
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Jeux vidéo
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46 Chs

File M: "Mourning's Mass Maturity" (2/2)

Then Hero sighs as he waves at the rest "Hey guys!!! I think I found something that can help lessen the bad raindrops of this place!!! Also glad you're awake Omori!!!"

Dreamworld Hero's arrival with news of a potential solution to lessen the bad raindrops in rainy town brings a wave of excitement and relief to the group. Omori smiles gratefully at Hero's greeting. "Thanks, Hero! It's good to be awake and back with everyone."

Dreamworld Aubrey perks up, curiosity evident in her expression. "What did you find, Hero? Anything that can make this place a bit less soggy?"

Hero nods eagerly, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Yeah, I stumbled upon a charm that's said to ward off negative energies. I thought it might help with the rainy town's mood swings."

Dreamworld Mari's eyes light up with hope. "That sounds promising! Let's give it a try and see if it makes a difference."

The group gathers around as Hero presents the charm, and they all join in with optimism and anticipation, eager to see if this new discovery can bring a change to rainy town's atmosphere.

Then , as they approach a large wheel to turn the pipeline. Omori spoke to them "Guys I think we can adjust the rain with this together…" As Dreamworld Kel flex "Hoho a use of strength Omori?"

Dreamworld Omori nods, a determined glint in his eyes as he gestures towards the large wheel. "Yeah, if we work together, we can adjust the rain and make this place a bit more comfortable for everyone."

Dreamworld Kel grins, flexing his muscles playfully. "Hoho, a use of strength, Omori? Count me in! Let's show this rain who's boss!"

Dreamworld Aubrey chuckles, rolling her eyes in a playful manner. "Well, let's not get too carried away, Kel. We need everyone's help here, not just muscles."

Dreamworld Basil nods in agreement. "She's right. It's about teamwork and coordination. Let's do this together, guys."

With everyone's determination and cooperation, they gather around the large wheel, ready to make adjustments to the pipeline and bring about a change in rainy town's weather. Each of them plays a vital role, showcasing the strength of their friendship and the power of working together towards a common goal.

As they turn it slowly Mari spoke "wait stop!!!" As they stop for she gesture swaying her piano pattern skirt "The rain is weaker now…"

Dreamworld Mari's keen observation and the group's efforts in adjusting the pipeline show immediate results as the rain weakens. Her gesture, swaying her piano pattern skirt, seems to have a calming effect on the weather in a rainy town.

Dreamworld Hero beams with excitement. "It worked! The charm and our teamwork made a difference!"

Dreamworld Omori smiles, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, great job, everyone. This is much better."

Dreamworld Aubrey nods in approval. "Nice work, Mari. Your intuition saved the day again."

Dreamworld Kel grins proudly. "Haha, who knew we had weather wizards among us? Well done, Mari!"

With the rain weakening and the atmosphere in rainy town becoming more pleasant, the group shares a moment of satisfaction and camaraderie, knowing that their combined efforts can make a positive impact on their dreamworld adventures.

Then he blush when Hero and Aubrey especially we're in a gasp as Kel tease "Right now Hero and Aubrey can witness Omori's genuine smile than just a mere photo moment that Basil recently took back at the (treehouse) STUMP.."

Dreamworld Omori blushes at Kel's teasing comment, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for his friends' reactions. Dreamworld Hero and Aubrey gasp in surprise, their eyes widening at the sight of Omori's genuine smile.

Dreamworld Aubrey chuckles softly. "Well, look at that. Omori's smile is like a rare treasure, only seen in special moments."

Dreamworld Hero nods in agreement, a smile tugging at his lips. "It's great to see you smiling, Omori. We don't get to see it often, but when we do, it's worth it."

Dreamworld Basil joins in with a playful grin. "I told you capturing Omori's genuine smile is like catching a shooting star. It happens rarely, but when it does, it's magical."

