
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime et bandes dessinées
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134 Chs

Chapter 30 - Butterfly Mansion

Oh boy, hopefully I can get this fic become good.

Once again, the major change will happened on the second missions.

Feel free to suggest anything if you think will be beneficial for the members.

I'll try to make POV of characters to give them some screentime.

Again it is as follows.

First: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Second: Death mage

Third: Solo leveling.

Fourth: It's undecided

Also please read the review to make things clear.


Ryuu never expected that Shinobu would be talkative, asking him questions regarding his world and everything about it. He wonders if his action influenced her sudden change if it was what she truly was or even if this world version of her is different compared to the manga.

"Are you telling me that in the future humans will be able to do all that?"

Shinobu was intrigued by every story that Ryuu explained to her. their time difference was only a hundred years and yet humans had attained unbelievable things.

"Yes, people were able to reach the moon and communicate near-instantly. An example of this is the chat group."

She looked at her pocket where the phone was and looked at it intelligently. Hearing everything made me feel like it was some kind of heaven. Ryuu's world may be different from Shinobu's, but that doesn't mean their history would be different.

"Though, few idiots still believe that it was fake when there is clear evidence pointing it was real and we have people living in space crying out loud."

Ryuu cried out showing his frustration with people who would only believe what they want to believe. Especially people who still believe Earth is flat.

"Fufufu you are rather enthusiastic about these kinds of people?" Shinobu enjoyed listening to his stories as they walked towards the mountains.

"I mean people should consider what they are saying is true and shoving their opinion to other people is not good." Ryuu complained.

"I can't blame them since I'm also a skeptic. But not too much considering I'm untangled to a group of people from another world."

Shinobu's laugh was soothing music to Ryuu that made him smile as he was able to discern that she wasn't faking her reaction.

As he recalled, Shinobu often faked a smile trying to hide her grief that was bottling up inside but now she is able to relax and be herself after so long all thanks to Ryuu.

"Glad you believe me. Anyway, have you informed the others about me?" Ryuu was worried that Shinobu would get into trouble by inviting him without their knowledge.

"Yes, they are expecting you. I told them that the information came from an unknown informant." Shinobu replied.

"Is that so? Then I'll just have the unique ability to see the future. I do have a little information about their personal life."

Ryuu may not know everything but it would be enough to make them react considering they would barely share their tragedy and it would be difficult for some people to know who they are.

"That's right, can you tell me about yourself? It's only fair since you know everything about me."

He paused for a moment feeling embarrassed to tell me things about himself. Ryuu had gotten a bit more clear minded compared to before and understood some of his actions in the past were rather immature.

"Are you alright? You pause a moment there?" Shinobu asked while Ryuu shooks his head.

"Ah it's nothing. Well, I'll start by saying that I'm Ryuu Cinco and my last name is Go (Five). In another word, the meaning of my name is ``The fifth Dragon." He began to explain a few things about himself.

"I assumed one of your parents is Japanese?" Shinobu finds it odd seeing his last name.

"My grandmother from my father's side is Japanese which makes me a quarter Japanese. My grandmother's last name is Kazuno."

Ryuu then realized something, he never knew how to speak in Japanese before and yet he was able to understand her perfectly.

Though, his grandmother had given him simple phrases like hello in Japanese but never learned to perfectly speak it.

The only explanation was the system that helped them communicate which was convenient.

"I just noticed that I'm speaking Japanese rather fluently." Ryuu said.

"Ara~ are you saying you've never learned to speak Japanese?" Shinobu was surprised upon realizing it.

"Yeah, I only know a few simple phrases but never a full conversation. This probably has to do with the chat group." He answered back.

"If that's the case then it's rather helpful. Now, anything else you'd like to add?" Shinobu once more. Ryuu wondered why she was asking for more info but decided to comply.

"Were we? Ah, I'm 18 and in my spare time I watch entertainment, do research on the supernatural, drawing and helping my parents but that has already been solved. Oh right, have you used the [ Gacha ] function?" Ryuu asked, glancing over to her.

"I haven't. I didn't know how to use it." Shinobu confessed since she is still ignorant of using the phone.

"Wait what? Hold on, let me help you then."

Ryuu immediately taught Shinobu how to claim her Daily ticket which already had 3 tickets inside. He showed her the way before using one of the normal tickets.

