


Broken Promises and Ribs

/"I... sorry, I.../" he stuttered as he looked away from me, /"I didn't mean to.../"

I blinked at him, unmoving. We stood there quietly. I watched him as he fidgets with his fingers, looks at anything but me, and squirms in his spot. He looked like he desperately needs to be away from me. At that point, I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if I want to say anything at all.

His eyes flickered at me for a second before he looked away again, as if checking for a new reaction from me. He sidestepped me, so he could enter the house as he says quietly, /"I'll just go inside./"

I stood there as I heard his quick footsteps enter the house and into the bedroom. I can feel the confusion that my wolf is feeling within me. And though I know she would want answers, I doubt she even know what to ask in the first place.

Why did I want to go out again?

Oh, yeah. Pack hospital.