
Omnitrix In Young Justice (YJ)

Transmigrated to DC World, more specifically Young Justice Universe with a Object in Wrist Similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 Series. (The introduction is weak, I hope you can like the content)

Rex_Zatch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 Slice of Life

Chapter 3 Slice of Life

[Day XX 9: 15]


The following morning, the sun's rays pierced through the curtains of Kevin's makeshift home, gently nudging him awake. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, reluctantly dragging himself out of bed. With a stretch and a yawn, he checked the time on his wrist, the Omnitrix's green glow illuminating his room.

"Time to get this day started," Kevin mumbled to himself, his lips curving into a grin.

He got dressed in his usual attire – a black graphic tee, a leather jacket, and his trusty worn-out jeans. As he strapped on his sneakers, he couldn't help but think about the potential adventures that awaited him.

Kevin's intuition proved right sooner than he expected. Just as he stepped out of his building, he noticed a group of thugs harassing a young woman near the corner. He frowned, his sense of justice kicking in. He clenched his fists, ready to intervene, but before that a mask to cover his face.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Kevin called out as he approached the scene.

The thugs turned to him, smirking. "What's it to you, pretty boy?"

Kevin's smirk matched theirs. "Just not a fan of bullies, that's all."

Without hesitation, he activated the Omnitrix, and a bright light engulfed him. When the light faded, Kevin had transformed into a tall, red skinned four-armed alien with impressive strength. The thugs' eyes widened in surprise.

"Meet Fourarms!" Kevin announced, his voice now deep and authoritative.

With a quick and powerful strike, he sent one of the thugs flying, crashing into a nearby trash can. The others hesitated for a moment before charging at him. He deftly dodged their attacks, using his incredible strength to subdue them one by one.

In no time, the thugs were lying on the ground, groaning in pain. He reverted to Kevin, his chest heaving from the exertion. The young woman he had saved approached him, gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you so much!" she said, her voice trembling with relief.

Kevin flashed her a casual grin. "No problem. Just doing my thing."

As the woman hurried away, Kevin continued his way, his heart racing from the adrenaline. He knew that being a hero wasn't about the fame or recognition – it was about making a difference in people's lives, even if it meant getting his hands dirty.

Later that afternoon, Kevin found himself in a coffee shop near Leo's favorite hangout spot. Leo was his closest friend, a lively and energetic guy with a penchant for fashion and a heart of gold. And today, Leo had a date with his boyfriend, Tony. Leo and Tony have been dating for couple of weeks now. They always do some date every end of the week.

As Kevin sipped his coffee, he spotted Leo entering the coffee shop, dressed to impress in a stylish outfit. He couldn't help but chuckle at Leo's nervous yet excited expression. Leo approached the counter, his eyes scanning the menu as he awaited Tony's arrival.

Just then, Kevin's mischievous side kicked in. He stealthily made his way to the counter and leaned over to whisper to the barista, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Hey, when my friend Leo's date arrives, tell him his order is on the house. And add an extra dollop of whipped cream to his latte."

The barista grinned and nodded, playing along with Kevin's prank. As Kevin returned to his seat, he couldn't help but suppress a laugh, imagining Leo's reaction when he realized what had happened.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Tony walked into the coffee shop. He had a warm smile on his face as he spotted Leo sitting at a table by the window. Leo's eyes widened with excitement as he stood to greet Tony, their conversation filled with laughter and smiles.

Meanwhile, the barista handed Leo his latte, winking as she mentioned it was a special treat. Leo thanked her and eagerly took a sip, only to have whipped cream cover his nose and upper lip. Tony burst into laughter, and Leo's cheeks turned a shade of pink that matched his latte.

Kevin watched from his seat, thoroughly entertained by the scene. He knew that Leo would never hold a grudge, and the prank had served its purpose – to lighten the mood and create a memorable moment for his friend.

As the afternoon turned to evening, Kevin couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. From thwarting thugs to pulling pranks, he had embraced the full spectrum of his adventurous and compassionate nature. The Omnitrix on his wrist served as a reminder that he could make a difference, one small act at a time.