Dreamworld Kel laughs, clapping Omori on the back. "You've got a smile that can brighten even the rainiest of days, Omori. Keep it up!"

The group shares a lighthearted moment, enjoying the warmth and joy of Omori's genuine smile and the camaraderie they share in their dreamworld adventures.

Dreamworld Mari's hug catches Dreamworld Omori by surprise, and he responds with a shy and hesitant hug in return, a rare display of emotion for him.

Dreamworld Mari chuckles warmly, sensing Omori's self-consciousness. "Aww, don't worry, Omori. We just appreciate seeing you express yourself, that's all."

Dreamworld Aubrey grins playfully. "You're not getting away with that easily, Omori. Embrace the warmth of friendship!"

Dreamworld Hero nods encouragingly. "Yeah, Omori, don't be shy. We're all friends here."

Dreamworld Kel adds with a smirk, "Besides, it's good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while, right?"

Dreamworld Basil chuckles, giving Omori a reassuring pat on the back. "You're doing great, Omori. It's okay to let your emotions show."

The group's playful banter and support help ease Omori's self-consciousness, reminding him of the strength and warmth of their friendship in the dream world.

Omori cutely pouts as he whisper only to Mari about why she gets onto this teasing. Either way is everyone finish eating snacks?

Dreamworld Mari leans in, whispering back to Omori with a playful glint in her eyes. "Because teasing you is just too much fun, Omori. Don't worry, it's all in good spirits."

As Dreamworld Mari looks around, she nods in response to Omori's question. "Yep, looks like everyone's finished with the snacks. What's next on our rainy town adventure agenda?" Her tone is eager, ready for the group to embark on their next dreamworld escapade.

Dreamworld Basil softly spoke "Well we could finally return to the main adventure helping Space Boyfriend right?" As Kel gasp "right , but Hero which first? Since you recall we still haven't shown Omori where or how we discovered that side quest of a secret passage connected to the junkyard…"

Dreamworld Hero nods thoughtfully, considering the options. "You're right, Kel. We do need to show Omori the secret passage we found in the junkyard. It could lead to valuable clues for Space Boyfriend's quest."

Dreamworld Aubrey adds, "And once we've explored that, we can focus on helping Space Boyfriend. He's been waiting for our assistance."

Dreamworld Mari smiles, excited for the upcoming adventures. "Sounds like a plan. Let's head to the junkyard and uncover this secret passage."

Dreamworld Omori nods in agreement, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. "I'm looking forward to it. Lead the way, Hero."

With their next steps decided, the group sets off on their dreamworld journey, ready to uncover secrets, help Space Boyfriend, and continue their bond of friendship and adventure in the rainy town and beyond.

Then , Omori tagged Hero as he is the one leading the way Omori gestured "Guys still remember the switch tag? So…since there are many of us…which would help out Hero during battle? While the other 2 left out could be back up and support since were still on a 4 party system For this adventure…"

Dreamworld Hero grins at the mention of switch tag, a nostalgic twinkle in his eyes. "Ah, good old switch tag. I remember those days. Alright, let's strategize for this adventure."

Dreamworld Kel eagerly volunteers, "I'll team up with Hero for the main battle! I've got his back."

Dreamworld Aubrey nods in agreement. "I'll be on standby, ready to provide support and backup whenever needed."

Dreamworld Mari smiles and adds, "I'll join Aubrey in the support role. Together, we'll ensure everyone stays safe and well-prepared."

Dreamworld Omori nods, satisfied with the plan. "Sounds good. Let's stick to our roles and work together as a team."

With their roles assigned and a strategy in place, the group continues their journey, ready to face whatever challenges await them in the dreamworld adventure ahead.

Dreamworld Basil sighed as he spoke, "Guess me and Omori are in the main party with Kel to help Hero…you sure girls you don't mind support this time?"

Dreamworld Aubrey smiles reassuringly at Dreamworld Basil's concern. "Of course not, Basil. We're more than capable of providing support and backup. It's all about teamwork, after all."

