
Teacher Cheng Nuo

Éditeur: Atlas Studios

In the office, Old Man Tang was being pestered by all the teachers.

Based on Cheng Nuo's performance that day, it was possible that he would get a ranking in the IMO. If that happened, the school and the teachers from the math department would be very proud.

However, it was too late. The IMO had already ended.

Old Man Tang could only smile bitterly as the teachers engaged in an intense discussion. "If I said that I only found out about this yesterday, would you guys believe me?"

Then Old Man Tang told the rest about what had happened the previous day.

"You mean the boy called Cheng Nuo from your class really suddenly became smart?" asked one of the teachers.

"Perhaps that is the only reasonable explanation! However, it's such a pity!"

The fourth period in the morning was Old Man Tang's math lesson.

The main agenda of this lesson was to explain the problems they had done the previous day.

"I took a look at everyone's answers on the test from yesterday. Overall, it was terrible!" Old Man Tang said in a stern voice, "If you guys cannot do difficult problems, it is alright. However, some of you still cannot do basic problems that I have explained before. There's something wrong with your attitudes! Why can't some of you do them when other students can? That is because you did not pay attention in class. We have a few months left, all of you have to fix your attitudes, understand?"

"Understood!!!" the students replied in unison.

It was not the first time that Old Man Tang had gotten angry. Everyone had figured out his temper.

"Alright, I shall announce the results.

"First place, Cheng Nuo! 150 points!"


When Old Man Tang announced the first place, a commotion broke out amongst the students.

Everyone looked at Cheng Nuo.

They were shocked about how Cheng Nuo, someone who had always performed mediocrely, had managed to get first place in the math test. Moreover, they were more shocked by the amount of points he had obtained—150 points! A perfect score!

The test yesterday was so difficult.

It was the most difficult test they had done this year. However, Cheng Nuo… had gotten a perfect score! What was that!?

"Cheng Nuo, you… you got a perfect score?!" The most surprised person was Hao Shuai.

He had seen Cheng Nuo's speed. Cheng Nuo had taken about one hour to complete the test…

One hour? A perfect score?

Hao Shuai felt like he was extremely dumb.

Old Man Tang smiled as though he had predicted the reaction from the students. Then he continued to announce the points.

"Second place, Mu Leng, 123 points!"

The study god was still a study god. Although the test was difficult, Mu Leng had still managed to get 123 points.

"Mu Leng, did you hear that? You are second!" Su Xiaoxiao said excitedly to Mu Leng.

"Oh," replied Mu Leng coldly. She continued to look at Cheng Nuo.

How could that detestable person do better than her? Moreover, it was a difference of 27 points.

Mu Leng had never expected Cheng Nuo to get a perfect score.

Mu Leng only managed to beat Cheng Nuo in terms of studies.

Yet now, Cheng Nuo had beaten her in the field she had the biggest advantage in.

Had her father really agreed with Cheng Nuo's ridiculous request? Mu Leng was worried.

Old Man Tang only announced the top ten students in the class. That was to prevent embarrassing the students who had only scored single digits. For example, Lin Hu, who had scored eight points.

Old Man Tang continued to talk at the front of the classroom while the students listened. Cheng Nuo obviously did not bother listening to a problem he already understood.

Cheng Nuo thought that he was undefeatable in math, physics, and chemistry. Although he might not be able to solve all the problems, he thought that the Gaokao would be a piece of cake.

For the rest of the time, Cheng Nuo decided to focus on english, chinese language, and biology. These three subjects required memorization and data was barely involved. Cheng Nuo did not expect himself to improve much in these subjects. If he managed to improve by a few points, it would be good enough.

Therefore, when Old Man Tang explained the math problems, Cheng Nuo began to do his english test.

Old Man Tang saw that, but he did not comment.

When Cheng Nuo managed to answer the IMO problem in the morning, Old Man Tang knew that Cheng Nuo was already better than him in math.

Cheng Nuo could do anything he wanted! As long as he did not destroy other students' confidence.

"Cheng Nuo!" When Old Man Tang got to the last problem, he called Cheng Nuo. "Can you come forward and explain how the last problem is done?"

Going forward to explain a problem! That was a privilege that only study gods had! In the past, Mu Leng was the one who did that.

However, this time, hahaha! The study god was Cheng Nuo! Cheng Nuo was extremely happy! He thanked Old Man Tang internally!

Cheng Nuo gave Mu Leng a glance, and that arrogant expression made Mu Leng extremely angry. "Cheng Nuo, just wait…!"

"Friends, this problem is actually very easy!" Cheng Nuo put his hands behind his back as he stood in front of the class. He was serious and gave off a teacher vibe. Cheng Nuo looked extremely calm, but he was actually panicking internally! After all, it was his first time doing that! How should he do this? Should he say "good morning, everyone"? He was quite worried!

Cheng Nuo tried his best to take over Old Man Tang's job.

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo slammed the table, shocking the students.

"Why do you guys not know how to do this easy problem? Why?! We have done similar problems countless times! Don't you just have to get the formula of an oval and the maximum value? How is that difficult!? Even if you don't know how to do the second part, the first part is so easy. Why can't you guys do it? Why are you staring at me, Mu Leng?! I'm talking about you! Why didn't you do the last problem at all?!"

After hearing Cheng Nuo, Old Man Tang and the students were shocked and angry. Mu Leng, on the other hand, was so angry that her face turned purple and she breathed heavily.

Old Man Tang shouted at Cheng Nuo with a straight face, "Cheng Nuo, I told you to explain the problem! Hurry up!"

Old Man Tang swore that unless necessary, he would never ask Cheng Nuo to go to the front anymore.

This boy… was so evil!

"Oh, yes, yes…" Cheng Nuo smiled and began to explain his train of thought seriously. Then he walked back to his seat while the other students looked at him in envy and hatred.

"Don't admire me, I am different!"