And as he looked at Leo and Tony sharing genuine laughter and getting to know each other, Kevin couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart. After all, life was meant to be lived to the fullest, with every moment cherished and every opportunity seized.

With a satisfied smile, Kevin finished his coffee and left the coffee shop, ready to face whatever new adventures and challenges the next day would bring.

[Day XX 9: 15]


The city of Metro Burg bustled with life as the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the tall buildings and bustling streets. Amidst the urban chaos, a young man named Kevin White navigated the sidewalks with a mixture of purpose and caution.

As Kevin walked down the crowded street, his steps were accompanied by the rhythmic tapping of his sneakers against the pavement. He wore a worn-out brown leather jacket over a faded blue T-shirt, his jeans carrying the telltale signs of countless adventures he'd embarked upon. On his left wrist, a mysterious device known as the Omnitrix glowed with an otherworldly green light, a symbol of the extraordinary secret he carried.

The Omnitrix had been a gift from the God. It granted him the ability to transform into a variety of alien beings, each with their own unique set of abilities. Recently he acquired his 11th alien after it scan the android called Amazo. When transformed Kevin turned into a hulking 7 feet tall and full of muscle and look like human a body builder, He choose to name it Copybot. It has a power like Amazo, and it also have similar to weakness.

Passing by a bustling café, Kevin couldn't help but be drawn to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that wafted through the air. He stepped inside and was greeted by the cheerful barista, a young woman with vibrant purple hair and a warm smile.

"Morning, Kevin! Usual?" she asked, already reaching for a ceramic mug.

Kevin nodded with a grin. "You know me too well, Sam. Thanks."

He took a seat by the window, watching the people outside as he sipped his coffee.

As the day turned to afternoon, Kevin left the café and made his way to Park. It was his favorite place to unwind and let his thoughts wander. In his thought was roaming with the Invitation given by the young heroes.

The park was a serene oasis during the city's chaos, filled with lush greenery, colorful flowers, and a tranquil pond.

Kevin found a secluded spot beneath a large oak tree and settled down with a book he'd brought along. It was his way of escaping reality for a little while, losing himself in the world of fiction. But his peaceful reading was soon interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey, Kevin! Ready for another adventure?"

Kevin looked up to see his closest friend, Leo, grinning down at him. Leo was a fellow orphan and a mischievous spirit. He had a way of turning even the most ordinary activities into thrilling escapades.

"What kind of adventure are you cooking up this time, Leo?" Kevin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Leo pulled out a water balloon from behind his back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Water balloon fight in the park! Are you in or what?"

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle at Leo 's enthusiasm. "You never fail to surprise me, do you?"

Before he could protest further, Leo hurled the water balloon, and Kevin barely managed to dodge in time. Laughter filled the air as a full-fledged water balloon battle ensued between the two friends.

For the next hour, they ran, dodged, and splashed each other with water balloons, the park echoing with their infectious laughter. Eventually, they collapsed on the grass, panting and drenched but thoroughly content.

"Man, you always manage to make the most mundane things ridiculously fun," Kevin admitted, wiping water from his face.

Leo grinned, his sapphire eyes sparkling with mischief. "Life's too short to be boring, my friend."

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Kevin and Leo sat side by side on a park bench, their clothes still damp from their impromptu water fight.

"You know," Leo began, his tone turning serious, "I've always wondered why you never let anyone in, Kev. You're a good guy, and people would love to get to know you."

Kevin looked down at his hands, his expression contemplative. "I've been on my own for a long time, Leo. It's hard to let people in when you're used to relying only on yourself."

Leo nudged him gently. "Well, just remember that you've got me. And if you ever change your mind, you have my number, I'll be there cheering you on."

Kevin offered a small smile in return. "Thanks, Leo."

As the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, Kevin couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the friendships he'd forged, the adventures he'd experienced, and the secret power he carried within him.

