuan Binghuo. And given the expression that Yixing saw, he wouldn't be a calm and behaving little brother. The disgust shown on Binghuo's face when he was introduced to his 'older' brother was apparent.
But Yixing didn't care. Most of the time.
His father was such a womanizer and old pig that he and all those women lost Yixing's respect. They didn't deserve it. At all.
They have been enjoying his father's company just because of his money. And using him for their own fame. On the other hand, his father was using them for their youth and appearance. To make himself look better.
As he used Yixing's mother. Not even caring whether she died or not.
But the biggest surprise of all was when he was taking a small amount of food that was in front of him. When his father dropped the bomb and made Yixing drop, the food from his chopstick and open his mouth, how stunned he was.
"We are getting married next month," Lie Yechao said out of nowhere.
Of all of his girlfriends, only one, after his mother, was able to tie Yechao to her. But it soon ended, actually even before they married, when she was caught with a much younger man in her car.
"Oh, congratulations." Yixing forced himself to smile and watched the maid clean the mess he did. But he knew his father noticed the expression, even though it all happened in a split of seconds.
"You will love her and respect her as your mother," his father said harshly. Yixing kept quiet, still smiling, but he was boiling inside. He would never call this stranger mother. He had only one mom.
"Come on, honey. We will all need time to get to know each other before we will become a family. Don't be so harsh to him. It's understandable he is shocked," the woman said, and laid her hand on Yechao's arm. All three of them smiled, only Yixing didn't.
If this woman thought he would be part of her family, she was pretty out of her mind.
Yixing smirked, unable to hold himself back. He had so much to say to her. So many things she would be surprised at. And because he lost his sense of fear from his father, he did it.
"Oh, we will see if you will be wife number two. Or only a girlfriend number twenty-five." Yixing laughed, and then calmly put another bite into his mouth.
But his father was furious, and he wasn't the only one. Xuan Binghuo's mouth was first open, but then he gritted his teeth and got up from his seat, throwing his chopstick at Yixing, who evaded them.
"How dare you to talk like this to my mother!" Binghuo yelled, and Yixing regained his composure and became his usual submissive self.
Well, only after he said one more remark.
"Me and your mother? Just one thing… Be careful that she won't end up like my mother. The mistress of master Li died of an inexplicable accident…" After that, he only felt being dragged by his collar out of the room. Out of the house. And shoved outside. Or more like kicked.
Yixing was kicked into his knee, so he lost his balance and he rolled a few rounds on the cold ground. By accident he even hit his face on the statue that was in front of the door, so he felt blood in his mouth. Hopefully, only from a ripped lip.
"Don't come back! And don't expect me to give you any more money!" Yechao yelled, and slammed the door.
Yixing was lying there on the ground for a while, processing everything that happened. Before he sat and leaned on the statue with his back, wiping the blood off his mouth.
This was pretty unexpected, but somehow, Yixing didn't regret doing it. It actually felt good. He felt a bit freer than before. He finally said what he really meant. Did not pretend to be someone else anymore.
Chao was a really bad influence on him. Under his care Yixing became less what he used to be and grew. Without him even noticing.
He tasted the freedom of being able to do what he wanted and wasn't now able to lose it.
The garage door opened, and a black car drove out. Yixing thought at first that it was someone else leaving the house. But when the car stopped in front of him and the driver stepped out and opened the door for him, he was speechless.
"Aren't you afraid?" he asked before stepping in. But the driver only smiled. It was the same one that always drove him. From when Yixing was a child.
"Well, my shift officially ended. Nobody said I can't give you a ride in my free time." Honestly, Yixing was really grateful, otherwise, he did not know how to get to the flat.
He smiled and closed the door that the driver opened for him, walked around the car, and sat in the passenger seat while waiting for the other person to get in.
"Let's make it then that I really am not the son of your boss." But the entire way to the apartment, Yixing was looking out of the window, a bit disappointed in his father. He thanked the kind driver when he was getting out and was even more surprised when he got his coat from the back seat.
"The housekeeper and I, we are on your side. Keep that in mind," the driver said and drove away. Yixing was standing there, stunned, with the coat in his hands. Then walked into the apartment.
Yixing was now reminiscent of the night, feeling less irritated. And he knew what would help him now.
He went to the living room, where he found Yitian doing something on the computer. While Yixing was in a hospital. After being, attack or something like that.
"What are you doing?" he asked, walking closer to him. But he didn't reply. Having a headset on he probably didn't hear. So, Yixing came closer and noticed him watching a gaming stream.
Heyo... Well, I'm able to finally take a break, so I will come back after a week.
Meanwhile, I will make a stockpile and definitely decide the direction those two will walk... :) Let's all enjoy our break <3 :D