
Oh, Beloved Two Faced Consort

Ding Ding is the infamous Mi Hou (Secret Empress); a money-driven information broker of the underworld circle within Xia Kingdom. She is fearless, sharp-witted and unpredictable. Her only ambition in life was to find and execute her mother’s killer. So why must she waste her time and effort in dealing with the righteous but arrogant Prince Ping? The haughty Prince Ping simply wouldn’t leave her alone. Why? Apparently Ding Ding owes him an apology for hurting his ego. How did she end up stuck with him? All thanks to Xiao Yiu. Xiao Yiu is a softer natured girl, a step-daughter from a rich merchant family. She falls deeply in love with the Kingdom’s Second Prince, Xia Qian Ping and marries him. Her main wish in life is to be his good wife, and perhaps get along with all his other consorts. How and why is Xiao Yiu involved with Ding Ding then? The answer is simple. Xiao Yiu is Ding Ding. They are the same person. Both are just one of Liu Ding Yiu’s split personality. So which of Liu Ding Yiu’s wish would come true; Love or revenge? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (c) All rights reserved! [This is an original story] If you like the story, please remember to review, comment and vote!

Erisyuki · Histoire
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43 Chs

What’s Your Name?

"Why are you still standing there?" Sixi questioned seeing Ding Yiu hadn't moved an inch. "Hurry before the tea cools down." He motioned for her to follow him once again.

[Unbelievable. My luck is this bad?] Ding Yiu stood, staring at the tray of tea in her hands. [What should I do? Serving tea and waiting on Xia Qian Ping is not part of my plans. Though nothing tonight has gone according to plan]. Ding Yiu slowly took mini steps forwards. [I can't just escape. Now that head servant Sixi has seen my face, if I run away now it'll be harder for me to disguise as a maid in future].

"Hold the tray steadier," Sixi commented, taking side glances at the maid whilst leading the way, "move faster. You're walking like a snail."

[This is bad. There's nothing I can do to get out of this], Ding Yiu kept thinking. [I can't afford to bring unnecessary attention to myself. I'll just have to endure this].

The two arrived at the study room.

"Make sure to stay alert to the prince's needs," Sixi warned, opening the door to allow Ding Yiu to enter. "Also, keep quiet and stand to the side. Don't disturb the prince whilst he's working."

"Understood," Ding Yiu replied, walking into the study room. The door closed shut behind her. [Why do I feel like I've just walked into a deadly trap]. Ding Yiu took a deep breath, walking past the mini guest area towards the main room.

Sitting by the desk was Prince Ping. Contrasted by the flickering, yellowish candle lights of the room, his intricate white robe with silver embellishments created an ethereal aura about him. Flowing down his right shoulder, was his neat, silk-like hair. And to complete the picturesque feel, his expression was calm and serious, emitting a silent charm. He was undoubtedly one beautiful man.

[His looks hasn't improved since the last time I met him], Ding Yiu noted, not feeling anything more. Approaching him, she lowered her head hoping he wouldn't notice her face too much. "Prince Ping," Ding Yiu said quietly, "your tea."

Without looking up from the court records in front of him, Qian Ping said, "leave it out in the guest area. Bring a cup to me when it's at warm temperature."

"Yes your highness," Ding Yiu answered, swiftly walking back out to the guest area. "Bring a cup to me when it's at warm temperature," Ding Yiu whispered mimicking Qian Ping. [Can you be pickier about drinking tea?] Ding Yiu mentally complained, sitting down at the guest table. She poured herself a cup of tea and took a zip. "Tea always tastes the best when hot," Ding Yiu decided, taking in another mouthful. She turned to take a nippy look at Qian Ping who was still quietly reading the court records. [This is a good opportunity for me to leave] Ding Yiu thought, turning back round to stare at the door. [He probably won't notice if I slipped out of the room. But I don't want to get lost again]. Ding Yiu poured another cup of tea to drink. [I should go through Xiao Yiu's memories and figure a way out of Ping Tian Palace]. Dipping her finger in the tea, Ding Yiu started to draw a map of Ping Tian Palace on the wooden table, using Xiao Yiu's memories.

Sitting at his desk with an unreadable expression, Qian Ping was now observing the maid closely. If he hadn't felt thirsty, he wouldn't have noticed the maid had failed to bring him tea. Looking up towards the guest area, he didn't expect to see her casually sat down, drinking 'his' tea. It was an unbelievable sight. [Such a presumptuous maid], Qian Ping looked on with disdain, [where are her manners? Has Madam Xiong trained her properly?] He stood, taking big but elegant strides towards the maid. Peeping over her shoulders, Qian Ping could see she was drawing something unidentifiable. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice low with a hint of displeasure.

