
Omnipotence Book of Movies and TV-Shows

Anthony decided to use his power to create new universes from movies and tv-shows and visit those worlds with his power. This is a story about a guy who gets the power of omnipotence. A guy that gets to go into movies and change them for better or worse. Im writing this as i think of it, so come back in a year. If someone wants to take this idea and make a better story, please do

BlankRpr · Autres
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The Darkest Minds

After Alice got her power from her brother, she made herself immortal like he did. Then gave herself all sorts of knowledge like how to create and run a company. She gave herself heaps of money so that it would never be a problem for her again. And made it so no one would question how she got that much money.

Alice created a company and a bunch of branch companies tied to it, some focused on creating food whilst some focused on creating different technologies. She also made medicines and distributed them at extremely low prices, she did this for all her things.

Anthony appears back on his bed form the shadow hunter world, no time has passed for his home universe because time runs separately in different universes. Anthony is covered in shadow hunters runes and also has Angel and Demon blood, he also has aged quite a bit so he reverses his body back to how it was before he left.

Anthony get up and leaves his room, it's around 8:30 and his sister Alice should still be home, he moves to kitchen and sees Alice making breakfast. Anthony goes over to her and tells her how she should just use her power to make food appear but she tells him she prefers making it.

Alice goes on to tell Anthony about her plan to buy as much land as she can in the middle of Australia and then make a new city there. A city of the future. Anthony listens to her talk and after she goes to work at her company and Anthony teleport himself to the middle of Australia, where Alice has bought excessively large amounts of land. Anthony looks at the ground and then the sky, next he uses his power to make it start raining. The rain turns into a massive storm that covers their land surprisingly evenly.

Anthony vanishes from his spot.

Anthony visits his sister Alice at her work. He goes up to the reception desk and ask to see Alice, the reception lady ask who is and if has an appointment. To which he replies to her that he is her brother. That lady calls someone on the phone and then tell tells him the way to her office. Anthony goes to her office to tell Alice that the land should be full of vitality in a couple weeks. She says that he has caused quite a stir as the storm is the topic of all the news channels. He tells her that it doesn't matter as no one will be able to prove that we have done anything.

The following weeks the storm that never seemed to be stoping suddenly stopped just as it had appeared and in its wake leaving behind a beautiful freshly watered land. And in the next couple days grass and plants and trees started to grow.

Alice started building a community out there, she built housing, and residential areas. She built an electrical facility that provides power to the growing town.

She built a school, and built food places, like restaurants and takeaway shops. She built a hospital and factories and buildings that produce technology such as phones, games, tv's, cars. She would hire young and old people that are the best in their fields and payed them very well.

Alice and Anthony moved out of their apartment and builds a house on their land in their town. Alice turned some of the land into a forest and some into farm land.

Anthony's is in his room and looks at one of his bedroom walls, a door appears growing out of the wall. Anthony enters the door to grass field, he created this dimensional space for training and exploring his power.

Back in Anthony bedroom, Anthony is laying on his bed watching a movie.

Anthony just finished watching the movie The Darkest Minds and boi did he not like the ending, well it was alright but he reckons it could have been better.

Anthony decides to visit this world but before doing so he goes to his dimensional training field and gives himself all the abilities from the movie and trains in using them. With increased intelligence from one of the psi abilities, it makes it easier for him to learn.

He makes giant earthquake in the middle of the field that fills in just as quickly as it was made. Next he spawns in 5 bus's and lifts them with telekinesis. Next he makes the bus spark up and then eventually explodes from the electricity running through the bus.

Next he starts making a fire tornado and a little fire on the top of his finger. Then all the fire dissipates into clean air. Next he creates a human pacifically, a duplicate of Clancy Gray. The clone is facing Anthony and just as Clancy is about to use his power as his eyes start glowing orange.

Anthony looks at Clancy and just as their eyes meet Clancy freezes, unable to move a muscle, he just manages to get out a few words, "who are you?".

Anthony spend the next hour and half ordering Clancy around the field, doing pushups, jumping jacks and such. Next going into his mind and looking through his memories and then erasing them. Anthony then looks at Clancy and then Clancy vanishes into thin air.

Before Anthony even steps foot in the world of Eps ability users he makes an secret organisation in the middle of Australia in that world. The organisation has been hidden throughout history and its leader is unknown but is always is said to be recognisable by his handsome young looks and abilities.

Anthony has made an invisible globe that surrounds an area in the middle of Australia and inside is a massive forest. And in the middle of the forest is an advanced city run by an ancient aboriginal tribe. They have advanced technology. The tribe worships a entity they call their leader. Their supposedly leader has only been seen once at the beginning of their civilisation, when he came and blessed that village with protection and resources.

Anthony makes a portal and he steps through it. He comes out of it and is standing in the middle of forest and then a teenage boy named Liam, runs past him and notices Anthony.

Liam completely surprised by the sudden appearance of this mid 20 year old. Liam tries to push Anthony back using his Eps ability but nothing happens besides his eyes glowing blue for a bit.

Liam asks Anthony who he is but Anthony does his best impression of Gandalf the gray and tells him the i have been watching you and i wants to help you.

Anthony looks at Liam and tells him to remember and just as Liam is about to say remember what, he gets a sudden burst of old memories about Ruby, the chick that just erased his memories and kicked him out. Anthony also deleted the fake memories that Ruby left behind.

Liam feeling confused and stressed, falls to the ground and is about to have a mental breakdown, but before that could happen Anthony looks him in his eyes and tells him to calm down. Liam does and then remembers that this guy gave his memories back.

Liam composes of himself and stands up he asks Anthony a bunch of questions,

the first one being if he's here to capture him. Anthony tells him that he isn't and like he said before is here to help. Liam a little distrusting because the last orange Liam met was a psychopath besides Ruby. Liam thinks Anthony is an Orange.

Liam asks Anthony for his name and how he has survived this long as an orange. Liam was first shocked that Anthony is even a psi ability user because of how old he is. Anthony just said that he got the disease pretty early. And that he has come form a different country.

Anthony tells liam that he has his own organisation and wants him to join him.

Liam contemplate whether or not he should join Anthony or go find Ruby but he decides in the end, go with Anthony.

Liam ask Anthony where they're going, and Anthony says we're going to go get Ruby.

They walk back the way Liam came and Liam asks wont the guards stop us?. Anthony tell Liam not to worry as how can they stop us if they can see us. Anthony explains that he's going to make them invisible to everyone.

Liam asks how Anthony is able to do that to which anthony replies that it's a secret. Well what is Anthony meant to say, he can just say that he's basically a god and can do anything.

They make their way back to the compound/safe house where Ruby is located. They walk past the guards without them noticing and open the door and walk inside, they find Ruby inside one of the rooms talking to a lady named Kate and a guy named Rob. Ruby is shocked to see them, especially Liam who has his memories back.

Liam starts yelling at Ruby and she tries to clam him down but it just looks like she have a mental breakdown from Kate and Robs perspective as they can't see or hear Liam or Anthony. Liam calms down a bit, enough to have a normal conversation. Ruby asks who Anthony is and how come Kate and Rob can't see them.

Anthony apologises and tells Ruby that it's his ability and shows his Orange glowing eyes from underneath his hair. Ruby's shocked and gets in a defensive stand, but Liam tells her to calm down and asks Anthony to deactivate his ability to make them invisible.