
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 3 - In seven days

Ju stood facing the planet. Eyes closed in meditation he focused on the Creator's Handbook.

He opwnwd his mouth and emmited several unknown and misterious words. His free hand moved in front of him and pointed at the planet.

The planned seemed to somehow activate itself and instantly vibrated.

The planed would vibrate in intense spurts and slowly grow a few centimeters in size. Before long it had more and doubled it's size.

"It worked! Fine now..."

Ju attently read the Handbook. He stared away from the planet for a second and spoke the words on the handbook out loud while using his trigger.

Soon in front of his was a very dense ammount of Sundust and after Ju finished chanting it collapsed in itself and a smal explosion occurred!

Ju closed hos eyes because of the light but when he opened them he found the result he was lookinh for.

"A crack! I did it!" Ju was very uncertain of the contents of the handbook. It was all still too new and he still to some extent believed he was dreaming. Therefore a crack on space was certain to surprise him!

"Now i just gotta push this inside aaand." Ju grabbed the planed that was still growing and pused it inside the crack teating it big enough for it and himself to enter. But before entering Ju breathed in air and submerged himself.

He soon found himself inside a blank black spacethe only things inside were himself and the crsvisse filled planet. The planet continued to grow. From a head sized ball it quickly evolved to have pool sozed crevices.

The entire planed grew much faster after entering the empty space.

The entire planed had a circumference of 1250 meters. To have a walk over the entire planet Ju would take no more than 5 minutes.

"Hmm. Most of the planet's surface ia meant to be filled with water. There are 5 continents inside of it with 60+ islands spaced several meters from one another." After speaking Ju realised he spent the air he got from had to quickly get out of the Dark Space.

Ju went to his shed and got a firetruck hose. He put it in his face and went back into the dark space.

'Hmm it already grew to the maximum capacity...'

Ju tried to better study the planet's features.

'Even the deepest ocean of this thing barely reaches my waist for now i will call it the darkest pit. The rest won't ever reach half my lower leg.

Hmmm what could i do here i wonder? Heh.'

Ju was trying to come up with a plan to gatter more Sundust. And as the Star Generator was too eye catching he decided he would instead generate it using life cultivation.

'I will have 1 million living being live, grow stronger and die here to give me more resouces. They will also be able to give me the experience i need to when i bring sentient beings into existence.'

With a xlear goal in mind Ju went back to his house to gather the needed materials to start the initial base of life in the barren planet. He went to the center of his village and there he went on a small shopping spree. A few gallons of mineral water, a portable oven, many seeds, seeds he grabbed randomly without a real care. This is the countryside so most of them must have been flowers or vegetables seeds and that was enough for him he also bough many kg of salt, fat, a decorative glass ball and some bugs from the pet store.

He asked each store for someone to carry what he had bough to his house. At the end of the day he had spent over 350$ on shopping and gave each young man who helped him a 10$ bill.

First Ju boiled the water and dilated it, he took the dilated water and threw salt into it and dumped it into his little world through the crack. The world had it's own gravity while inside the Dark Space so he didn't have to worry about aiming and simply dumped it into the crack.

Next he took the last gallon of water and filled it with seeds and dirt. The Planet was made of rock so for plants to grow they would need a place soft enough to fix their roots. He finished the day filling two gallons that he called Gren Fat Man. Gallons filled to the brim with wet dirt and seeds.

The next day he set up another Star, a much bigger one this time to be used as a sun he also bough meat the day prior and was planning to roast meat so people wouldn't be suspicious of the strong light coming from his yard when it got too out of hand. He set the star's lifetime to be 120 days but he planned on taking it from the sun in a few hours and set it on top of the oven to heat it up faster. Letting it in the sun was so it could absorb it many kinds of radiation, a way to make it act like a sun inside the Dark Space. Once inside the dark space the sun too grew many times it's original size. This time hundreds of times bigger than the planet. This was how he finished that day.

Third day Ju threw the many bugs he had bough inside. They would be the base of the food chain to keep his million bugs alive for long enough to fit in the planet's ecosystem. Besides that he only watched a small tv he ordered from Tamazon.com

Fourth day. Catatrophe stroke. Ju forgot to set a propper orbit for the planet so most insects died either for being too cold or too hot. He spent half a day manipulating it's rotation and velocity of it's trajectory and finally made it work. Next Ju saw many of the bugs didn't leave the water even if the salt in harmed them seeing this he realised he never introduced air into the world. He thought of using his hose and a pump to bring fog in but he changed his mind.

'If i want the most out of these fuckers i need them to grow from adversity. I need to create a barely livable condition for them and only allow the fittest to survive and myltiply because these will be the ones to grow the stronget and give me the most profits when they die.'

Deciding on this Ju went into the village and bough a eletric air compressor and brought it to his backyard. He then lit a fire and burned several dangerous chemicals like plastic and rubber but also regular regular firewood. He filled up his two tanks and released them into the crack. He would continue feeding dangerous gases into the planet for the following days.

Fifth day Ju thought the preparations were enough and threw the two Green Fat Mans into the planet. Besides that he also personally entered it to make some changes. He was basically playing of creating worlds he created two gigantic mountains in the planet's poles and other five one for eaxh continent. He also dug a giant hole in one of them. He wanted each continent to have a speciality. In one he dug one piece of rusting iron, marble and a silver ring. In another he put more seeds than the other continents and also planted a tree's branch.

Then Ju stopped.

'Hmm... i ran out of ideas...'

Ju put his hand on his chin and pondered.

'Hmmm. I was thinking of making one ofc them the country of dwarves and the other the country of elves i've seen in the novels young people reed today... i guess i can make another the country of beasts by filling it with more insects but not now.'

'I need the entire world to be in a constant chaos and the insects need ro kill each other constantly throught the entire planet. Hmm. I guess i could let this one be a cemetary for the most powerfull beasts so in the future this country can export ancient monster parts.'

'Hmmm there are two remaining still. Actually let's forget about it. I'll come up with something in the future'

So Ju finished the fifth day.

On the sixth day Ju dumped some more smoke into the world and dumped and even saltyer batch of water. Besides some car oil, kitchen oil and some interesting and not at at all dangerously toxic wall paints. The entire world was toxic and dying. If Ju hadn't been filling it with a copious ammount of flyes and other disgusting i sects he bough from the neighbors everything i side world have died long ago.

And on the seventh Ju consulted the Life Maker chapter of the Creator's Handbook and using his remaining bit of Sundust. A gell like subtance was released from his forehead. It floated into his hand and formed into a gel ball.

"Yes! 10000! The perfect number i needed." Ju didn't believe he would be capable of actually creating 1 million beetles but one million was the ammount needed to igualate to the gains of a star. These beetle cells would be able to reproduce into a million in no time!

Ju hirrued to the crack he moved to the shed in his backyard and jumped there. Inside with hose in hand he spread the beettle cells equaly throught the world. In less than 5 minutes he spread the cells throughly.

Right after finished Ju could see some of the decimeter sized eggs breaking. Ju jumped out of the planet and swam outside of the Dark Space. Once outside he looked for the decorative glass ball he bough seven days ago and put the crack inside it turning the glass ball into a window for the Dark space.

"Now i wait."