
69 minutes in the shower

Confused,my face shifted sadly also twirling my thumbs.

"Olivia,are you ok?"a loud sound echoed next to my ear.My mouth wouldn't move as my mind stirred my memories of the house and me with Ivy.My mouth gagged then spit vomit everywhere.

My head spinned and I blinked my eyes slowly as my body fell onto the pool of vomit,passing out.

(eewwwwwwwwwewwww 🤢)

I woke up wearing a women's floral shirt and men's shorts.Sitting up,my brown hair was pulled back and wet,as if I had taken a bath.Something coming out of my stomach.I held my hands over it,then saw a metal bucket on the desk.I grabbed it as I gagged and choked on the gross liquid that made it's way out of my mouth.I opened my eyes,my stomach more empty.BLOOD.My eyes widely scared and confused staring at the blood in the bucket.Carvis ran into the room where I was weeping and screaming.The blood bucket fell out of my hands and onto the floor everywhere.My hands red,full of that red liquid made me feel as if I were being tortured.Carvis,by my side calmed me.

"It's blood,Carvis,do you hear me?"I maniacally whispered while whimpering.

"What's Blood?"Carvis confused turned around to see gross old vomit on the hardwood floors.

My eyes shifted where Carvis' eyes met my hands covered in disgusting vomit.My eyes pierced with tears,then rolling down my cheeks and into my hands.

"I'm going insane..Carvis..."My whimpers let out loud and clear of how scared my sick self was.

"No.No your not."His hands were then placed on my waist to help me get up from the bed.His lips then pressed on my forehead,him crouching down,because of how short I was.

Carvis then walked me to the bathroom and turned the shower head on with warm water already steaming the mirrors.

"Carvis,thank you so much for everything.The stay,support and of course doing this."

"Well,I would do anything for the girl I love."Carvis'

cobalt eyes glanced at me, seductively.My eyes shifted to the side as the steam had me sweating.But already sweating because of being nervous had made me even more nervous.The floral shirt had seemed to be see through whilst Carvis turned the hot water knob left while twisting the cold knob toward the right.Now,my bra exposed through the shirt Carvis turned back watching me cover my chest with my hands.He walked over towards me and starting undressing me quickly.

"Carvis I'm disgusting,I have throw up all over me."

I exclaimed while Carvis still stripping me.

"Olivia,that won't stop me from loving you."

"W-what does this have to do with you loving me..?"I whispered softly but Carvis didn't answer.Then Carvis started to strip my bra off...

"Carvis,please,I can take a shower myself."

"Well,not when you fell unconscious into that puddle of gross vomit."He stared at me slyly as my blushing had turned my face into a cherry.He then slipped it off and my chest was exposed,I quickly covered them.Then Carvis spoke.

"There is no sense in covering them if I have already seen them." Carvis' hands falling farther down my waist and taking off my panties.Completly naked in front of the man I love, he started taking off his shirt.

He put his hands on my waist and guided me into the the bathtub,then standing there with a waterfall of warm sprinkles on my face Carvis still taking off the rest of his clothes,the disgusting ick on my face withered off down the drain.Carvis stepped in hugging me from behind his bare hard chest on my back felt so soothing.

"C-Carvis,I said I can do this on my own."

"But I love you so much I can't.."Silence except for the water droplets from the shower head dropping on the bathtub bottom.Out of curiosity I tried asking but..

"Carvis,you can't wha-"His hands slipped from my waist to my chest touching,squeezing my chest with his bare hands.His soft hands were so warm they made me lightheaded and relieved.It felt good but weird at the same time,my whispers came out quivering as my neck gave up and my head sat on his chest.

"Does it feel good?"His worried face made my mouth speak on its own.

"Carvis...I love you"My eyes slightly blink from the pleasure of his hands slipping everywhere.Then as I open my eyes Carvis seems to be staring too much.He then twisted my body around where my chest squished on his torso and his hands held my head to kiss me.For the first time his tongue met mine and made me love him so much more than just heart pounding.