Hearing Qian Ping's voice, Ding Yiu stopped. She was concentrating so much on piecing together Xiao Yiu's memories, she hadn't noticed him approach her. [How annoying], Ding Yiu mentally whined, [why is he slacking from his work to bother a poor maid?] Remaining calm, Ding Yiu poured a cup of tea. She then did a quick spin around, bowing down her head and raising the cup towards Qian Ping. "Your tea," she said. [What should I do?]

"You dare to offer me tea in the same cup you just drank from?" Qian Ping raised his voice. [This maid is too much]. He snatched the cup from Ding Yiu's hand and slammed it back onto the table. "I've never seen such a rude and disrespectful maid. What's your name? I'll have Madam Xiong punish you."

[Not good], Ding Yiu kept still and quiet, [I was too careless. I should've escaped when I had the chance to earlier. What was I thinking?]

"I asked for your name," Qian Ping repeated, his tolerance starting to wane.

"Are you certain you want to know my name?" Ding Yiu eventually spoke, surprising Qian Ping with her question. [If I can't get out of this, might as well be reckless and make things more amusing], Ding Yiu decided.

Lowering her arms, Ding Yiu raised her head to look at Qian Ping, revealing her face. Their eyes instantly interlocked with one another in a fervid gaze, some indefinable emotions taking over. Neither was willing to be the first to break the connection, as though both wanted to trap the other in place. Ding Yiu remained unfazed but Qian Ping felt that same entrapment as a year ago. [It's her], Qian Ping confirmed, [It's definitely her. I won't ever forget this face or those piercing eyes]. He didn't realize his lips now formed a small smile, as he continued to look at Ding Yiu. [I've finally found you].

"What's your name?" Qian Ping asked for the third time.

"I didn't know you cared," Ding Yiu commented, still holding his gaze.

[You want to challenge me like a year ago?] Qian Ping thought, taking a few steps closer to Ding Yiu. [This time, you won't get away from me]. Placing his arms at either side of Ding Yiu, he slammed his hands onto the edge of the table, trapping her against it. His eyes never once leaving hers. "I have the whole night," he reminded her.

"Ding Ding," Ding Yiu answered calmly.

"Ding Ding," Qian Ping repeated, as though to cement it in his memories. "So that's your name." [After an entire year or searching, I finally know].

Ding Yiu leaned forwards, closing the little gap left between them. "Has that satisfied your curiosity about me? Or do I need to answer more questions to leave?" Ding Yiu prompted.

[Of course I have more questions], Qian Ping thought. [Why are you here? What's your purpose?] "Why are..." Qian Ping paused before he could finish asking. [Those aren't the most important questions to ask. Where did you go a year ago? Why did you ask for my help? Who are you?] But even these were probably less important to Qian Ping. What angered him the most a year ago, was the way she judged him. "Apologize," Qian Ping finally demanded. "Take back the words you said to me a year ago."

[That's the first thing you say to me]. Ding Yiu was slightly surprised, expecting him to interrogate her identity and reasons for being here instead. "Xia Qian Ping..." Ding Yiu began.

"Prince Ping," a female voice from outside called, "Consort Zhou here requests to see you."

"Yourong is here," Qian Ping uttered, abruptly moving away from Ding Yiu. [Why is she here now? This isn't a good time].

[Zhou Yourong], Ding Yiu recalls, [she's Xia Qian Ping's most beloved Consort Zhou. The one who gives Xiao Yiu a lot of trouble]. Ding Yiu stares at the door, [I don't want to see her. I need to leave].

Before Ding Yiu could take more than one step away from the table, Qian Ping had reached out, tightly grabbing her wrist to pull her back. His voice was low, "I won't let you run away a second time, Ding Ding." [I've finally found you after a year. Until you apologize to me, until I get answers from you. I won't let you go]. His grip tightened with those thoughts.

[Xia Qian Ping, you will let me go], Ding Yiu silently predicted. With one swift movement, she spun herself around so that she was now standing back to back with Qian Ping. Ding Yiu then took a further step backwards, pressing her back onto Qian Ping's back. "Now you don't have to worry I'll run away. You can feel if I leave."

Qian Ping didn't know how to react. He was stunned by the sudden sensation of Ding Yiu's back pressed up against his. It was hard to ignore that strange, spreading warmth on his back, as he felt her presence. [This girl always does the most unexpected thing], Qian Ping thought, [but like this, I'm strangely calmer, knowing if she leaves my side].