[Day XX 7:00]


The sun rose over the bustling city of Metro Burg, casting a warm golden glow on the streets below. The city was alive with the sounds of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the distant hum of everyday life. Among the crowd, a young man named Kevin White walked with purpose, his hands tucked casually in the pockets of his worn-out jeans.

Kevin was an 18-year-old orphan with a shock of unruly Golden Blond hair and a perpetual smirk on his face. He had an air of confidence about him that seemed to draw attention wherever he went.

As Kevin strolled down the sidewalk, he couldn't help but notice the small joys of the city. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from a nearby café, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers from a street vendor's cart. He smirked as he saw a group of pigeon's scatters in all directions when a gust of wind blew a newspaper off a park bench.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A voice called out, interrupting Kevin's observations. He glanced up to see a woman holding a stack of papers that had fallen to the ground.

"Sorry about that," Kevin said with a sheepish grin as he knelt to help gather the scattered documents. "Here you go."

The woman's stern expression softened as she looked at Kevin. "Thanks. You know, you're not like the usual troublemakers around here."

Kevin chuckled. "Yeah, well, I try to keep things interesting."

With the papers gathered, the woman thanked Kevin again and continued her way. Kevin stood up, brushing off his hands as he continued his walk. He couldn't deny that there was a certain thrill in helping others while keeping his identity a secret.

As he passed by a local bakery, the delicious aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air. Kevin's stomach growled in response, reminding him that he hadn't eaten yet. He stepped inside the bakery and was greeted by the warm smile of the baker behind the counter.

"Good morning! What can I get you today?" the baker asked.

Kevin's eyes scanned the array of treats on display. "I'll take a chocolate croissant and a coffee, please."

The baker nodded and quickly prepared Kevin's order. As Kevin waited, he noticed a group of kids peering through the bakery's window, their faces pressed against the glass in eager anticipation.

"Here you go," the baker said, placing the croissant and coffee on the counter. "That'll be $5.50."

Kevin handed over the money and then glanced at the kids outside. "Add a dozen assorted pastries to my order and give them to those kids outside."

The baker raised an eyebrow but followed Kevin's gaze. "You've got a big heart, kid."

Kevin grinned. "Just doing my part to spread some joy."

With a wave and a warm smile from the baker, Kevin left the bakery with the box of pastries in hand. He walked over to the kids, their eyes widening as he approached.

"Hey, you guys hungry?" Kevin asked, holding out the box of pastries.

The kids stared at him in amazement before eagerly reaching for the treats. "Thanks! You're the best!"

Kevin chuckled and ruffled one of the kids' hairs. "No problem. Enjoy!"

As he continued his journey through the city, Kevin's thoughts turned to the daily shenanigans he often found himself involved in. Just yesterday, he had managed to pull off a hilarious prank involving water balloons and a strategically placed bucket of confetti. The memory brought a mischievous grin to his face.

His next stop was a small park where a group of street performers were entertaining a small crowd with their acrobatics and music. Kevin leaned against a tree, watching with genuine amusement. As the performers finished their routine, they passed around a hat for tips. Kevin reached into his pocket and dropped a handful of coins into the hat, earning a grateful nod from one of the performers.

"Thanks for the show," Kevin said with a wink.

The performers smiled and bowed in response. "Anytime, friend!"

As the sun began to set, Kevin's steps took him towards the heart of the city. He reached an old, abandoned building that had become his makeshift home. Inside, he had managed to create a cozy living space with a combination of scavenged furniture and his own creative touch.

Sitting down on his worn-out couch, Kevin let out a content sigh. He glanced at the Omnitrix on his wrist, a constant reminder of the extraordinary power he possessed. But despite that power, he found the most satisfaction in the simple acts of kindness he performed each day.

As the city lights illuminated the night sky, Kevin knew that his adventures were far from over. He had a feeling that there were many more adventure waiting for him just around the corner. And he couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring.

With a grin, Kevin leaned back on the couch, his mind already brimming with ideas for tomorrow's escapades. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he led – a life filled with laughter, friendship, and the thrill of making a difference, one small act at a time.

