
Old Man! I think I like You!

shootingstars · Urbain
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3 Chs

Lunch Date

All three of them sat at the table. Gemma sat next to Jaxon and Sean sat in front of them.

"Jaxon can continue from where we left off, and as for you.., I have to see your drawing skills first," Sean said and gave her a piece of paper and pencil.

Gemma stares at the blank paper and her brain is as blank as ever. If she was tested for music, maybe she'll have more confidence. But art is her weakness.

"What do I draw?" she asks and looks at him hoping he'll give an easy prompt.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever comes to mind," he said, sipping at his cup of coffee.

Gemma takes a deep breath and stares at the paper. Her parents and sister have taught her some basic drawing skills before, but maybe she's just missing the talent. She then looks up at him and their eyes meet.

15 years ago, the first time when Gemma met Sean was when her parents dropped her off at his house. Her parents have to go on a business trip and her sister has school, so they told him to look after her for one night. At that time she was 8 and he was 18. She finds this older brother quiet, but nice.

That day she remembered drawing but couldn't seem to get it right. Then she didn't know where he came from and sat down next to her. He picked up her artwork and looked at it for a long time. When Gemma was about to go grab the paperback, he said "It's not that bad. But only if you fix some parts then it'll be perfect."

Gemma looks at him as she thought she heard it wrong. And from then on, he would give some feedback and tips.

Going back to reality, Gemma picks up her pencil and starts drawing.

Sean looks at her and then at her drawing. He faintly smiles and drinks his coffee.

From time to time, Jaxon would go ask his uncle for help and Gemma would stay concentrated on her drawing.

After two hours have passed, Gemma puts her pencil down and gives her drawing to Sean.

"I don't think I'll ever draw again. Too tiring," she said while drinking the cup of water that was put in front of her.

Sean didn't say anything and looked at the finished drawing. Jaxon got up and went to see it also.

"Wow, Gemma where did you learn it from? This is so nice, can you be my teacher?" Jaxon asks.

Gemma almost choked on the water she had just drunk.

"This is the only thing I know how to draw. Plus, my skills aren't that great. If you have to say, we even have the same teacher." Gemma said while looking at Sean.

Jaxon is not quite understanding what she meant. "Did my uncle teach you how to draw before?"

"Your drawing skills didn't regress," Sean said and put down the paper.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Gemma said and then stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asks her.

Jaxon looks at his uncle and back at Gemma. He could sense that his uncle doesn't want Gemma to leave.

"I have a lunch date," she said, wearing her jacket.

"With who?" Sean asks her.

Gemma looks at him, "Uhm? Just a friend," she said. She said goodbye and left his house. Jaxon looks up at his uncle and tugs on his shirt, "Uncle, do you know who Gemma is going out to lunch with?"

"How am I supposed to know?" he said and walked back to the table to clean up.

Jaxon gives a sneaky grin to his uncle. "Why don't we go see?"

Gemma arrived outside the Su's Group. The Su's Group is a family business that went for generations. But Gemma's father wasn't interested in it, and instead, open his own hotel business.

She walks up to the front desk, "Hi, I had an appointment with Reed Su."

Gemma doesn't come here often, so the people here don't recognize her.

"What's your name?" the receptionist asks.

"Gemma Su."

The receptionist checked the appointment list but didn't see her name.

"Sorry, we didn't see your name. Are you sure you had an appointment with Mr. Su?" The receptionist looks at her and wonders if she's those girls that come after Reed Su.

Gemma didn't say anything and took out her phone to call him. But maybe he's in a meeting, he didn't pick up the phone.

"It's okay. I'll just wait there for him," Gemma said and went over to sit in the waiting area.

The receptionist didn't say anything and just thought that she was just one of those girls that pestered Reed Su.

<I'm downstairs in the lobby.> Gemma sends the message to Reed and closes her phone.

Not far away, sat both Jaxon and Sean.

Sean looks at his nephew and faintly laughs. "Why are you dressed like that?" he asks.

"Uncle, you don't understand," Jaxon said as he pulled his sunglasses down his nose bridge. Jaxon wore his long coat, cap, and sunglasses. If he wasn't a kid, people would wonder if he was a private detective.

"I wonder who Gemma is waiting for?" Jaxon said and drank water out of his water bottle.

