
Okita Souji in DxD

Alright random guy begins at the fight were the og DxD Souji lost his life. He will be in a peerage. No it is not slavery. Yes it is yuri. Also this is fan art I found, if you want me to take it down just ask. All rights belong to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 3


Okita Souji PoV

Plucking my sword from the ground I gave it a quick look over. A little bit scratched but it had no noticeable dents. Giving it a good swing, I faced the wolf youkai and gave it a taunting grin.

*GROWL* This was enough to set it off as it gave a menacing growl and it launched itself at me. It quickly swung its sharp claws looking to take a piece of me with it.

However, I jumped up and used its face as a springboard and launched myself over it to swing at its back.

*TINK* Only to get the familiar sensation of striking a steel plank. I needed to learn touki.

It turned around and opened its maw to bite me, however, I kicked its mouth shut and tried to stab into its eye. Only for it to tilt its head and Knick its ear.

*Growwwl* Steadying myself I rushed forward and took the initiative for the first time in this fight. If its ear is damageable maybe the other weak spots will be to.

I quickly put Okita Souji's legendary talent to work in an amazing display of swordsmanship. Behind the knee, its elbow, inner thigh, hell I even tried to pierce its kidney.

I managed to get a few good hits in but it was all for naught. The moment my sword hit its throat I felt it give a little before it focused all of its touki there and stop my sword before it could slice any further.

The youkai quickly grabbed my arm and started slinging me around...until I felt something rip and I was flung through the air once more. Unimaginable pain was all I could feel, and I swear that I could hear a gasp in the distance.

But none of that mattered. I saw it, my chance for victory. Looking down I saw a distinct fact that I was missing my left arm. However, I don't think I have ever been happier. Grabbing my sword once more I ignored the pain and looked up as the youkai played with my arm before throwing it away.

I gave an almost feral smile as I charged forth. With my arm bleeding as badly as it is I know I don't have much longer, so I threw away all defenses. I took several blows some rupturing organs others leaving behind nasty bruises as I hopelessly swung my sword.

But it was working. The youkai was becoming conceited, it was starting to take its victory as a guaranteed. I couldn't help but say some of the coolest words I have ever heard in anime history. A piece of advice that came from the sword princess herself, Aiz Wallenstein.

"A finishing blow is the closest thing to letting your guard down....." I drawled as a particularly strong hit sent me flying once more. The youkai just gave a smirk and raised its arm and focused all its touki on its fist.

"And just when you have been beaten is when you truly have a chance...." I whispered with a smile.

Getting up one last time I watched as the youkai drew closer and started to swing his fist at me. I delved into my memories as time seemed to slow down. I needed a technique an ultimate move to finish the fight. While both Okitas had similar training, it would seem that my waifu put in more effort.

She was able to make a move so amazing that it crystallized itself into her very legend. A move I both know how to execute and have the training for.

Making sure there was enough distance between ourselves I gave an almost charming smile. Raising my remaining arm I held it above my head and tilted it sideways as I aimed for his eyes.

Putting all my strength into my legs I shot forward at a speed I didn't think I could reach.

"First step, swifter than sound...." Before the youkai could react I was right in front of its face, it gave me a confused look before it tried to land its punch.

"Second step, infinite suffering..." I ignored it completely as its fist blew a hole right through me, and I aimed all three swings at its neck. (A/N: It is supposed to be both the arms and the neck if you didn't know.)

"Third step, the absolute sword!" I felt all three swings connect. The youkai quickly tried to apply its touki but it was too late.

"Mumyou Sandanzuki!" I said as his defense gave through and his head was cleanly sliced off. Watched it flip through the air, and off into the distance.

*PSSSSHHH* Blood rained on me like a faucet, but it couldn't wipe the smile from my face. I won. I achieved what the original failed at.

I fell to my knees and almost landed face first into the rubble however someone caught me.

"You silly, foolish man! Forgoing all defense! How is that a good idea!?" The new arrival started to chastise me. Taking a good look at her, I was a little surprised but I quickly got over it.

She had hair as dark as the night, tied up into a long twin tails. And beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a green button up skirt and a cute skirt.

Serafall? Hmm...No magical girl outfit? Bah whatever. I don't know if it was my true thoughts or the lack of blood but well I said something she will never let me live down.

"You smell nice pretty lady.." I said with a loopy smile...before I slowly lost the restxof my strength....and died for the third time today.

Well lets just hope I get reincarnated like in the original.


Serefall PoV

What. The. Hell.

I was sure he was gonna lose, almost certain. But as if a switch was flipped he went full power.

In a display of swordsmanship, I have never seen, even in my long life. Hell, most devils only know two ways on how to fight. Throw around their blood line ability or blow it up with demonic power.