"I don't want to get involved with your consort. I'm sure you think the same," Ding Yiu clearly spoke, "hide me."

"You better not move an inch then," Qian Ping agreed, not understanding why he was listening to her. He made sure Ding Yiu was well hidden by his tall body.

"Your highness," a different, softer and sweeter sounding female voice called, "I'm coming in."

Ding Yiu could hear the door open and some footstep noises. Consort Zhou and her maid has entered.

"Yourong," Qian Ping greeted, a natural smile on his face.

"Your highness," Consort Zhou sweetly said, "I was worried you'd get hungry working all night so I've brought you some snacks."

"Thank you. You're always so considerate," Qian Ping thanked. Seeing Yourong about to take the food out and place it on the table, he said, "Yourong, can you wait for me outside instead?" [I can't let her see Ding Ding]. "I'm feeling rather tired. I'll return to Lihua Palace with you."

Consort Zhou had a sweet smile on her face, nodding, "then I shall wait for your highness outside."

She gracefully motioned for her maid to follow her outside to wait. It was now silent in the room.

[Yourong is being so considerate of me, I can't turn her down], Qian Ping debated, [but I'm not finished with Ding Ding yet. I still haven't got the answers I want]. He can still feel Ding Yiu's back against his, telling him she was real, that she was here. [We finally meet again. If I walked away from you now, will I lose you again? Can I afford to lose you a second time?]

"What are you going to do?" Ding Yiu questioned, breaking the silence. "Your beloved consort is waiting for you."

Qian Ping clenched a fist making a final decision, [Yourong is more important]. He took a step forward, losing his touch and connection to Ding Yiu. [There must be a reason you are here tonight. I'll take a gamble]. He took one last look at Ding Yiu, who hadn't moved, [I will see you again]. With that belief, Qian Ping said nothing, swiftly leaving the room to join Consort Zhou.

"Finally. I'm alone again," Ding Yiu smiled, knowing this would happen. [Xia Qian Ping, you will always choose Zhou Yourong. Just like on the wedding night with Xiao Yiu, you still chose Zhou Yourong]. Ding Yiu stepped outside the the study room, peering into the dark night sky. "I'll give up leaving for tonight," Ding Yiu decided. "Knowing Wan Xin, she probably didn't make it out or Ping Tian Palace either." She made her way towards the spying tree, where she and Wan Xin agreed to meet.

On another side of Ping Tian Palace, making her way back towards the spying tree was Wan Xin. She had come a long way since departing with Ding Yiu, but it was tough having to constantly hide and wait whenever there were other maids and servants nearby. As she was considering whether to come out of hiding from a bushy area, she suddenly heard a twig snapping noise behind her.

"Found her," a maid shouted, "the runaway is here."

"Damn," Wan Xin cursed her luck, trying to run away, but already more maids and male servants had arrived. She was surrounded. [What can I do?] Wan Xin desperately thought. [I know I'm a failure at this, but I should at least try…] Wan Xin raised her arms in front of her in an attacking pose. [I need to meet up with Xiaojie]. Wan Xin breathed, imitating one of Meng Su's martial arts move. At first it looked like it worked as the maids and servants scattered to clear a path. Wan Xin made a dash, but unhurt by Wan Xin's hits, the maids and servants easily catch up to her.

"What was that?" one of the maids questioned, "some sort of child's play?"

With a stick she hit Wan Xin in the legs, making her fall to the ground. The other maids quickly went forward to hold Wan Xin down.

"Someone let Madam Xiong know," another maid shouted, "this runaway will be punished tomorrow morning."

Wan Xin bit her lips in frustration. [I should've known it wouldn't work… I'm sorry Meng Su. I really am no good when it comes to fighting]. Wan Xin recalled the past year she spent trying to learn some of Meng Su's basic martial arts move. She struggled greatly, only able to imitate the empty form of the moves. There was no power behind any of her hits, making her no different to normal people. Meng Su had tried various methods to teach her, but there was little improvement. Wan Xin never stopped practicing though, hoping one day she can at least defend herself. [I'm sorry I'm still a failure Meng Su, Xiaojie…], Wan Xin mentally apologized, allowing the maids to take her away.