"So what did you get?" Ryuu asked.

"I got [ Poison Nullification ]" Shinobu answered a bit surprised what she saw.

"Oh, that's great!? At least you won't be affected by any Poison."

She nodded, planning to do some test with it to see if her body removed the effect of poison or it just sat around in her body without any negative effect. If the latter then it is possible to make her body poisonous. Shinobi spun the other two tickets to see if there was anything else.

"This is interesting, I seem to have gained [ Aura (Rwby) ] and [ Black pen ]." Shinobu is curious about what they were.

"Whoa Congratulations on getting Aura!" Ryuu finds the skills to be useful in a person's defenses and strength.

"Care to tell me what the [ Aura (Rwby) ] is?" Shinobu tilted her head.

"It came from a world called Remnant where they utilize Aura or the manifestation of the soul, a life force that runs through every living creature on Remnant, whether they are a meager shopkeep or a renowned knight."

Ryuu explains the basic principle of [ Aura (Rwby) ] which gave her the ability to strengthen and increase her defenses as well as sense other people's presences. Furthermore, it is able to heal minor injuries near instantly but Aura is not endless and would take time to recharge if overused.

"Is it magic?" Shinobu wondered.

"No, Magic is different. You utilize your life force which is probably enormous for a normal person since you train the breathing technique."

He theorizes that since her vitality is higher than a normal individual then her Aura should be vast.

"Then what is magic? I'm curious if I could learn it." Shinobu asked.

"Maybe I'll teach you but it would probably take a while. I'm not sure why I took a short amount of time, it's possible because of the cleansing pill." Ryuu knew that he wasn't able to do it simply because he was talented.

"Even if you say that I'm still interested." Shinobu was adamant in learning magic.

"Alright, I think it's a fair trade."

Soon the two arrive at the peak of the mountains where the Demon slayer resident was located. It had Japanese walls and gates that he saw in movies and anime.

Ryuu could feel the danger coming from inside that a single wrong move could kill him. Though, it was only possible if he didn't use magic which he could still use only unable to use against Michael Jackson and his lackey.

Shinobi opened the gates and went inside where there was a stone path and to the side were bushes which gave a peaceful atmosphere. Ryuu grew up in a rundown disgusting place where canals were populated like a tar.

"So this is the place huh? It's rather peaceful, unlike the home I've previously lived in." Ryuu commented as he enjoyed the scenery and fresh air.

"What kind of things did you have in your world?" Shinobu curiously asked.

"It's not horrible since I've gotten used to it but still a bad place to be around. Luckily I've solved it thanks to the Chat group." The area that he lived in was relatively better but still part of the slum and the smell is horrible.

Pollution ravages the world and ruins the natural beauty of the world. Not that he was a tree loving person but still felt disappointed how things went on.

There was most likely a clean energy alternative that had been discovered but due to the greed of oil the company decided to kill them off. Profit is always most people's first agenda.


They soon hear someone scream and find a member of the kakushi, which is a member of the demon slayer corp who are in charge of cleaning and essentially the cleanup crew.

"Who is this, Kochou-sama?" They saw the unfamiliar face of Ryuu wondering who he was.

"He's the man I've spoken about." Shinobu said plainly.

"Greetings, call me Ryuu." He introduced himself.

"Dragon? Is that an alias?" They asked perflex by his identity.

"Hahaha of course not, that's my real name. I have no reason to lie."

Ryuu laughed it off and still didn't let go of their guard around him. He understood their suspicions but pondered why Muzan didn't try to use humans to infiltrate the Demon slayer corp.

"Is that the case then please follow me. All the Hashira had arrived waiting for your arrival."

He nodded in response and followed while Shinobu remained by his side that made the Kakushi to glance at them.

'Why is Kochou-sama so intimate with this person?'

The Kakushi was confused as she wasn't one to be casual around other people beside the other Hashira. Meanwhile, Ryuu's gaze was looking around observing the fine architecture of traditional Japanese houses unaware of the thought of the kakushis.

He hadn't visited his grandparents even once but kept them updated by his uncle in Japan telling them how they are doing. It was a serene sight to behold as if reliving a historical Drama.

They soon arrived where several individuals were looking at him with interest while his gaze lit up looking at each of them. Everyone of them held great power that could easily kill him if he didn't use magic.

This individual were the Hashiras