When he told his uncle about following Gemma, his uncle didn't allow him to. And now they didn't expect to see Gemma here.

Sean looks in her direction. He was supposed to bring his nephew here to his sister. His sister is having a meeting upstairs but didn't expect to see her here. He thought she went for a lunch date.

After waiting for 25 minutes, Gemma is about to lose her patience. She takes out her phone and starts typing.

<If you don't come down in five minutes, I'm going to leave!>

Today morning, Reed left a message saying about grabbing lunch together today. Gemma didn't mind since she has nothing to do today and now she is really hungry.

The elevator opens and the girl receptionist sees their boss running out toward Gemma.

"They do know each other?" one girl asks.

"How am I supposed to know!" the other girl said and looked away.

"Gemma!" Reed calls out to her and starts fanning her with his hands. "Don't be mad. Let's go eat now," Reed said and took her arm.

Gemma looks at him, "what are you up to?" she asks him as she feels like he's acting differently than usual. She knows that Reed would never talk in this kind of way before.

"What do you mean? Aren't you hungry? Have you thought of what you want to eat yet?" He asks her as he's trying to change the topic.

Just then another girl's voice calls out to Reed.

Gemma stops walking and looks in the direction of the girl. "Who is she?" She looks at Reed and then realized what was going on.

"You're using me again?" She asks him with a hard glare.

Reed smiles, "one last time? I don't know how to get rid of her. Please?" He said to her.

"What do I get out of this?" Gemma said to him.

"Anything! I would get anything you want!" Reed said to her.

"Anything? Okay, I want to get a car!" Gemma said.

Reed knows that everyone in the family doesn't want Gemma to get a car. And if he gets it for her, he knows that not only his parents would say something, but also her sisters.

"How about something else?" he asks.

"Nope. Deal or no deal?" She said and grins.

The girl's eyebrows furrow and look at Reed. "Reed!" "Who are you?" The girl glares at Gemma and asks.

"Fine. Deal!" He said to Gemma in a whisper.

Gemma then puts on her smile and holds onto Reed's hand.

"I didn't even ask you! Who are you?" Gemma turns the question to the girl.

On the other end, Sean and Jaxon listen. Sean doesn't know why, but when he saw her holding hands with Reed, he felt that heat boiling inside of him. He knows that Reed is her cousin, but he can't stand any guy near her.

Gemma holds out her hand in front of her and smiles. "Can't you tell? If I were you, I wouldn't continue wasting time over here." Gemma said to the girl.

The girl angrily looks at her and then back at Reed.

"Reed, tell me that this is not real!" the girl said to Reed.

"Can't you see? How many times have I told you that I don't like you? Please, leave and don't waste time on me anymore." he took Gemma's hand and walked past her.

The girl looks at them and stomps her feet. Not too long she walks out the front door.

"I don't get you. Why do you always use me for these things? Can't you just find a girlfriend?" Gemma said and released her hand.

"Finding a girlfriend is too much work. Why would I find one when I have a cousin who can help me." He said it so carelessly.

Gemma kicks him on the side. "I told you that this is the last time. Next time, I won't help you! Don't forget about my car." She said and then starts walking away.

"Where are you going?" Reed calls out to her.

"I'm going to eat lunch alone!" Gemma said and walks out of the building.

As she walks out, she saw Jaxon and Sean.

"Gemma!" Jaxon waves at her.

"Why are you guys here?" Gemma walks up to them and asks.

"We came to pick up my mom, but she suddenly had something to do. So right now my uncle and I are going to eat lunch. Gemma, do you want to join us?" Jaxon asks.

Gemma looks at Sean and smiles, "it's okay. I'll go find my sister."

"Didn't you promise Jaxon that you'll eat lunch with us the next time? Since you're free now, let's go." Sean said and opened the car door for Jaxon to get in.

Gemma looks at him with eyes open. Sean saw her standing there still, "need me to help you?" he asks her.

She shakes her head and walks over to the car, and gets in the passenger seat.

At the back seat, Jackson watches them and smiles.

"What do you want to eat?" Sean asks her while driving.

Gemma glanced at him, "I'm fine with anything. What do Jaxon want to eat?" She asks and looks behind the seat at Jaxon.

Sean looks at her, "He's not picky."

Jaxon gives a hard glance at his uncle, but doesn't say anything.