
Omega's Rebirth

What was worse than death itself? Well it was dying knowing that no one would miss you, knowing that your death was a favour to everyone you ever knew. This was exactly how I felt the day I died. I was the love child of the Eclipse Alpha King, in a time where the mate bond was considered sacred, a child born out of wedlock was nothing short of sacrilegious... 'It was his fault, he loved someone other than his mate...' 'It was his fault, he had carnal knowledge of a human woman.' 'It was all his fault, my only crime was being born out of his lust.' But why was that Alpha King father of mine perfectly safe, while I was hated, scorned and blamed for everything instead? Why did I have to be my father's bargaining chip, used to achieve his goals? Why could I not get a rejection like everyone else but was instead murdered by my own mate? Why was I killed before I even had a chance to live? I had a thousand questions and yet there was no one to answer and this was exactly how I died... So why then did my eyes flutter open to that day, a month before my death? Was it because of my little secret? A secret I will tell no one else but you... From the title of my tale, you must think I am an omega wolf... No, you got it wrong... I am not an Omega wolf, I am an Alpha wolf and my name is Omega. ~Second Book in the Werewolf Rebirth Series. *Not a prequel or sequel to 'The Alpha King's Nemesis', both books are not related save for the world setting and Werewolf Rebirth concept. *Cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist.*

JHeart · Fantaisie
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689 Chs

What News (Ch.16)

Neveah awoken the next morning to loud knocking on her door, she groaned in annoyance as she pulled her pillow over her ears and turned over on her bed, facing her back to the door.

The knocking continued, growing louder and more persistent the longer Neveah ignored it and it was also accompanied by a voice.

"Princess! Princess!" The voice kept on calling and Neveah growled beneath her breath as she sat up on her bed, cursing her pathetic fate.

"Can't I get even a moment of peace?!" Neveah huffed in annoyance as she got off her bed and headed to the door, unlatching the lock and fixing the young she wolf at the other side a blank stare.

Neveah found herself even more irritated when the lips of the young she wolf stretched into an overly bright smile and Neveah wondered what exactly could make anyone so excited in the morning hours.

"Who the hell are you?" Neveah asked in a blank tone.

"Morning greetings princess, I am Laila, to fill in for your Governess till she is restored to health. I will take care of all your domestic affairs and otherwise from henceforth." The young she wolf announced with a bow.

Neveah sighed, she should have known her step mother would never let her go unmonitored for even a single moment.

Fate had just taken away the infuriating Governess and here came another to watch her every move and report back to their queen.

"Whatever." Neveah murmured as she moved away from the door and headed back to her bed, laying down and pulling the covers over her head.

"I apologise for waking you up so early, Your Grace. I did hear the Princess is usually cranky in the morning, I was just eager to get started and hurried over here as soon as I was assigned, I hope you can forgive my oversight." Laila apologized.

Neveah sighed as she turned away from her new attendant who seemed rather chatty for a spy.

"Oh right! Did your grace hear of the events that happened in the Eclipse Palace last night?! The news is everywhere!" Laila exclaimed as she went around, tidying up Neveah's room dutifully.

Neveah perked up at this, frowning slightly as she watched Laila actually put her things in order, which was surprising as Neveah's Governess never actually did anything other than yell at Neveah.

Neveah was always the one to take care of the cleaning and laundry and all other things related to herself, although Neveah did not awfully mind it.

It gave her something to do when she was not being paraded around like a commodity by her father.

"What news?" Neveah asked as she pulled her pillow off from over her head and sat up, wincing slightly at the searing pain that shot through her side.

"Your Grace doesn't know?! The Dragon King was here!" Laila exclaimed, excited to have Neveah's interest.

Neveah's eyes widened in horror as she slumped back on her bed.

'Dragon King?! What Dragon King?! The actual supreme lord of the supernatural realm?! That Dragon King?!' Neveah thought in panic.