

"Ethan!" Victoria shouted into the intercom. She left it at that; Ethan would know to come.

Not once in her life since childhood had Victoria been so anxious. Yet, here said childhood was, dredged up by her enemy, designed to cause pain. Was this Liam's plan all along? To torture her when she was younger, then repeat that cycle when she was older?

Well it wouldn't work; she would stay strong, strong enough to beat whatever was happening at the moment.

Victoria walked to her office window, looking out on the street. It had only been a few hours since the newspaper was published, but the reporters who had read it this morning were sure to be hungry for answers.

She was right. Even though Victoria's floor was fourteen stories off the ground in a business park, there was a mob forming outside the main entrance. If she didn't have Ethan, the amount of people swarming inside her actual building would be tremendous.

Whilst being a leader has its pros, it also has its cons. Cons that mostly dominate over the pros, such as in this moment. If only Liam would stop attacking Victoria, just for a moment, then maybe they could get along. Maybe they could reconcile, make amends for what they had done to eachother.

Afterall, she had given him his scar.

Now though, that wasn't even a possibility. After years and years of lies, she had had enough.

Ethan came barrelling into the room, slamming the door behind him. "Ms...?" He was huffing, his voice full of concern.

"Set up a meeting with Mr. Gale. It's time we talked about some... events." The look setting on Ethan's face said he already knew everything he could.

"Right away, Ms. Grey." With that, Ian left, muttering small details under his breath.

"Now, to deal with the press... " Victoria said aloud, thinking to herself. It'd be tough to get through that mob, and there was no way she could do it alone.

"I should've gotten bodyguards."