A virgin teacher dies then get reincarnated by the goddess of life, this time she will still be a teacher but with gamer ability. Can she solve her student's problems and become a normal teacher this time? Duh she is a gamer, and no gamer got a normal life
Today the author isn't lucky!
Question: Does angel exist in Beelzebub? I couldn't find any information relate to that stuff
(Angelia POV)
How can I describe my current situation again? Oh, it's a very normal one, in fact, too normal in this world's standard. This usually happens when they have lunch I guess, no fighting, no arguing, just eating together...
Too bad this peaceful scene only last for some minute since you know, this isn't an anime about love or power of friendship blah blah, this is an anime about a delinquent student beating up his friend.
"OI! How dare you steal my food?"
"You are too fat, I'm just helping you on your diet!"
"Damn you!"
See? it's inevitable, this anime is mostly about fighting so no matter what you do there will always be violence unless you have something that can grant a wish like the dragon balls. Well, that is enough monologuing, time to perform the teacher's duty again.
"Remember kids, this isn't student abusing, this is an example of teacher punishing bad students."
"You are just beating us up for no reason!"
"Even delinquent has to learn about manners, so cut your complaining and finish your lunch, I will come back later to check if any of you start a fight or anything then prepare to get yeeted out of the window." Pretty sure they will survive the fall, with some broken bones of course.
(3rd POV)
"Oi Furuichi, what do you think we have to do with this kid?" Oga asked while throwing his lunch box into a garbage bin."Why are you asking me that question? Isn't you is the person who picked him up?" His friend Furuichi yelled and walk along with Oga to his home
"I know but... I don't have any experience with children, unlike you who dare to propose to a minor."
*BAM* Furuichi punched his friend on the head which somehow do super effective damage.
"OI! That is the truth!" "You don't need to state unnecessary truth damn it!" Furuichi yelled furiously, he didn't want anyone to know about this, especially his teacher.
"Ara Ara did I hear that right?" The familiar voices sent a chill down to the two boys spine, they slowly turn their heads to meet with their teacher and security guard's murderous eyes.
"I think Furuichi-kun require some serious education here don't you think so onee-san?" Tenshira said and grab one of Furuichi's shoulders to prevent him from running.
"I think so too imouto, let's teach him something very important, in private." Angelia grabbed another side of Furuichi's shoulder and continue to leak out a lot of her aura
"Eto, I'm out of here, good luck Furuichi and have a good day sensei." Oga immediately ran away after he finish his sentence.
{A little timeskip}
"listen up Furuichi, this might be to our benefit... ah, I don't think he is listening" Oga calmly eat a slice of cake while looking at his best friend lying on the bed, seemly traumatized.
After Oga finish his food is when Furuichi finally wake up from his nightmare, he looks around and found Oga and Baal sitting on the chair, "... wait, what are you doing in my house?" He asked and get off the bed
"Once upon a time, there was a fine young lumberjack." But Furuichi cut in "hold it, that joke is too old now."
But Oga continue his story anyway "the young man threw his axe into a lake, and the spirit of the lake appeared and said: was it is the old axe you threw in the lake? or was it this golden baby?"
"Yeah, I saw that a mile away," Furuichi said deadpanned
"Here! Have a golden baby!" Oga hold Beel and tried to give the kid to his friend, "I ain't taking that thing, not some freaking baby!" Furuichi began to use his hidden power and dodge the demon kid in Oga hand at godspeed.
"I have a date tonight!" "Isn't that perfect? You and that girl can raise him and live happily ever after!" Oga finally caught the grey hair friend and throw him down, what left to do is to take Beel off his clothes.
"Let go of me, you! Listen up, baby! if you seriously make me mad, I'll show you the pit of hell!" Oga threatens baby Beel with his face but it only makes Beel happier.
"... Furuichi."
"He is totally attached to me"
"Yeah, it seems so." Angelia suddenly appear out of nowhere and agreed with Oga. "Woah sensei, why are you inside my house too?" Furuichi asked
"Well, who do you think brought you back?" Angelia asked in a deadpan tone and open the door to reveal Tenshira in her normal outfit standing outside. "I understand that Oga is my friend so he can enter my house without any permission but why do my parents let you guy in?"
