
Omoghip Zaptaloas

It's a war-torn world, people are starving and the corrupt government gets even more tax money from humble people, this way people starving is dying, people tired of this life of oppression, people decide to create factions to steal money from the rich and give it to the poor, thus the era of factions is born

DaoistUGlKgh · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


Chapter 13

Mival Brower read the news paper and saw that Dexter Lancaster has been defeated per Waldemar Holland and arrested by the government.

the news still says that the other factions didn't like it what the most respected leader of all factions Dexter Lancaster was arrested by the corrupt government.

for this reason faction leaders declare war on the government.

he was furious as he threw the newspaper against the wall next to his bed and fell back onto the mattress angrily, staring ahead with a blank expression on his face.

He should've listened to Gillian. Why in the hell hadn't he listened to Gillian?!

If she hadn't told him everything about Marc, everything about Marc's family and everything about Marc's plans that he himself had set up. What had he done wrong?! Why couldn't he be more reliable? Couldn't he follow orders instead of playing hero?

He couldn't control his temper. It had gotten better since that incident with Gil, but recently it had started to boil up again. Ever since Gillian had returned to the palace and the moment the guard had opened the door to the chamber where she had been held captive he had been itching for a fight. Since then, he had fought countless men and many opponents who were stronger than him. But no matter how good his skills had become, they weren't enough to beat the man in black. No matter how hard he had tried to attack him, he was still unable to kill or even injure him. And why shouldn't he feel frustrated, angry and frustrated?! Didn't he know that Marc had risked his life to save his family's life? That he had been willing to give his own life for Gillian's sake? Or had Gillian managed to manipulate him to leave her behind in the first place?

His fists clenched tightly on the sheets beneath him and he gritted his teeth as he let out a frustrated yell and pulled the blankets tightly over his shoulders, pulling them tight against his chest.

A small, barely audible sound caught his attention and he froze in surprise. Was someone else in the palace? Had Gillian escaped? Had he done something wrong and made his wife run away? Was she even still alive??

Slowly, he rose from his bed, holding the covers tightly around him as he walked carefully across the chamber and approached the window near his bed, looking outside. There were two men talking at the end of his chamber and one of them raised his head. As soon as he laid eyes upon him, however, the man lowered his gaze to the floor and remained silent. He continued staring at him for a minute or so longer until he finally noticed a faint movement out of the corner of his eye, just above his bed. Slowly, as he tried to keep quiet to avoid alerting the two people outside the bedroom, he moved his hand in the direction of the shadow, slowly moving it closer and closer to the edge of the bed. In a flash of lightning he grabbed the nearest weapon he could find and stood up from his bed, preparing to fight. However, nothing could be seen in the darkness of the room. He sighed, realizing that the two men were probably guards and he had been paranoid for nothing. However, he was certain that he had heard footsteps somewhere outside his room; if they had gone away after seeing him awake they might come back, but he didn't care. After all, the guards were not going to stop him from protecting Gillian; he had promised her to do anything within his power. Besides, she had helped him escape and had defended him against Waldemar Holland; she deserved justice for that.

Suddenly, however, there was a loud crash which echoed throughout the halls; immediately, he jumped to the other side of his bed and put his arms protectively around Gillian, who had just appeared next to the bed, her back pressed firmly against the wall. Immediately he calmed down when he realised that it was Gillian's voice that had startled him. She had obviously been trying to warn him. Before she could explain herself he whispered harshly: "what were you doing inside the bedroom? You need to stay hidden in the shadows; that's where I always go whenever I can. Are you alright? Did anyone see you? Did they try to attack you?.