

What about us by P!nk. It's best for this chapter.


Los Angeles was warmer than Japan but it wasn't bad.

It was as busy as I remembered the States to be except when I lived here, I stayed in Oregon.

We've been here for almost two weeks and everything was slow.

I was looking for a job, Takato started school and Kirito was well Kirito. Being Nomadic but making sure to come home before dinner and only God knows where he was going because he always went to bed early.

Takato hated here and the other foreign kids because they asked him a lot of questions about Japan that he snapped at one of the kids.

He couldn't reach his father and he was saddened about it but he still kept a cheery face for my sake.

I was so happy to be blessed with such a wonderful boy.

"Mama!" Takato shouted in joy, running into my arms as I hugged him.

I patted his head and he giggled before he waved his hands at girl who called his name and climbed into the car.