"It's very simple, I just tell them that I give you an extra education and you need some help to get back home, easy and effective," Tenshira answered.
"Back to the main problem, look like that kid is attached to you, I think it has something to do with your violence behaviour Oga-kun," Angelia said in a fake clueless tone.
"How can you even jump into that conclusion sensei? but I agree with your sensei, the kid is attached to Oga for some reason,"
"attach to him? You're delusional. The little master would never take to likes of you." A strange blonde hair girl stepped in from the window and look at Oga in disgust.
"Die, gutter-trash" She added
"Nani!? W-Who are you!?" Furuichi get panic, a natural reaction I suppose
"Who are you calling gutter-trash? And get down here, now! Waltzing into my house lies you own it!"
"This is Furuichi-kun house you know?" Angelia remind him
"Hm." Hilda ignores Oga and gets down, "now, little master, come along. Hilda is here to take you home."
Beel look bored for a second and turn his head away uninterested, he also didn't forget to add a "da" at the end
"Eh?!" "Ha, look like he doesn't like you!" Oga mocked with a... strange expression I guess
"Uh, little master, it's time to go." Hilda tried to pull Beel of Oga's clothes, but seem like she isn't using enough strength to shatter the protagonist's shirt, even as a demon.
Meanwhile, Angelia and Tenshria are enjoying the scene between the two future lovers, trying to take care of their child. "Hey, onee-san, do you think we should get out of this place now?" Tenshira asked
(Tenshira is the little sister btw, Angelia claimed the elder sister place by winning Qiqi's trust.)
"I don't think it's necessary, even if baby Beel used his lighting, we have a kind of magic immunity so we are safe to watch." Angelia shrugged and take out another slice of cake from the system and eat it while enjoying the scene.
"Furuichi, you idiot, help me!" Oga yelled while trying to give Beel away
"Ho, okay!" *You know what he does in the anime*
[-0 damage]
"While we can nullify the damage, our eyes still physically get damaged by the bright lighting," Angelia commented and look at her newly bought cake that has been destroyed by lighting, "and our items aren't magic-proof either, that is sad to know," Tenshira added.
{After some cleanup}
"I apologize. I'm this baby's maidservant demon, Hildegarde." Hilda introduces herself and kindly accept the tea from Angelia 'that two women take no damage of scratch from taking young master's lighting directly, I must be careful when those two are around.'
"Demon?" Oga and Furuichi asked at the same time
Hilda nodded and continued, "and that child is to be our king. His name is, Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV. In other words, he is the Maou."
*creepy or funny music here idk man*
"Maou!?" Furuichi and Oga were shocked, while Angelia and Tenshira is still chilling and drinking tea as if nothing happen.
"Eto, Hilda-san it's? Thank for the exposition! That is great and all... but since you've come to take him back, well, if you don't mind..."
Hilda shook her head "No, that won't be possible. Why? Because you seem to have been chosen." She then points her finger at Oga menacingly "as the Maou's father!"
"Dai-Maou-sama said... *Anime insertion blah blah*
"Is what he said."
*PFT!* Angelia and her counterpart couldn't help but laugh at the demon father's action.
Angelia quickly regains her composure and join in the conservation, "so in short, the little Maou we have right here has chosen Oga-kun as his father, it's because of his violent nature?"
"Maybe it's true, I'm not sure if to call him worthy or not but it's the young master's choice so I will obey him."
Furuichi look at his friend and give him a pat on the should, "good luck" he said and ready to leave.
"You just gonna run away!?" "This is my house! Go home!"
"Da, da, da" While the two friends are arguing, baby Beel is having a good time cheering for both of them
*Click* The door suddenly opens, revealing a big man wearing a strange set of clothes
"Who are you?!"
"This is the dimensional transference demon, Alaindelon."
"Put on some clothes you dumb ass," Tenshira said and kick the dimensional demon out of the house through the window.
"... As I always said, she is a violent person no matter how did you look at it," Angelia said and look at the flying star slowly falling somewhere in the city, truly their strength has been increased a lot to be able to punch a man that far away, even with anime logic boost.