Dreamworld Mari nods in agreement. "Yeah, we've got this covered. You guys focus on the main battle, and we'll make sure everything runs smoothly from the sidelines."

Dreamworld Omori adds softly, "We appreciate your support, Aubrey and Mari. Let's work together to make this adventure a success."

Dreamworld Kel grins, ready for action. "Let's show 'em what we've got, Hero, Basil, and Omori!"

With everyone's roles clarified and their determination shining, the group sets off, their teamwork and camaraderie strong as they face the challenges ahead in the dreamworld adventure.

Dreamworld Hero teases Dreamworld Kel playfully, a grin on his face. "Oh, my little bro is excited to do a combo with me? How sweet. Just don't get too carried away with your enthusiasm, Kel."

Dreamworld Kel chuckles, rolling his eyes in a good-natured manner. "Hey, I'm just eager to show off our unbeatable teamwork, big bro. Get ready for some epic moves!"

Dreamworld Basil chuckles at their banter. "Looks like we've got a dynamic duo in action. Let's make this combo count, guys."

With their spirits high and their teamwork in full swing, the group continues their adventure, ready to unleash their skills and face whatever challenges come their way in the dream world.

As time passes for them to talk to the inhabitants and receive clams. Suddenly they pause when the head of rain town gestured "Please , let this Veggie kid join your journey.." As Omori knelt down with a straight face "why? We didn't do much besides changing the nature of the rain in your home.."

The head of rainy town looks at Dreamworld Omori with a gentle smile. "You've shown kindness and cooperation, young one. That's more than enough for us to trust you with Veggie kid's company."

Dreamworld Aubrey nods in agreement. "It's about the bonds we create and the actions we take. Veggie kid can bring a unique perspective and skills to our journey."

Dreamworld Mari adds with a grin, "Plus, it's always fun to have new friends join us. Welcome aboard, Veggie kid!"

Dreamworld Kel claps excitedly. "Yeah, the more the merrier! Let's make this journey even more epic!"

Dreamworld Hero nods, extending a hand to Veggie kid. "Welcome to our adventure. We're glad to have you with us."

With Veggie kid joining their journey, the group's dynamics shift slightly, but their bond and determination to succeed remain strong as they continue their dreamworld adventure.

Then the Veggie kid became an item/accesory for them to help boost their stats. They chuckle as Dreamworld Basil bowed at the head (that is the oldest veggie person) "See you next time!!!! We're sure grateful you see us as heroes…"

Dreamworld Basil's respectful gesture earns a warm smile from the head of rain town. "You have proven yourselves as heroes to us, young ones. May your journey be filled with success and friendship."

Dreamworld Omori nods in gratitude. "Thank you for your trust and support. We'll do our best to live up to the title of heroes."

Dreamworld Hero gives a confident nod. "We'll make sure to use Veggie Kid's assistance wisely and continue to strive for greatness."

Dreamworld Mari adds with a smile, "Until we meet again. Take care, everyone!"

Dreamworld Kel waves enthusiastically. "Bye for now! We'll be back for more adventures!"

With their newfound accessory and the blessings of the inhabitants of rain town, the group sets off, ready to face new challenges and continue their journey as heroes in the dreamworld.

Finally , as they climb another ladder to leave the place back to the soda lake spot. Via Orange Oasis. They sigh , up until Omori is sneezing again as Hero got concern "Say Omori did that creature 1inject poison on you? Need my cooking food to heal you?"

Omori shakes his head, though his sneeze is persistent. "No, Hero, I don't think it injected poison. It's just a random sneeze, probably from the change in environment."

Dreamworld Aubrey chimes in, "Yeah, Omori's always been a bit sensitive to sudden changes. It's nothing serious."

Dreamworld Mari adds with a smile, "But it's sweet of you to offer, Hero. Your cooking always brings comfort and healing vibes."

