
A Glowing Book, My Cheat Finally Awakens!

'My cheat isn't coming, is it?' Jack thought with a sigh as he scavenged through a dumpster, looking for anything that even resembles food.

It has been a week since Jack transmigrated, and he's been trying to adapt to his new life as a dumpster diving hobo, but...

"Oh oh! I think I feel something!" Jack yelped as he pulled something out of the dumpster. However, when he took a look at it, he instantly threw it away.

"EW, WHY DOES THAT PIZZA HAVE MOLD ALL OVER IT!?!" He shrieked in disgust as he rushed out of the dumpster.

...let's just say it isn't going so well.

"I guess I have to be thankful for people who waste food like this..." he grumbled as he made his way back to his...humble abode. In his hand was a sloppily wrapped burger, which only had a single bite in it. This was a jackpot for him.

And so, with a burger in hand and clothes that screamed that he was a hobo, Jack walked back. To avoid being abused by the people on roads, who are mostly people who know about him and his physique, he usually takes the long way back, going through a forest.

"Well, I guess I should at least be thankful that there was a secret spot under those bridges, or I would've had to spend the night here!" Jack joked around with himself. The effects of being homeless can clearly be seen from his sense of humor.

That being said, however, Jack wouldn't actually follow through with this, even if he had to spend the night getting abused. Why? Well it's because of one thing: Mutant animals. In this world of physiques, humans aren't the only supernatural ones. While they might not possess physiques, the animals of this world have evolved in a different way that makes them highly dangerous.

These animals can use qi. And they don't just use it to strengthen their bodies like physique users do, no. They use it as a weapon. Animals have evolved in a way that they are able to cultivate this qi, refining their bodies, while also being able to manifest qi. This is what makes them especially dangerous.

Of course, higher level beasts can do a lot more with qi, but they also tend to be more intelligent and don't attack humans unless they're provoked. Weaker beasts, however, hunt humans. And the reason for this is simple: these beasts can easily further their cultivation by eating physique users.

"Well, I guess my physique is at least useful for something..." Jack mumbled as he continued through the forest, every beast he encountered avoiding him. While he had no clue why they did that, he'll take what he can.

In fact, Jack's original plan to sneak through the forest was to hide in the leaves and not encounter a wild beast, but it didn't exactly go as planned...

Thankfully, the beasts he encountered just avoided him, granting Jack a free passageway through the forest.

"Well what do you know, this physique is actually useful for something!" Jack muttered sarcastically as he made his way through the flora. However, as he passed through into the middle of the forest, he suddenly stopped.

"Wh-what's going on?" He looked around, confused. "Wait...is my physique...resonating?"

In this world, physiques possess one more power: the ability to resonate near items that correlate with them. An example of this would be if a fire related physique resonating with divine flames, or a transformation physique resonating with the body of the animal its mimicking.

Point is, physiques only resonate when the item they find is very closely related to their physique while also being powerful.

'Well, since it looks like I won't be getting a cheat any time soon, so I'll have to go get that to survive, huh?'

Of course, this forest wasn't fully clear of danger, and Jack knew this; he had already encountered danger here, after all.


A few days ago, when he first discovered this path, he had run into a big creature. This creature was nothing like normal wild beasts, but an angel. And no, not the nice type of angel either. This angel had 6 wings, all of which were pitch black.

Although Jack sensed something amiss beforehand and started to run away, the angel still had turned towards him. And when it did, he caught a glimpse of its face, which had almost paralyzed him with fear.

The face had no features except one: its eyes. All 6 of them. They were placed in three pairs all over the being's face, and they were all pitch black. They were like black pearls, ones that stare deeply into your soul.

But that wasn't the most terrifying part of this encounter. No, the most terrifying part was that the angel had spoken to him.

Before Jack had a chance to run, the angel's face had split open, right at the spot at which its mouth should have been. Inside of it, a set of sharp, jagged and long teeth could be seen, almost as if it came straight from the set of a horror movie. Right then and there, Jack just ran.

'I am so done with this life, this is so unfair! Why is there a f*cking mid-boss looking monster RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE I LIVE?'


'Even thinking about it now sparks fear in me.' Jack thought with a sigh. 'I really need to get stronger so I don't randomly die.'

However, there was one thing that struck out to Jack. As Jack was rushing out, the angel didn't do anything to stop him. Instead, it only spoke a few words before flying away: "So you're the one."

Ever since Jack heard those words, he's been terrified, but also couldn't help but ponder about their meaning.

'I'm the one? I'm what one? I'm the one who will accomplish nothing in my life? Well, looking at my physique, you're right!'

"Well anyway, in order to not make that reality, I really need to get to that book. While there is a chance I'll encounter that angel again, I have no choice but to take this chance!" Jack said in a voice that was clearly feigning hope.

And so, he made his way through the flora, and kept moving towards the cause of his physique's resonation. After encountering a few more wild beasts, which were still avoiding him, he finally found himself in front of a glowing book.

The book, which wouldn't look anything out of the ordinary if not for the slightly gold glow around it, had a slightly worn out cover. When Jack reached out to grab it, he realized it was actually made out of some sort of leather. It had a light brown color, with spots of darker brown, most likely due to wear and tear.

Jack tried to open the book, only to quickly realize that he couldn't. 'There's no way this book isn't special. After all, if it wasn't special, why am I not able to open it? I'm a genius!'

As you can see, Jack isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Regardless, he was right this time. This book was very special. However, what did any of that matter if Jack couldn't even open it?

For the next few hours, Jack did everything he can to try and open the book. He tried prying it open with a stick, he tried putting on end on a tree and pulling. He even tried destroying the book, but nothing worked.

"Are you serious? I really found a method to get a lot stronger, only to be cockblocked in the end?" Jack wouldn't have it. And so, he proceeded to try everything he could, but none of it worked.

"Haah, if only I could just say 'open' and have it open." Jack complained. 'Why can't I just have an easy transmigration?!?'

Suddenly, the pages of the book propped open, revealing golden sheets of paper.

'Are you serious? ALL I HAD TO DO WAS SAY OPEN?' Jack wanted to say, but never had a chance to before he blacked out.


When Jack opened his eyes again, he was in a digital blue room. In front of him were a set of words on a screen.

[User Jack has been registered into the summoner's system]

"My cheat! It's finally here!"