
Oh Well, I'm An Elf In The Apocalypse

Jason falls asleep one night and doesn't wake even though lights are flashing in his face. Before he knows it, he is in another world, is a different species, and is fighting off monsters left and right. Will he survive? What is this new world? And most importantly, why is this world ending?!

Evan_Miner · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Treating Themselves

"Any ideas as to where we can go eat?" Jason asks the other two, Gracie smiles excitedly saying "I found this semi fancy looking place where the food smelled amazing as we walked past" She says "I'm not sure the name but I do remember where it was". Jason shrugs looking over at Zachary since he had no time spent looking around the city. "I'm fine with whatever just can we go and eat please" Zachary begs after his stomach loudly rumbles. With the two laughing they leave the Inn following Gracie through the city. Jason is absorbed in everything, as they progress farther the buildings are turning a bit more reserved and elegant. The beauty the city brings is a little overwhelming at first, not to mention the bustling streets the farther you make your way into the city. Eventually Gracie stops them in front of an almost diner looking building. "Here we are," She says proudly after remembering how to get here. Jason approaches the door as Gracie lands on his shoulder. They enter and are suddenly hit with a bunch of different aromas, all of which smell delicious. After sitting down in one of the booths Jason asks Gracie "this is semi fancy to you?" chuckling a bit. "Well it smelt nice and looks like something i've never seen" She retorts sticking her tongue out at him. The only waiter walks over to the trio's booth "Hello my name's Jasmine and I'll be taking care of you three tonight" she says to them while handing over three menus ``Anything to drink?" She asked. After looking briefly over their menu Jason ordered a star berry smoothie, Gracie ordered water, and Zachary decided to try a thing called the earth's blood. It seemed to be some sort of milkshake that was cherry flavored. Jasmine leaves once finishing collecting their orders.

Shortly after Jasmine returns carrying the three drinks. "Thank you" the trio told her in unison, excited to try their beverages. Jason is overjoyed by the smoothie. It was like a banana and strawberry smoothie which was one of his favorites back on earth. Zachary also likes his Cherry milkshake, he ends up getting his lips stained red due to the coloring in the Shake. Jasmine returns after a couple minutes asking "Are you guys ready to order yet?" Getting nods from each of the three. "Can I get the paghetti?" Jason asks, trying not to giggle. It was basically Spaghetti from earth but the meatballs were monster meat. Jasmine quickly writes that down before looking over to Gracie "Can i get the Star berry salad" Gracie told her. "I would like the Pescal fish please" Zachary says. "Sure thing i'll put your orders in right away" She said before running back into the kitchen. "Did either of you try to fight the flame spirits?" Zachary asks curiously, to his dismay both shake their heads. "I didn't want to risk it and just trained with the normal spawns" Jason told him. They discuss their tactic they developed while fighting by themselves until the food arrives. "Told you this place was good" Gracie said upon being handed her salad. The two guys also were happy with the meals they ordered. They pay for their meal using 48 silvers, which is two shy of being a gold coin. Without thinking about it they pay using a golden coin leaving the two silvers and three more for their waitress because they were extremely happy with their meals.

Upon finishing the three are overcome with tiredness and make their way back across town to their Inn. They also ended up giving the Innkeeper five more silvers to extend their stay in the room. They have grown accustomed to their room and don't plan on leaving the city anytime soon. Once they reach their room the three lounge in their usual spots. "Are we going solo again tomorrow or as a group?" Gracie asks the other two. "Well I think we need to figure out whether we would like to get stronger or just keep making money," Jason tells them. Zachary is shocked by Jasons comment "I want to grow stronger, I don't care about money" He responds. "Me too if you have a plan i'll follow it but i want to get stronger too" Gracie says. "Well if that's what you guys want i think it'll be best to try and make it to the second floor as a group tomorrow" Jason suggested "I like that plan can we face that floor boss too?" Zachary asks excitedly. "I won't say no but we need to keep in mind to keep gauging ourselves because the fights will only get harder the deeper we get" Jason says warningly. "I think that we'll be able to handle them, since we were able to handle the monsters so far, '' Gracie adds. "Just don't underestimate your opponents" Jason's sighs while laying down. He pulls out a thin wooden stick from his inventory that he found while on the way back from the restaurant. Jason came up with the idea of floating the stick as a form of training for his Wind magic. Unsure if this will actually be effective he begins floating the stick above his head. Even after both Gracie and Zachary had fallen asleep Jason continued his training. He ended up falling asleep three hours before sunrise. The three ended up sleeping for about four hours after sunrise before Zachark woke up and woke the other two up as well. "It's time to go," Zachary said while gently shaking Jason to wake him up. After a moment Jason wakes up a bit startled which sends a small gust of wind out from his body.

"Well that's a good sign athletes" Gracie says while fixing herself on the nightstand. The gust of wind had been enough to push her off her bed. Zachary laughs at her misfortune before hoping out of the bed. "Come on guys we need to eat. I want to get to the dungeon as fast as we can. '' Zach says, grabbing Jason's hand and dragging him out of the room and down to the restaurant. Gracie flies after them as Jason is still half asleep, Zachary is acting as Jason's form of navigation while he wakes up. Upon reaching the usual seats their normal waitress walks over to their table. "What can I get you guys today?" She asks. "Something to wake him up please, and can you also bring us something light to eat off the menu" Zachary asks her. "Sure thing, be right back" she told him before running off. After a minute she returns with a hot cup of tea. "Here you go it should re-energize your friend" She said giggling as Jason is still half asleep against Zachary. "Drink up you shouldn't have stayed up so late" Zachary instructs him as he helps Jason drink the hot tea. After a couple sips Jason can feel himself quickly becoming more alert. Pulling himself off of Zachary he rubs his head, "Wow that stuff works wonders" He said stretching a bit. Zachary laughs as he hands the cup over to Jason. Shortly after waking up completely some toast and eggs are brought out from the kitchen. "I had the chief make these up real quick as they are my favorites in the morning" the waitress says while hanging the food to the three. "Thank you!" The three respond before portioning out their breakfast. They quickly finish eating before paying and getting themselves out and ready for the Dungeon.