My name was Jason bloodsin I died in a war in an explosion. I'm currently floating in the pitch-black place. I have been here for what seems like thousands of years. It feels like then as I was talking an old Man appeared.
Old men: I'm GOD of every all omniverses and I'm sorry it wasn't your time to die. I give you 8 wishes and a world of your choosing. Jason: Why 8 wish everything I read, they mostly get 3 wishes. Lord God: chuckles and replies because I'm the creator of every and all omniverses there are no limits to what you can wish for. You can ask for 8 of the gods or devils or the 8 vampires or 8 were wolves below me. There beast like dragon gods and pnoinexs and other beast gods that right under me, so pick wisely young Jason.
Jason: for my first wish the most powerful Supernatural system it have all Supernatural bloodlines and skills and weapons and other Supernatural stuff my second wish the most powerful anime system with all the anime bloodlines and skills and anime weapons and other anime stuff for my 3rd wish the most powerful divine system it have all Devine bloodlines and skills and divine weapons for my 4th wish the most powerful mythical system it have mythical bloodlines and mythical skills and mythical weapons and other mythical stuff for my 5 wish the body that can handle all the skills and bloodlines and weapons for my 6 wish is for infinite skill points and shop points of the 4 for my 7 wish is a true immortal body and soul means my body can't be erased or kill, and my soul cant be erased and for my 8 wish Omniversal travel skill. God said you get infinite points for one when you born and you get another that 5 and another 15 and a true immortal body and soul that 18 or 20s depending on how you mature.Jason: yay I'm actually got all those can I choose how I look my lord and background.god:yes for how you look (the author here I'm not good that describing things and other stuff he will look like this when he gains his true immortality and true immortal soul) he chooses how he looks. God: Okay your first world will be teen wolf and I won't tell you your background. See you when you reach Godhood, Witch won't be long. It will take a few hundred years, give or take, to reach omniversal Godhood like the beast gods right below me. Young Jason see you when you reach multiversal give or take he sends him to the teen wolf verse(author here again and yes, this omniverse God has been way past boundless he in a new rank and the dragon gods and dragon goddesses and phoenixes gods and phoinexs goddess the same thing with other beast gods are below him in boundless This god hopes he reaches his rank, so he can have someone to talk to casually and have fun with that why he was there to give him wish and reincarnate him this a taste of grammar fixed im post the fixed grammar and chapter's on patreon author out.)