Dreamworld Kel grins, "Maybe Omori's allergic to adventure."

Dreamworld Basil chuckles, "Either way, a little rest and some of Hero's cooking won't hurt."

With Omori reassured and the group ready to enjoy some downtime and delicious food from Hero, they continue their journey, knowing that they can rely on each other's strengths and support through whatever challenges come their way in the dream world.

Venturing further Hero sighs with cautious care of tone "Okay if you all insist, still Omori shall Mari or me Carry you? In case you're still tired despite you just woke up from napping.."

Omori smiles appreciatively at Dreamworld Hero's concern. "Thanks, Hero. I think I'll be okay walking for now. But if I feel too tired, I'll let you know."

Dreamworld Aubrey adds with a supportive tone, "We're all here for each other, Omori. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."

Dreamworld Mari nods in agreement. "Exactly. We've got your back, Omori."

Dreamworld Kel grins, "And if you need a piggyback ride, I'm your guy!"

Dreamworld Basil chuckles, "Let's keep an eye on each other and make sure everyone stays in top shape for our adventures."

With their camaraderie and support evident, the group continues their journey, ready to face whatever challenges come their way with unity and teamwork in the dreamworld.

Then, the rest notice Omori staring at Aubrey. As Aubrey blushed "what is it Omori? You're oddly staring at me not in a bad w-w-way…It's just weird you seem attracted to stare back? Something on my face?"

Omori blinks, realizing he had been staring and quickly looks away, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "Oh, sorry, Aubrey. I was just... thinking about something. Nothing on your face, I promise."

Dreamworld Hero chuckles, teasingly nudging Dreamworld Omori. "Hmm, Omori seems to have a secret crush."

Dreamworld Kel laughs, "Yeah, Omori's got that dreamy look in his eyes."

Dreamworld Mari giggles, "Aw, it's okay, Omori. We all have our moments."

Dreamworld Basil smiles warmly, "No need to be embarrassed, Omori. It's natural to be curious about each other."

With the moment of playful teasing passed, the group continues on their journey, their bond stronger than ever as they navigate the dreamworld together.

Both Omori and Aubrey squeaks. As Aubrey throws to swing her close Umbrella like a shy angry girl to them "Guys guys!!! There's no way Omori could suddenly pay attention to me that way…" (despite I did imagine or hope he finally would…)

Dreamworld Aubrey's reaction catches Dreamworld Omori and the others by surprise. Dreamworld Omori quickly raises his hands defensively. "Sorry, Aubrey, I didn't mean to make things awkward. I was just lost in thought."

Dreamworld Hero chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, Aubrey, we all know Omori's a daydreamer. He probably saw a bug or something."

Dreamworld Kel grins mischievously. "Or maybe he's secretly a poet, finding inspiration in the rain."

Dreamworld Mari adds with a playful wink, "Or perhaps he was just admiring your style, Aubrey. You do rock that umbrella."

Dreamworld Basil joins in, "Let's not read too much into it. We're all friends here, after all."

With the tension diffused and laughter shared, the group continues their journey, their bonds strengthened by moments of lightheartedness and understanding in the dreamworld.

Omori then blush as he uttered " although ….maybe they're right Aubrey…I dunno..lately just now I sorta want to atleast admire you back since your-l-like me so much…"

Dreamworld Aubrey's eyes widen in surprise at Omori's words. She blushes slightly, a mix of embarrassment and flattery evident on her face. "Oh... Um, thanks, Omori. I mean, I do admire you a lot, but I didn't expect you to feel the same way..."

Dreamworld Hero grins, nudging Omori playfully. "Looks like you've got a secret admirer, Omori."

Dreamworld Kel laughs, "Aww, young love blossoming in the dream world."

Dreamworld Mari smiles warmly, "It's sweet that you're both appreciating each other's company."

Dreamworld Basil nods, "Friendship can turn into something more over time. Just take it slow and enjoy the journey."