I think I became a little bit interested in the sword after seeing that. I was a little bit surprised when he stopped defending and evading attacks.

I had no idea what he was aiming for and he lost an arm!?

But all of my anger flew right out the window on that last attack. The Mumyou Sandanzuki was truly beautiful. Three swings happening simultaneously. Something he achieved with skill instead of speed.

It honestly turned me on a little bit...I want it. No. I NEED IT.I want him. There is no way in hell I am giving him up to Sirzeches.

Quickly dashing down, I caught him in my arms. Looking at his sorry state I couldn't help myself.

"You silly, foolish man! Forgoing all defense! How is that a good idea!?" It was his plan. I know. To get his opponent to let down his guard. But it doesn't mean I have to like it.

"You smell nice pretty lady." Pffffft. What happened to the battle hardened warrior.

I was about to complain, but then he fell face first into my lap, and died. Even though I knew he was gonna come back my heart still ached.

Oh how you weaseled your way in so quickly ill never know.

Giving a small smile I summoned my evil pieces into my hands.

Suddenly 30ish men jumped from the roof and surrounded me.

"If you desire to desecrate Captain's body I will have to stop you here." While it was shaking, his voice held conviction.

All of the members had their eyes glued to Okita's body. His once proud uniform was no more, with holes and ripes all over it. He had a fist size hole where his appendix would be. And he was missing his whole left arm.

It wasn't a pretty site. I gave a disarming smile in retaliation.

"I have decided to reincarnate him as a devil. And the 'Queen' of my peerage." I said matter of factly.

The Shinsengumi glanced at each other and decided that it was for the best. After all, they did not have an inherent dislike towards devils like the followers of Christianity.

Taking out my queen piece I slowly flipped him over and placed it above his heart where it slowly sunk in.

General PoV

Before their very eyes they watched as he shrunk a little but and his body grew more lithe.

"Hey! What is happening!"


"Lady Serafall..What is happening" One of the members of the Shinsengumi asked with a dangerous tone.

Quickly waving her arms around Serafall Gave her best answer.

"I don't know!? Ajuka said nothing about this! All I can speculate is that he is using his devil ability to shape his body into its desired form." Even then it is supposed to happen gradually over time.

Serafall kept that little tidbit to herself.

What does he see as his real self to change this much?

His anatomy changed before their eyes as he stopped shrinking, and grew breasts.

Realizing what was happening Serafall quickly summoned and threw a blanket over him or rather her?

Next her hair turned peach blond, and finally her eyes turned silver

Much to the shock of all those present.

Okita PoV

"Nhggg!" I groaned as I came to. Only to look up into beautiful blue star struck eyes.

"Well hello there." I gave a small smile. Hmm? I sounded a little different.

"O...Okita?" Someone from the Shinsengumi called our.

"Yes~" I called out with a smile. Oh my that sounded sexy.

"U-Um. Please look at yourself." He said with a blush.

Looking down I quickly realized the crux of his problem.

"Oh my. My arm grew back!"I waived it around in front of my face, for added effect. There was a simultaneous head slap at that.

Standing up I stretched a little.

"Hmmmn! I feel great!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Even better than when I woke up this morning."

"Anooo! Excuse me." Serafall said with a smile.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile of my own.

"Well I feel as if it is my duty to catch you up to speed." She quickly walked up to me and wrapped me up in a hug.

Smashing our...breasts together? Giving it a confused look I couldn't stop myself.

"Huh! That's new."

"Hahah! Right!" Damn she has a beautiful laugh.

"Well the evil pieces weren't supposed to do something like this. A devil naturally takes their ideal form with time. I need to know if this is some form of mutation or if this IS your ideal self Souji-Chan" Serefall said with a sing song voice.

Well, that makes sense. Not that this is my ideal form. It probably was something more like 'What does Okita Souji look like' and for me, there is only one Okita Souji. My waifu.

Well it is not bad...I like it. This form makes me feel all tinglely. I could definitely get used to it.

"So~ What will it be Souji~" She leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"I-I suppose it is acceptable." I stumbled.

"Great! Then show me that ultimate attack again. Mumyou Sandanzuki!" Serafall said with great excitement." As she let go of me and ran off.

"Wawaw! I said that aloud!" I Said as I charged at her trying to shut her mouth.

"First step, Infinite suffering!" Serafall said as she started to run.

"Nonono! The first step is swifter than sound!" Before I knew it I was in full sprint chasing her.

"Second step absolute sword!"

"That's the third!"


"I think we can trust captain with her." One of the Shinsengumi said aloud as the others nodded.

"If your gonna say it, say it right" Okita yelled with a red face.

This is the start of a very odd couple.