


Broken Promises and Ribs

I woke up alone on my bed.

You know how those one-night-stand feels? Where a guy and a girl does something special at night, but then they both wake up to an empty bed and spend their separate lives alone and never meet again? Felt it just about now. Except Atlas and I live in the same house and we will definitely meet again.

And that we didn't have sex, my wolf emphasized, sounding as if she was disappointed by that fact.

Well, what was I expecting? Morning cuddles and breakfast in bed? Yeah, right. Unless of course I'm Eris then, Atlas would rather die than treat me like so. Which is, of course, understandable. She is his soul mate still.

I slowly sat up on my bed, putting both my hands on my face. /"Ugh,/" I groaned as I tried to shake away the sleep in my system.