
A new day.... i think


A thunderous voice pierced the silence, jolting the 15-year-old boy out of his sleep. Startled, he leaped off his bed, his heart pounding in his chest.

Cain: "Who... What... When... Huh..." stammered Cain, disoriented by the sudden disturbance.

"CAIN, I HOPE YOU'RE OUT OF BED BY THE TIME I GET THERE... BECAUSE IF I FIND YOU STILL SLEEPING..." a stern yet fair lady with smooth skin, black eyes, and her hair tied in a ponytail, clad in an apron, bellowed threateningly.

Cain: "Mom, I'm up and ready," Cain replied hastily, fully aware of the consequences if his mother completed her sentence.

Cain's mom: "Hmph," she snorted, knowing all too well that her son hadn't even taken a bath yet.

Cain's mom: "Hurry up and come eat your breakfast... This son of mine is truly a handful," his mother said, a smile tugging at her lips as she held her neck.

Cain, who had endured countless scoldings for being late to school, would do anything to avoid it this morning. He sprinted straight to the bathroom, wishing he had more limbs and could move faster.

After what seemed like an eternity, he hurried to his wardrobe, grabbed his school uniform, and put it on, relieved that he had kept it clean.

As he dressed, he couldn't help but steal a glance at himself in the mirror, admiring his own reflection. Thoughts raced through his mind: 'Yep, I'm different. A slim but muscular body, with toned arms and legs, a complete six-pack, and brown hair. Fair skin that had a slight tan from the sun, complemented by a handsome face. Not a day goes by without a love letter from the opposite sex. I'm quite the charmer. Can't help but appreciate myself a little more.'

"You wouldn't want me to come up there, would you, Cain?" his mother's soft voice echoed, yet it still sent a shiver down his spine, raising the hairs on his neck like a rabbit sensing danger.

"I'm d... done, Mom," Cain replied, questioning why his mother always emitted such predatory vibes while smiling simultaneously. The image of her smiling after uttering those words lingered in his mind.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Cain appeared at the dining table, sweating not from the sudden rush but from the loving gaze his mother was giving him.

"What took you so long?" his mother asked, her smile taking on a dangerous edge as she watched him eat.

"I... I was just thinking about how lovely you look this morning," Cain replied, desperately attempting to change the subject.

Cain's mom, aware of her son's silver tongue and his attempt to divert the conversation, couldn't help but smile and said, "You should use those tricks on the girls at your school... Now hurry up and finish your meal."

"Yes, Mom," Cain replied, exhaling as if he had narrowly escaped a major catastrophe.

As he savored his mother's delicious cooking, Cain glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind her. "Time sure flies," he thought, about to delve back into his food when he felt a looming threat once again. Knowing its source, he swallowed nervously and quietly rose from his chair. Cain knew what would happen next, but he couldn't resist stealing a glance at his mother. Yes, she was reaching for her slippers.

He swiftly grabbed his bag and dashed toward the door, making sure not to forget the last piece of toast on his plate. Just as Cain successfully crossed the threshold, he felt

something hurled with force, almost knocking him off his feet.

Ducking the slippers with finesse, as if his life depended on it, Cain sprinted away from the house. After what seemed like a successful escape, he encountered his childhood friend just two streets away from his house. His friend seemed like a hybrid of the Hulk and a bear, towering over Cain with a body three times his size. Thick arms and legs suggested someone who could win any fight.

Cain's friend: "Well, you look alive this morning. I can't believe the school's warlord is afraid of his own mom," he teased, accompanied by a disdainful expression.

Cain: "Hey, George... Seems like you miss my two babies," Cain retorted, flexing his arms playfully, provoking a fight.

"Like I'm scared... Huh..." George replied, mockingly.

"Say that when you meet my mom. She told me to bring you over," Cain said, giving George a sidelong glance.

"Huh... W... wait, what?" George exclaimed, his fear resembling that of a cat with its tail stepped on.

Cain, anticipating his friend's reaction, stopped teasing and burst into laughter. Yes, his mom was indeed scary.

Sharing the same expression, the two friends looked at each other and erupted into laughter. Even passersby glanced at them strangely, with one person contemplating calling the mental hospital, suspecting that the two of them had lost their minds.

Noticing the unfriendly gazes around them, they quickly composed themselves and walked leisurely toward their school.

Duet Academy II

As they made their way to school, they encountered their other friends.

Cain: "Hey, Tang Ming and Wright, how are you guys doing?" Cain greeted, waving to their other close friends. Tang Ming and Wright waved back, approaching the two friends as they regrouped.

Tang Ming, a charming young man with a slim yet muscular physique, possessed a handsomeness that almost rivaled Cain's. On the other hand, Wright had pale skin, white hair, and a cold demeanor that set him apart from the others, but his loyalty to his friends was unquestionable.

Once they were all together, they raced toward their school as fast as they could, their youthful spirits turning it into a friendly competition to see who would arrive first.

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