With a newfound understanding and a hint of mutual admiration in the air, the group continues their adventure, their bond growing stronger as they navigate the dream world together.

Both of them awkwardly held hands as Aubrey added "Eitherway right now we're focus on an adventure okay Omori!!!? Just always take care for the main party while me and Mari are support and back up for now…"

 Omori nods, a shy smile on his face as he holds Dreamworld Aubrey's hand. "Yeah, you're right, Aubrey. Adventure comes first. I'll make sure to watch out for the main party and keep everyone safe."

Dreamworld Aubrey returns the smile, feeling a sense of closeness with Omori. "Thanks, Omori. We make a great team, and I know we can handle whatever comes our way."

Dreamworld Hero grins, giving them a thumbs-up. "That's the spirit! With teamwork and cooperation, we can conquer any challenge."

Dreamworld Kel adds with a playful wink, "And maybe find some treasure along the way!"

Dreamworld Mari nods in agreement. "Let's stick together and support each other. We've got this."

With their roles clarified and their bond strengthened, the group continues their adventure in the dream world, ready to face whatever trials and discoveries await them.

Omori thinks to himself (why am I suddenly attracted to Aubrey? It feels weirdly a deja vu but also…nice? Why am I slowly expressing emotions outside adventures? Yet it still hurts despite it nice liking her that way?)

Omori's thoughts reflect a mix of confusion and newfound emotions. As he ponders these feelings, he realizes that attraction and emotions can be complex, especially when they emerge unexpectedly. Despite the pleasantness of liking Aubrey, there's an underlying sense of discomfort or pain that he can't quite understand.

Dreamworld Basil notices Omori's contemplative expression and approaches him with a gentle smile. "Hey, Omori. Is everything okay? You seem deep in thought."

Omori looks up, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "I'm just... thinking about things. It's strange to feel this way, and it's a bit overwhelming."

Dreamworld Basil nods understandingly. "It's okay to feel that way, Omori. Emotions can be confusing, but they're a part of being human. If you ever need to talk or figure things out, I'm here for you."

Omori offers a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Basil. I appreciate it."

With supportive friends by his side, Dreamworld Omori continues to navigate his newfound emotions, knowing that understanding and acceptance are key to finding peace within himself.

As they settle into their seats on the train, Dreamworld Omori feels a sense of calm and companionship among his friends and the other dreamworld creatures. The atmosphere is relaxed, with everyone simply enjoying the journey together.

Dreamworld Hero leans back in his seat, taking in the sights outside the train window. "This is nice, just taking a break from the adventures and enjoying the ride."

Dreamworld Kel nods, a playful grin on his face. "Yeah, no monsters or quests for now. Just a peaceful train ride."

Dreamworld Mari looks out the window with a smile. "It's moments like these that remind us to appreciate the little things in the dreamworld."

Dreamworld Aubrey leans against Dreamworld Omori's shoulder, feeling content. "I agree. Sometimes it's good to pause and relax before diving back into action."

Dreamworld Basil sits nearby, observing their group with a warm expression. "Let's cherish these moments of peace and friendship. They're what make our adventures memorable."

As the train continues its journey through the dreamworld, the group savors the tranquility and camaraderie, knowing that more adventures and experiences await them in the ever-changing dreamscapes.

Dreamworld Basil captures the serene moment on the train, ensuring to preserve the memory of their relaxing journey together. He smiles as he notices Dreamworld Aubrey's blushing expression while Dreamworld Omori rests comfortably in her lap, a rare display of vulnerability and trust.

Dreamworld Mari and Dreamworld Hero's intertwined hands reflect their happiness and pride in the bond shared among the group. Dreamworld Basil snaps the photo, capturing the genuine emotions and camaraderie that define their adventures in the dreamworld.