[Day XX 9: 15]


The morning, the sun's rays filtered through the blinds of Kevin's makeshift home, gently coaxing him awake. He stretched and yawned, feeling the residual excitement from yesterday's encounters still lingering in his thoughts. Today, he had a feeling that things were going to get even more interesting.

After a quick breakfast of cereal and orange juice, Kevin headed out into the city streets. As he walked, his keen senses picked up on a commotion ahead. He quickened his pace and turned the corner to find a group of thugs surrounding a timid-looking young man. The situation was clear – they were trying to intimidate him.

Kevin's eyes narrowed, and he discreetly activated the Omnitrix on his wrist. A flash of light enveloped him, and when it faded, he stood transformed into a hulking alien with tough, Crystal armor-like skin. He cracked his knuckles and approached the group with a confident stride.

"Hey, fellas," he said in a deep, rumbling voice. "Mind if I join the party?"

The thugs turned to face the alien, their bravado faltering for a moment. "Who the hell are you?"

Kevin grinned, flexing his massive muscles. "Just your friendly neighborhood… well, let's call me the Diamondhead."

Before the thugs could react, Kevin lunged forward, his armored fists knocking two of them off their feet. The remaining thugs exchanged nervous glances before deciding that discretion was the better part of valor. They turned tail and fled in various directions, leaving their intended victim behind.

The timid young man looked up at Kevin in awe. "You… you saved me."

Kevin's alien form softened, and he chuckled. "Yeah, consider it a public service. Stay safe out there."

With a nod of gratitude, the young man hurried away, leaving Kevin standing alone. He concentrated, and with another flash of light, he reverted to his human form. He continued his way, a satisfied grin on his face.

Later that afternoon, Kevin found himself in a trendy café, sipping on an iced coffee and people-watching. He had decided to take a break from his usual activities and enjoy some downtime. As he observed the eclectic mix of customers, his attention was drawn to a group of friends sitting at a nearby table.

Among them was his closest friend Leo, a flamboyantly character with a penchant for fashion and a vibrant personality. Today, he was joined by his boyfriend Tony, an easygoing guy with a smile that could light up a room that is what Leo says. They were engrossed in animated conversation, occasionally erupting into fits of laughter.

A mischievous glint sparkled in Kevin's eyes as an idea began to form. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small itam. With a hidden grin, he walked toward the table and actied like he missed a step and slightly touched the table Suddenly, the table vibrated slightly, causing Leo's coffee to spill over the rim of his cup.

"Oops! My bad!" Kevin exclaimed, feigning innocence as he approached their table.

Leo shot him a playful glare, sitting up from the chair and dabbing at the coffee spill with a napkin. "Kevin, you really are a troublemaker!"

Tony chuckled, patting Leo's hand. "It's all in good fun."

As Kevin exchanged a knowing look with Tony, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Leo was one of his closest friends, and while he enjoyed their banter, he also knew that he should tread carefully. Leo had a flair for drama, and his reactions to Kevin's pranks were always a mix of annoyance and amusement.

They asked him to join them and the rest of their time at the café was filled with laughter, stories, and shared moments. Kevin enjoyed watching the easy chemistry between Leo and Tony, and he felt a sense of contentment knowing that his friends were happy. As they finished their drinks and prepared to leave, Kevin couldn't wait for that one final prank.

As Leo stood up from his chair, Kevin discreetly activated the remote control again. This time, the chair let out a comical fart sound, causing Leo to freeze mid-motion. The café patrons erupted into laughter, and even Leo couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Kevin White, you're impossible!" Leo exclaimed, shaking his head.

Tony grinned and draped an arm around Leo's shoulders. "See, babe? Even the universe thinks you're a star."

Kevin joined in the laughter, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie with his friends. As they left the café, Leo playfully swatted at Kevin's arm.

"Just you wait, Kev. I'll come up with a prank that'll leave you speechless."

Kevin smirked. "Oh, I can't wait to see what you come up with."

As they walked down the city streets, the trio shared stories. Kevin couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds he had forged and the adventures that awaited him.