
Telling Carvis

I have been gone and not been to school for the past few days.I am not sick but still afraid to go back to school again, because I'm scared I'll hurt someone.This morning I ran away from home instead of running to school.Most of the time I went to Antique Shops and found a beautiful red and white dress along with floral on the collar then found a boy a lot similar to me.His name was Oliver Dome with Blond hair and Blue eyes.He was handsome and was quite the gentleman for a 15 year old.He made me feel relaxed and happy.We had gotten along quite well and told things about ourselves,Oliver goes to another school in the town called Wintergreen Junior High as I go to Zighn District Junior High.We had already just met and he was so kind he made my heart float and relax around him.We spent the whole day talking,sightseeing and making each other laugh.

Dec 10 1904

Since I had a wonderful time talking with Oliver yesterday we had gotten onto a topic where we weren't at school,He was skipping,scince his grades were spectacular and I was skipping because I was on winter break.He had convinced me that maybe we could talk again if we had made plans,and we did.Dec 12,16 and the 24,are the nights I can see him again and have a wonderful time with.

Dec 11 1904

I can see Oliver tonight and today I had went back to school.Eveyone was watching me as I walked up and down the hallways to go to classes.Elisa told me she had talked to Carvis yesterday and he was devastated what had happened with Meradath and her "accident".

And he came up to me and asked me to come with him to the bathroom.I said "no" with the thing that Meradath pulled on me at lunch the other day I couldn't take the stress.Carvis Loccer had brought me into the boys restroom by the arm and sat in the stall we had sat in last time.

I'm sorry what Meradath did the other day, it's my fault.

She should be apologizing.I stared at him with a depressing look in my eyes,and it's not your fault Carvis, it's Meradath's for being a bitch.

He had taken my shoulders and hugged me tightly whispering a stress off my shoulders."Me and Meradath are done."

I hugged him back with happiness and friendship and..he gave me an order.Tell me what you need help with.A serious look on his face made me feel about last time.My worried eyes looked away from his blue cobalt eyes.

I said with quivering words that pronounced."I will tell you everything."

Ever since I was young I always had the ability to mover humans,objects even things that are long dead.Sara Banks was a maid and had an accidental death by extremely hot boiling soup,but that was caused by me it's my fault I killed someone.Then another day was when I was younger about 12 I didn't want to make my bed since I had woken up too early that morning and was tired and somehow managed to look away and drink my morning tea whilst thinking "Make yourself,bed" and when I had looked back,it was perfectly done just like how I fold it.Then again when I was 10 years old I went outside to play in the woods somewhere near my house.i had seen a baby bird fall out of its nest and saw its final last breath I had wished as a child to fly to heaven,until I looked up I was terrified and scared of birds as a child.The bird was flying up into the air,though not flapping it's wings it was just floating and I have never thought it was strange to have these things or even be able to move and do things with them.My sigh was at the end of my story but wasn't at the end of this conversation.

Carvis' face was filled with complete terror as his hand was placed upon mine on my knee.A noise came from his face as he asked me a question.

Did you do this to Meradath?Want I mean is make her so scared with this power of yours she urinated on herself?

No I didn't show her my powers I used my powers on her,I'm sorry I just can't c-control them.Tears covered my eyes and Carvis wiped them.

It fine,Meradath means nothing to me other than a bitchey ex.A smile filled his whole face which made me relax and laugh at how much a crybaby I can be.

As we walked out the bathroom the bell rang and I jumped as I saw Meradath slide infront of us with a disgusting look on her face.Her selfish words could hurt anyone,yet a girl who doesn't have a problem with words hurting her emotions gets frustrated of why she said those things.

"Having another party,huh slut?"

No I'm catching up with one of my best friends that isn't yours anymore so,you can't say anything.

Your bitchey attitudes finally catching up to mine,but if you get too bitchey,watch where you step,whore.

Carvis answered akwardly with a loud and happy "We are done Meradath."

Shut up I'm not talking to you,man whore,you only got with me because I'm only good looking.Meardath snarled.

"Well,you would be lying because you're not good looking"I snapped.

Meradath's long ginger and brown hair color waved as she danced."Then you would be lying because your not only catching up with a friend.

What do you mean by that Meradath?

He's blond right?My eyes shocked,how did she know that,maybe she is talking about a different guy I don't know.

Blue eyes,really handsome."Definitely him,I thought."

Names Oliver,similar to your name,her eyes sank into mine.

Even if it's none of my business Meradath,Stay out of it.Carvis hissed at her with an angry disappointed face,As she walked off Carvis stood helpless but just said"Don't listen to her."

I giggled as I lept to kiss Carvis' cheek and told him

"Thank you for being there for me".