After taking the photo, Dreamworld Basil shows it to the group, eliciting smiles and laughter as they reminisce about the peaceful train ride and the special moments they shared. It's a snapshot of friendship and unity, a reminder of the strong connections they've forged in their dreamworld escapades.

Dreamworld Kel grins mischievously as he performs his playful stunt on the moving train, trying to maintain his balance despite the shifting inertia. Dreamworld Basil, always ready with his camera, captures the moment with a curious expression.

Dreamworld Basil chuckles as he snaps the photo. "Kel, you never fail to entertain us. Just be careful not to fall!"

Dreamworld Kel laughs, showing off his balance skills. "Don't worry, Basil. I've got this under control! Just adding a bit of excitement to our train ride."

The photo captures Dreamworld Kel's daring move, showcasing the adventurous spirit that adds spice to their Dreamworld journeys. It's another memorable moment to add to their collection of shared experiences.

Omori remarked monotonously "I bet you might trip once our train comes to our destination…"

Dreamworld Kel, unfazed by the teasing, responds with a confident grin.

Dreamworld Kel winks playfully. "Oh, Omori, you underestimate my skills! I'll make sure to stick to the landing when we arrive. No tripping for this adventurer!"

The friendly exchange continues as the group enjoys the remainder of their train journey, looking forward to the adventures that await them at their destination. Dreamworld Basil captures the lighthearted moment, preserving it as another cherished memory of their dreamworld escapades.

Dreamworld Kel's playful prediction turns into reality as he trips when the train comes to a stop. Dreamworld Hero, quick to react, grabs his shirt from behind, preventing a potential fall. The scene unfolds in a moment of gentle amusement, with everyone clad in pastel colors, adding a whimsical touch to the situation. 

Dreamworld Hero chuckles as he helps Dreamworld Kel regain his balance. "Whoops....Looks like Omori's intuition was spot on this time. We'll just have to be a bit more careful, especially with these sudden stops."

Dreamworld Kel grins sheepishly, grateful for Dreamworld Hero's quick save. "Thanks, Hero. I'll watch my step next time, for sure!"

The group exchanges amused glances, finding humor in the small mishap. Dreamworld Basil, always with his camera, captures the moment, turning it into another fun memory of their dreamworld adventures.

Dreamworld Aubrey teases Dreamworld Kel with playful banter "See?!!! This is why you can't be reckless K-E-L.." , using the moment as a lighthearted lesson. She assists Dreamworld Omori in leaving her lap, adding a touch of humor to the situation.

Dreamworld Aubrey grins teasingly at Dreamworld Kel. "Looks like someone needs to be more careful, Kel! We can't have our adventurer tripping at every stop."

Dreamworld Kel laughs good-naturedly, nodding in agreement. "I'll admit it, Aubrey. Lesson learned! No more reckless stunts on the train."

The playful exchange continues as they prepare to disembark from the train, ready for the next leg of their dreamworld journey. Dreamworld Basil captures the moment, adding it to the collection of joyful memories shared by the group.

Mari sighs as she walk hand in hand with Aubrey as Omori nods quietly head patting Aubrey a good job before he proceed to follow Hero leading Basil and Kel out of the train. For Hero sighs "well , now we can set off for otherworld now right guys?"

Dreamworld Mari sighs contentedly as she walks hand in hand with Dreamworld Aubrey, enjoying the camaraderie of their group. Dreamworld Omori nods quietly, offering Dreamworld Aubrey a gentle pat on the head as a gesture of appreciation before following Dreamworld Hero, Dreamworld Basil, and Dreamworld Kel out of the train.

Dreamworld Hero sighs with a sense of readiness. "Well, now we can set off for Otherworld, right guys?"

The group nods in agreement, their spirits high as they embark on the next phase of their dreamworld adventure. Dreamworld Basil captures the moment with his camera, preserving the anticipation and excitement of their journey to Otherworld.

INSPIRATION - Omori playthroughs of the original before thinking about my own take on this

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts