
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Jeux vidéo
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46 Chs

File L: "Lovely Loss' Longing" (2/3)

As Omori's uneasiness lingered in the air, Dreamworld Mari, Kel, and Basil nodded in understanding. They could sense Omori's concern, even if he tried to hide it behind his usual expressionless facade. Dreamworld Mari placed a comforting hand on Omori's shoulder, her eyes filled with understanding.

"Don't worry, Omori," Dreamworld Mari reassured him, her voice soft and soothing. "We'll be fine. Besides, we've handled ourselves plenty of times before."

Kel chimed in with his usual cheerful tone, "Yeah, Omori! We're a team, remember? We've got each other's backs."

Basil added, "And if anything does happen, we know you'll be there for us, just like we'll be there for you."

Despite their reassurances, Omori couldn't shake off the feeling of unease entirely. He nodded silently, acknowledging their words but still carrying a sense of responsibility for their well-being.

The group then continued on their journey, navigating through headspace with a mix of determination and camaraderie, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next.

Then he blinks "It's getting quite odd besides my sudden smiling and tears. Ah well, Kel….about Hero and Aubrey just relaxing at Rain town….Why there? It's very wet and always raining in that place…"

Omori's curiosity was piqued as he questioned Kel about the choice of location for Hero and Aubrey's relaxation. He couldn't help but wonder about Rain Town's perpetual rain and damp atmosphere.

Kel chuckled, spinning his beach ball casually. "Ah, Rain Town! It's a bit of a hidden gem, Omori. The constant rain may seem gloomy at first, but there's a certain charm to it. The sound of raindrops, the lush greenery that thrives in such weather, and the cozy cafes where you can enjoy a warm cup of cocoa—it's like a different world."

Basil nodded in agreement. "Plus, it's a great place for introspection and relaxation. The sound of rain can be quite calming, you know?"

Omori listened attentively, taking in their explanations. Despite his initial skepticism, he began to see the appeal of Rain

Town, understanding why Hero and Aubrey would choose such a place for a break.

"Sounds interesting," Omori remarked, a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Maybe I should visit Rainy Town sometime too."

Kel grinned. "Definitely! We can plan a little trip there together. It'll be fun!"

With the idea of a Rainy Town excursion planted in his mind, Omori's unease began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of anticipation for future adventures with his friends.

Dreamworld Mari smugly spoke "So Kel, since Hero has that special travel pass. Did you use one on your way back to meet us and inform Omori to follow back?"

Kel chuckled, twirling his beach ball idly. "Well, Mari, you caught me there. I did use a travel pass to get back quickly. I thought it would be faster and easier to bring Omori along."

Basil chimed in, adding, "It was a smart move, Kel. We can always count on you for efficient travel."

Dreamworld Mari's smirk widened slightly, a mix of amusement and approval in her expression. "I must admit, Kel, you're getting quite adept at using those travel passes. Maybe you should teach us your tricks sometime."

Kel grinned proudly, taking a playful bow. "Of course, Mari! I'll be happy to share my travel expertise with the group."

Omori observed their banter with a faint smile, feeling reassured by their camaraderie and teamwork. He realized that despite his initial unease, his friends always found ways to support each other and make things work smoothly.

Then, Omori blinks "Wait then how did you get your own Kel? Or did you burrow Hero's?"

Omori's question about Kel's travel pass showed his curiosity about the logistics of their journey.

Kel chuckled again, scratching his head sheepishly. "Ah, well, about that, Omori. I got my travel pass recently. It was a bit of a hassle to acquire, but it's been super convenient for quick trips."

Dreamworld Mari raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? How did you manage to get one? They're not easy to come by, especially with the restrictions nowadays."

Kel nodded, looking proud of his accomplishment. "I had to pull a few strings and make some deals, but it all worked out in the end. Now I can zip around headspace without any trouble."

Basil grinned, impressed. "That's impressive, Kel. You're becoming quite the expert at navigating headspace efficiently."

Omori listened intently, realizing the importance of these travel passes in their adventures. He made a mental note to learn more about them and how they could aid their group in future endeavors.

Then, as they walk through the train station after the Vast Forest journey. Omori is the only one noticing the strange doppelganger of Basil again walking with jam-like stains (at least to him) until he picks up another keyboard piece again before it vanishes. He breathes a bit to not succumb to fear before he casually leads his current group to the area where they talk to the train station manager who lets them through once Kel showcases his pass and explains Omori, Basil, and Mari are his friends.

As they approached the train station manager, Omori couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling from the encounter with the doppelganger. He focused on maintaining his composure, not wanting to alarm his friends.

Kel confidently presented his travel pass and explained their group's purpose. The manager, recognizing Kel's authority, nodded and allowed them to proceed. Omori felt a sense of relief as they were granted access without any issues.

Dreamworld Mari glanced at Omori, noticing his slight unease. "Everything okay, Omori? You seem a bit on edge."

Omori forced a smile, trying to appear calm. "Yeah, just a bit tired from the journey. Let's get going before we miss our train."

The group made their way to the platform, ready to continue their adventure, while Omori kept a watchful eye out for any more strange occurrences.

As they walk inside the train and walk around. Dreamworld Basil felt uneasy due to the passengers in the train seem like faceless people minding their own business with their very common shared own suitcases. As Kel spoke "Huh , never expected the train this crowded before—" As Mari turn softly speaking "Really Kel? How do?"

Dreamworld Basil's unease grew as he noticed the faceless passengers on the train, each lost in their own world, seemingly unaware of their surroundings. Kel's comment about the crowded train surprised him, prompting Mari to question Kel's perception.

Mari's soft tone contrasted with the unsettling atmosphere. "Kel, are you sure? It seems rather normal for a train during this time," she remarked, glancing around at the passengers.

Omori, who had been observing quietly, chimed in. "Maybe it's just the usual rush hour. We'll find our seats soon enough," he reassured them, trying to ease the tension.

Despite Omori's attempt to calm the situation, Dreamworld Basil couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, his instincts telling him that something was off about the faceless passengers.

The sudden disappearance of the train passengers and the appearance of the shadow doppelganger of Basil, transforming into a deer-like figure, threw the group into a state of panic. Omori's composed demeanor contrasted with Basil and Kel's unease as the entity chased after them.

Mari, sensing the danger, instinctively held onto Omori's hand as they ran alongside Dreamworld Kel and Basil. However, they soon found themselves cornered by the creature, which repeated the words "Sunny...Sunny...remember..."

Omori, despite his stoic expression, reacted quickly, drawing his knife and slashing at the creature with a determined glare. The eerie battle that ensued felt unsettling, especially for Basil and Kel, who were visibly scared, while Dreamworld Mari's presence seemed to provide some comfort amidst the chaos.

Dreamworld Mari brings out a hammer out of her special picnic basket and soothes the other two to be boosted with the happy emotion (emotion system) to help them defeat this being. As Omori spoke, "I had no idea who you're talking about!!!" He does his first turn by trying to check the stats of the creature but it only is blurry and scribbles. The first sort of enemy that he can't read.

Dreamworld Mari, with her hammer at the ready, infused the group with a boost of happy emotions through the emotion system, aiming to empower them in the battle against the mysterious creature.

As Omori expressed his confusion about the creature's references to "Sunny," Dreamworld Mari stepped forward, swinging her hammer confidently. "We've got this, guys! Stay focused and use your strengths!"

Dreamworld Basil and Kel, bolstered by Mari's encouragement, joined the fight with renewed determination. Basil focused on analyzing the creature's movements and weaknesses, while Kel used his agility to dodge its attacks and create openings for counterattacks.

Together, the group worked in sync, each playing to their strengths and supporting each other as they faced this unfamiliar and unsettling adversary.

Basil and then Omori did a combo attack (with Omori his knife and Basil shears) As Mari parried its hoovelike attacks when he screech "REMEMBER!!!! About…HER…" as it glance at Mari

As Mari parried the creature's hoovelike attacks, she noticed its focus on her. With determination, she responded, "I don't know who you're talking about, but we won't let you harm us!"

Basil and Omori coordinated their attacks, aiming for strategic strikes. Basil utilized his shears to cut through the creature's defenses, while Omori's knife aimed for vital points. Their synchronized movements created openings, allowing Mari to counter with powerful swings of her hammer.

Despite the creature's haunting cries for remembrance, the group remained resolute and focused on defeating it. They pushed forward, using teamwork and their combined skills to wear down the creature's strength.

As the battle intensified, Dreamworld Kel provided support by analyzing the creature's behavior and weaknesses, and shouting out suggestions to the others. With each coordinated attack and defensive maneuver, they worked together to overcome the mysterious adversary.

As Dreamworld Kel whistled at Dreamworld Mari, they performed a coordinated combo move. Mari retrieved her hammer from her special picnic basket and swung it with precision, hitting Kel's beachball to strike the creature's head. With its health reduced to 50%, the creature shouted, turning to either dodge or launch an attack at Omori. Eerie voices emanated from it, pleading, "Sunny... ple... please listen...."

As the creature weakened and knelt down, Dreamworld Basil rushed forward, using his shears to further weaken it. Omori, feeling a sense of deja vu and unease, tried to calm down despite not understanding why. Kel and Mari quickly joined in the fight. Once the train entered another tunnel, the creature magically vanished, and the interior of the train returned to its bright colors, although all the passengers were now gone. 1

After catching their breaths, Omori glanced at his friends, his expression still stoic but with a hint of concern. "Is everyone okay?" he asked, looking around to ensure they weren't injured during the encounter.