Night shortly passed by. The early birds were already chirping away to signal the morning of a brand new day. Waiting patiently by the tree was Ding Yiu. She had fallen asleep for quite some time last night, waiting for Wan Xin to show up. Opening her eyes to the birds singing, she was surprised to find herself still alone. Wan Xin wasn't here. [Something isn't right], Ding Yiu thought, worried. [There's no way it would take her this long to get here. She must be caught]. Ding Yiu began to make a move, [I need to help her]. She momentarily stopped in her tracks, [I can't show my face like this. It has to be Xiao Yiu's face]. Ding Yiu turned in the opposite direction, [But I can't switch with Xiao Yiu. She won't be able to protect Wan Xin or herself]. A smile then crossed Ding Yiu's face, [I'll just have to take my chances]. She began to run again, knowing what she needed to do.

Presently wandering through one of the footpaths of Ping Tian Palace was Sima Heng. It was still very early in the morning, but he was bored and meeting up with his best friend Qian Ping seemed like a good idea. Only, when he arrived and Sixi had informed him that Qian Ping ended up staying the night at Lihua Palace, did Heng mope from disappointment. [Zhou Yourong again], Heng mentally complained, [how boring. I really don't get what's so attractive about her. She's duller than dead grass]. His attention was soon caught by a young girl running in the distance. Her face being the main reason he couldn't look away. [Now that's one unique beauty there], Heng thought, his feet already veering him towards her. He watched as she put on a veil, covering her face. [Such pity to hide that pretty face], Heng slowed down his pace. [Wait… that girl isn't wearing a maid's outfit. Who is she?] Heng stopped to think. Besides maids, the only other females in Ping Tian Palace are Qian Ping's consorts. However, Heng had met all of Qian Ping's consorts and definitely don't remember such a face amongst them. There was Zhou Yourong, the most beloved Consort Zhou. Then there was the spoilt Tong Liluo, Consort Tong. And finally Mu Hui, the more quiet Consort Mu. So who could that girl be? Then it struck Heng. [There's still one more consort. The one that I've never met before because Qian Ping cast her away]. A confused look now displayed on Heng's face. Recalling the rumours about Consort Liu Ding Yiu, she was supposed to be a very ugly girl, who apparently was just despicable in nature. [There's no way that pretty girl just now is Consort Liu], Heng kept thinking as he picked up his pace to follow after her. "Isn't this the servants' house…" Heng muttered, not expecting the girl to come here. [Is she a maid after all?] He quickly moved to one side, hiding himself before anyone could see him. His focus never leaving that mysterious girl.

Arriving at the servant's house, Ding Yiu already knew Wan Xin was here. The amount of servants gathered around outside the main living room at this time wasn't normal. It seems Madam Xiong wanted to put on a good show to reinforce her authority. Ding Yiu made her way towards the main room, pushing through the crowd of spectating servants.

With a satisfied smile on her face, Madam Xiong leered at Wan Xin who knelt on the floor before her. "I'm not an unreasonable person," Madam Xiong spoke loudly so everyone could hear, "but again and again, no matter how many chances I give you…" Madam Xiong pretended to sigh, "dear child, you insist on acting disgracefully. You not only ignore orders, abandon your duty but you also dare to disrespect me." Madam Xiong now held out her hand towards a maid standing next to her. The maid immediately placed a thick and heavy cane into Madam Xiong's hand. "For your treachery, I need to punish you and show all servants here, what the consequences are for going against me." Madam Xiong raised the cane in the air, a smile on her face as she was going to strike Wan Xin.

Before the cane could reach Wan Xin, Ding Yiu had grabbed hold of Madam Xiong's arm, stopping her. "The one who needs to be punished is you," Ding Yiu warned, tightening her grip.

A shocked Madam Xiong painfully twisted her arm away from Ding YIu's grip. She glared at the girl who dared to stop her. "How dare you get in my way?" Madam Xiong furiously questioned. She wanted to say more but couldn't recognize the girl since she was wearing a veil.

"Xiaojie," Wan Xin called out, happy to see Ding Yiu again. "Xiaojie, I'm so sorry… I…"

Ding Yiu helped Wan Xin up, "Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?"

"I'm not hurt," Wan Xin shook her head, "they imprisoned me for the night, then fetched me here for punishment this morning."

[Wan Xin called the girl 'Xiaojie'], Madam Xiong noted. Now that she took a closer look at the girl's clothes, she was certain of her identity. [You think I won't recognize that ugly face of yours if you covered it with a veil?] Madam Xiong clenched a fist. She spoke with a low, threatening voice, "Consort Liu. What brings you here?"

"You called me Consort Liu?" Ding Yiu said with the same low voice. "Madam Xiong, I'll give you one more chance. How should you properly address me?"

Madam Xiong pressed her lips together in fury, [how dare you speak to me this way? Today, I will make sure to put you in your place]. Madam Xiong's grip on the cane tightened.