
Still Can’t Give Up?

It was colder outside.

The only sweater that could keep warm was drenched and she put it in the bag.

When she got to the door of her house, Olive felt that her body was almost out of her own.

She opened the door and looked at the opposite room subconsciously.

At this time, the man was probably not back yet.

Usually at two or three o'clock, when she had fallen into a deep sleep, he would pass by her door and knock on the door maliciously.

The strength was so strong that it was like thunder in the middle of the night.

And then he would go back to his house.

It was exasperating, but nothing could be done to solve it.

Olive told the landlord about the situation several times, but it seemed to be to no avail.

Locking the door, Olive boiled some water and sent Abigail a message: [home].

Abigail's house was far away, and now she was still on the subway: [so soon?]

Abigail: [Oli]

Abigail: [as soon as I was in the air, I thought of Liam's behavior tonight]

Abigail: [do you think Liam threw you her coat because he was afraid that you would be cold?

Then he was embarrassed to say, so he gave such a reason]

Olive pulled out a change of clothes from the wardrobe.

When she caught a glimpse of this sentence, she stopped: [say something reliable]

Abigail: [?]

Abigail: [how unreliable is what I said!]

Olive: [he was here to solve the problem.]

Olive: [so I guess he was afraid I'll get sick because of the cold and ask him for medical expenses.]

Abigail: [...]

Abigail: [then he can find someone else to give you a coat]

Olive: [it's not an easy task on such a cold day]

Abigail: [?]

Olive reminded: [he may not be able to borrow one]

Abigail: [...]

The phone just popped up ‘low battery’.

Olive put the phone on the desk to recharge and went into the bathroom.

She stared at her face in the mirror and suddenly paused.

The pair she saw not long ago with strange eyebrows flashed through her mind.

Olive lowered his eyes and absentmindedly threw the cosmetic cotton into the dustbin.

Not talking about the present, even when she was most familiar with him before, Olive did not know Liam very well.

So she couldn't tell the difference about whether he pretended not to recognize her, or he really didn't recognize her.

It was like a coin toss game.

There were no clues to be found, there was no way to guess, she could only rely on luck to get the result.

After all, in her view, he could choose either of the ways.


Blow-drying her hair, Olive habitually turned on the computer and wrote a press release for a while.

It was not until she began to feel sleepy that she went back to bed and reached over the cell phone on the table.

Not long after she entered the bathroom, Abigail sent a few more messages: [anything is possible, even if not, we can make it up to ourselves.]

Abigail: [I'm curious about how you feel to see Liam now]

Followed by a gossipy expression.

Olive thought about it: [he is really handsome]

Abigail: [...]

Abigail: [And?]

Olive: [I haven't thought of anything else. I'll let you know when I think of it.]

Olive: [I gotta sleep. I’m so tired.]

To be fair, it was a lie to say that she had no feeling.

But she felt that there was nothing to say. She preferred to get more sleep rather than talk about those meaningless things with Agi.

She threw her phone away and began to sleep.

Olive slept badly without exception.

She has been in a state of half-sleep and half-awake, entangled by strange dreams.

When she felt that I was going to break free in the next second and fell asleep completely, she was woken up by that idiot next door who slapped the door.

Pulling the quilt off the top of her head, Olive felt angry all over her body.

Olive's temper was generally recognized as good, and everything can be solved unhurriedly.

Maybe people always needed a way to vent.

So she always got up on the wrong side of the bed.

It was so bad to be woken up.

Not to mention in a situation where she felt like she was going to fall asleep the next second.

Olive tried to calm himself down, hoping that the man outside would get out of here after a few claps as usual.

This time he seemed to be possessed, knocking on the door continuously and burping, "Haven't you woken up yet? Beautiful girl, do me a favor, can I take a bath at your place? "

Olive closed her eyes, got up and turned the camera on, adjusted the position, and recorded video in the direction of the door.

Then she picked up her cell phone and dialed 911 directly to give a clear address and situation.

With such a toss, her only drowsiness disappeared.

Living alone in the middle of the night and being harassed by drunken men outside the door.

Olive felt that under such circumstances, she should be afraid.

But at this time, she only felt angry and tired and had no energy to share with other emotions.

Because there was no response, the man had gone home before the police came.

Olive showed the video to the police and asked to go to the police station to solve the matter.

Now that she had called the police, she did not want to settle but planned to move out after the matter.

In the video, the door shook, accompanied by the unconscious voice of the man.

The policeman knocked on the opposite door.

After a while, the man opened the door and said impatiently, "Who is it?"

"We received a call," the policeman said, "to report you harassing your neighbor in the middle of the night."

"What harassment?"

The man was silent for a few seconds, pretending not to be sober, and his tone was not as fierce as before. "Sir, I just got back from drinking. I may have knocked on the wrong door when I was drunk."

It was just a misunderstanding. "

The police kept a straight face, "We got a video, you knocked on the wrong door and shouted to go in to take a bath? Don't bullshit me here. Come on, come with us to the police station."

In this weather, the man wore only close-fitting short sleeves, revealing the majestic tiger tattoos on his arms.

He was strong, like a wall.

The man explained a few more words, and soon gave up when he saw that it was useless.

He looked up with deep eyes and stared at Olive, who was standing behind the police.

Olive leaned against the edge of the door and looked back at him impassively.