They nod, as Dreamworld Mari "What was THAT? It looks so weird…out of place even…and it keeps bothering you, especially Omori!!!" As Dreamworld Basil stuttered "The best thing is we're okay—" As Dreamworld Kel complained "we didn't even finish it off!!!! It was also gazing at Mari weirdly…"

Dreamworld Mari frowned, her concern for Omori evident in her expression. "Omori, do you have any idea what that thing was or why it seemed to be targeting you?" she asked, her tone serious yet gentle.

Dreamworld Basil nodded in agreement with Mari. "Yeah, it seemed to have some kind of connection to you, Omori. And it's strange how it disappeared so suddenly," he added, looking around as if expecting the creature to reappear.

Dreamworld Kel chimed in, still a bit shaken from the encounter. "We need to be careful. That thing didn't seem like a regular dreamworld enemy," he warned, glancing nervously at the empty train carriages around them.

Then as the announcer of the train said welcome to Orange Oasis stop. As they finally step out. They sigh in relief the dreamworld outside stays the same. Omori awkwardly got quiet. As Dreamworld Mari turn to the other two saying "It's okay, let's just focus and maybe Hero and Aubrey encountered such a thing before…."

The group nodded in agreement, understanding the need to focus on their next steps. Dreamworld Basil looked around the Orange Oasis stop, taking in the familiar sights with a sense of relief. "Yeah, let's regroup and see if Hero and Aubrey have any insights into what we just encountered," he suggested.

Dreamworld Kel, still a bit on edge from the encounter on the train, added, "We should also keep an eye out for anything unusual here. Who knows what other surprises this dreamworld might have in store for us."

Omori remained quiet, his thoughts swirling with unanswered questions about the creature they had just faced and its strange connection to him. He knew they needed to stay focused on their mission, but the encounter had left an unsettling feeling lingering in the back of his mind.

Dreamworld Mari then carries Omori surprises him after she places her hammer back in her picnic basket and he asks softly "Mari…why carry me? I can just walk and lead us where Rain town is due I memorize the dreamworld so well.."

Dreamworld Mari smiled gently at Omori's question. "I know you're capable, Omori, but sometimes it's okay to lean on others too," she replied, adjusting her grip to make sure he was comfortable. "Plus, it's a way for me to look out for you, just like a big sister would."

Omori nodded, feeling a sense of warmth from her words. Despite his usual independence, he appreciated the gesture and leaned into her support as they made their way towards Rainy Town. Dreamworld Kel and Basil followed closely, keeping an eye out for any more unexpected encounters along the journey.

Then finally, Kel signs "Okay now we all have to gaze at this soda lake okay?" The rest nod as they do. Omori nuzzled behind Mari who carried him still. Basil sighs when they finally reach Rain Town. Aubrey uses her Umbrella (weapon/item) to protect herself and Hero by the picnic blanket save point playing cards as she nudges Hero to point at the others approaching them. As the rain pours weakly by the area.

As they approached, Aubrey and Hero noticed their friends' arrival, with Aubrey giving a playful wave and Hero offering a nod of acknowledgment. The gentle rain added a soothing ambiance to the moment, contrasting with the intensity of their recent encounter on the train.

Dreamworld Mari set Omori down gently, and he straightened himself, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity about what awaited them in Rainy Town. Dreamworld Kel and Basil exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared sense of relief at reaching their destination safely.

Aubrey beckoned them over, inviting them to join their impromptu gathering under the umbrella. "Welcome back, everyone. Did you have an eventful journey here?" she asked with a smile, ready to hear their tales and catch up on their adventures in headspace.

Hero then Pat the picnic blanket as he set aside a deck of cards noticing Mari seemed more protective of Omori than usual "Did something happen that we miss?"

Hero's question about Mari's protective behavior towards Omori catches Dreamworld Mari's attention. She exchanges a knowing glance with Dreamworld Kel and Basil before responding to Hero's inquiry.

Dreamworld Mari nods slightly, her expression thoughtful. "We encountered something unexpected on the train. It was a bit unsettling, but we managed to handle it," she explains, choosing not to delve into too many details about the strange creature they faced.

Kel chimes in, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, it was like a surprise mini-adventure! But nothing we couldn't handle, right, guys?" he says with a grin, attempting to downplay the seriousness of their encounter.

Basil nods in agreement, adding, "We're all safe now, thanks to Mari's quick thinking and Omori's calmness."

Dreamworld Mari glances at Omori with a reassuring smile, silently acknowledging his composure during the ordeal. "Let's focus on enjoying our time here in Rain Town," she suggests, steering the conversation away from the unsettling experience on the train.