The mood in the eyes was very cold, without the slightest fear, but seemed to be staring at something dirty.


When they arrived at the police station.

The man kept saying that he was drunk and talking nonsense, and Olive made it clear on the other side that the situation during this period of time.

But this incident did not cause her any financial loss, but only led to her mental sensitivity and weakness.

In the end, the man was fined a few hundred and detained for a few days.

Before leaving the police station, one of the old policemen kindly reminded her not to rent a group house.

It was not only this problem but also other security risks.

South Star Government has begun to pay attention to the fire caused by the overload of electricity used by group houses, and so on, when the policy was approved, it should also begin to be managed.

Olive nodded and said thank you.

It's already dawn outside.

She just went straight back to her company.

After returning to South Star, Olive sent her resume to the "Convey" column of the city channel of South Star TV station through social recruitment.

"Convey" was a livelihood news column, which mainly reported on the livelihood news of the city and surrounding counties and cities. The main purpose was to "pay attention to the lives of the people and convey the voices of the people."

Olive felt that her situation needed to be paid attention to. She wondered whether or not to report the matter as a selected topic, and entered the office.

The lights were on, but no one was there.

She went to the pantry to make a cup of coffee, but she didn't have much energy at the moment and even had no appetite for breakfast.

But she couldn't sleep either, so she scanned the news APP and began to write.

She has been in a daze at the end of the day.

When a new intern, went out with her for an interview, he always wanted to say something, but finally, he couldn't help saying, "Olive, did I do something wrong?"

Olive realized that she had been in a bad temper for almost a day.

Until the news order was handed in, Olive did not choose to work overtime for the first time and just packed up and left.

The temperature was low at night, and the cold wind blew through her ears like a sharp blade of ice.

After a few steps, Olive received a message from Abigail.

Abigail: [Olive, I'm dead]

Olive: [?]

Abigail: [my bracelet is missing]

Abigail: [my crush gave it to me! I haven't worn it many times. F*ck!].

Olive: [haven't you found it?]

Abigail: [No]

Abigail: [I just found it missing at the office this morning. I thought it was at home, but I didn't find it after I just got home.]

Abigail: [but I feel like I left it at Liam’s Bar]

Abigail: [go and ask for me after work. It's too far for me to go there]

Olive: [OK]

Olive: [don't worry]

Olive's brain seemed to be rusty, thinking slowly about the direction, and then raised her feet again.

Fortunately, fallen Street is not far from here. It's only a seven-or eight-minute walk.

Further inside, he could find the bar.

She went in.

Unlike last night's style, the place on the stage was replaced by a rock band, and the music was so loud that it made her ears numb.

The light in the bar was dim, the atmosphere was high, and the colorful lights sped past.

Olive walked to the bar.

It was the same yellow-haired bartender in there.

Olive stopped him and said, "Hello."

The bartender smiled and said, "Good evening, miss. What would you like to drink? "

Olive shook her head and bluntly mentioned her intention, "When I came over with my friend yesterday, I dropped a bracelet. I don't know if you found it."

Hearing this, the bartender seemed to recognize her and immediately nodded, "Yes, please wait a moment."


Olive stood in place and waited.

She watched the bartender open the drawer on one side and rummage through it.

Then he opened the other side and flipped over again.

He suddenly stopped, looked up and waved in a certain direction, and shouted, "Gary."

The waiter called "Gary" came over and said, "Todd, what's the matter? "

Olive looked over.

She recognized at a glance the waiter who spilled wine on her yesterday.

The bartender wondered, "Didn't I keep the bracelet you found yesterday? I can't find it. "

"The bracelet. "

Gary was also confused and suddenly remembered, "Oh, right. When Liam came down to get his clothes, he took the bracelet, too. "


Thinking that she had heard it wrong, Olive was stupefied and could not help saying, "What?"

Gary consciously repeated, "Liam took it."


Olive heard it clearly this time, and she couldn't believe it.

The bartender obviously did not know about this and looked puzzled, "How could Liam take it? So where did he go? Wasn't here just there? "

"I don't know."

Be quiet for a moment.

The bartender looked back at Olive awkwardly, "Sorry, our lost property here is usually taken care of by the boss. Why don't you leave your contact information first, or you can wait a little while. I'll contact the boss now. "

Olive didn't want to stay here for too long, so she thought it would be the same if he came to pick it up tomorrow, "It doesn't matter. I'll leave my contact information."

"All right."

The bartender took a business card from the side and gave it to her. "Write it on it."

Olive bowed her head and wrote a string of numbers on it and handed it back to him, "If you find it, you can call this number-- "

She did not finish yet.

The business card was suddenly taken away from behind.

Olive turned back unexpectedly.

She saw Liam standing behind her, close to her, as if to imprison her.

He was thin, tall, and handsome, and now he slightly tilted his head and glanced lightly at his business card.

Then, meet her eyes.

Bright scenes, deafening music, and the aroma of tobacco and sandalwood.

The man’s eyebrows and eyes were naturally cold, but now they were mixed with a bit of fooling around.

Familiar and unfamiliar eyes.

It was like he recognized her.

All of a sudden.

He seemed to smile and said, "Still can’t give up?"

Olive was stunned, failing to understand what he said.

Liam casually threw the business card back in front of her and slowly stood up straight, pulling away from her.

"Do you come here to leave your contact information?"