
Oh?! Should we file a divorce?

Beatrice Hawk's life was full of love and fortune, until she married Atlas Hawk — a CEO with a secret criminal life. After a coma, Beatrice experiences visions of a parallel world where she is Blade, a professional assassin betrayed and killed by his lover, Atlas. When she wakes up, Beatrice discovers that her jealous sister, Victoria, has taken everything from her. Including, stealing her husband. Will Beatrice's visions of another world help her change her fate, or will they lead her down a darker path? #action

Tizzz · Urbain
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31 Chs

The Unanswered Calls

Beatrice's eyes fluttered open, her breath coming in rapid gasps. She sat up in bed, clutching her shoulder where the pain throbbed relentlessly.

The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of a bedside lamp casting shadows across the walls. For a moment, she struggled to orient herself, the remnants of a dream fading like mist.

"Blade," she whispered, the name escaping her lips almost unconsciously. It hung in the air, laden with memories and unanswered questions.

"Blade," she called out again, her voice stronger this time, echoing in the silence of the room.

But there was no response.

Blade's absence was a void that seemed to echo back at her, reminding her of his enigmatic presence and their unexpected encounters.

As she sat there, the events of recent days rushed back to her—the tension, the danger, and her sudden disappearance that had left everyone worried. Her mind wandered to David, to Victoria, and to the intricate web of secrets and lies that had entangled her life.

Closing her eyes, Beatrice tried to push aside the pain in her shoulder and the lingering memories of Blade.

She knew she couldn't afford to dwell on him now, not when there were so many unanswered questions about her own safety and the schemes that had threatened to consume her.

Beatrice glanced at the wall clock. It was 1 a.m. The studio apartment, with its large windows, was dimly lit, a gentle breeze wafting through the open window, making the white curtains dance softly in the moonlight.

David lay asleep on the sofa, his breathing steady and calm, oblivious to the world around him.

Beatrice quietly got up, careful not to disturb him, and made her way to the pantry for a glass of water. The cool night air felt refreshing against her skin, a brief respite from the turmoil that had engulfed her life.

As she reached for a glass, a sudden, deafening barrage of gunfire shattered the stillness of the night.

Instinctively, Beatrice dropped to the floor, her heart pounding in her chest. Bullets tore through the window, sending shards of glass flying across the room.

"David!" she shouted, crawling towards the sofa, panic seizing her as she checked to ensure he was unharmed.

David jolted awake, instinctively rolling off the sofa and taking cover behind it. "Stay down!" he yelled, eyes scanning the room for threats, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Beatrice's mind raced, thoughts colliding as she tried to make sense of the attack. Who could be targeting them? And why now?

David crawled over to her, his expression a mix of determination and concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, checking her for injuries.

"I'm fine," Beatrice replied, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. "But we need to get out of here."

David nodded, glancing toward the shattered window, the night beyond now filled with an ominous silence. "Stay close to me," he instructed, formulating a plan to escape.

They moved cautiously, using the furniture for cover as they made their way towards the door. Beatrice's heart raced, but her resolve was firm.

As they reached the door, David paused, listening intently for any sounds outside. "On three," he whispered, gripping the doorknob. "One, two—"

They bolted down the dimly lit hallway, gunfire erupting once more. David positioned himself in front of Beatrice, acting as a shield.

"Damn!" David grunted, a bullet grazing his side, sharp pain shooting through him. He stumbled, clutching the wound as blood seeped through his fingers.

"David!" Beatrice cried, rushing to his side, her face a mix of fear and determination. They were cornered, trapped with no clear escape.

"We're surrounded," David gasped, struggling to stay upright, his vision blurring. He locked eyes with Beatrice. "You need to go. Leave me."

"No, I won't leave you!" Beatrice insisted, her voice firm, eyes blazing with defiance. "You've lost too much blood." She pressed her hand against David's shoulder, trying to staunch the bleeding.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the corridor. Beatrice knew they were out of time.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out from their cover, hands raised in surrender. "Stop! Don't shoot!" she called out, drawing their attention away from David.

The armed men converged on her, weapons trained, their eyes cold and unyielding. Beatrice's heart pounded, but her mind was clear. She had to protect David.

"Take me," she said, her voice steady and unwavering. "But let him go."

The men moved in swiftly, their movements precise and calculated, binding Beatrice's hands behind her back with rough, tight knots. Despite the fear gripping her, she kept her gaze locked on David, who stood defiantly amidst the chaos.

But their captors had other plans. A masked assailant, his identity concealed by a black balaclava, stepped forward with deliberate menace. He leveled his gun at Beatrice's head, the cold metal of the barrel pressing against her temple.

"No!" David's voice echoed through the tense air, filled with desperation. In a split second, he lunged towards Beatrice, his instinct to protect her overpowering the danger.

Before he could reach her, another attacker opened fire, a barrage of bullets ripping through the air. David staggered back, his body jerking with the impact of multiple hits.

"David!" Beatrice's scream pierced the chaos, her heart wrenching with despair. She fought against her bindings, her fingers straining against the ropes, but the assailants held her firm.

Blood pooled beneath David's feet as he slumped to the ground, his strength failing him. Through the haze of pain, his eyes locked with Beatrice's, conveying a silent plea for her safety.

"No! Please! Blade! Where are you, Blade!"

Moments before a bullet could strike Beatrice's head, a storm of gunfire erupted, followed by an onslaught from attackers belonging to rival factions.

The air filled with the cacophony of gunfire, the sharp cracks echoing off the walls, accompanied by the harsh clang of metal and the sickening crunch of bones breaking.

Beatrice dropped to her knees, her scream piercing through the chaos as she instinctively covered her head, seeking refuge from the onslaught.

"Blade!" she called out desperately amid the chaos. "Blade, I need you! Where are you?!"

Amidst the continuing sounds of battle, the cries of pain and the furious exchanges of gunfire, Beatrice's voice strained with urgency, hoping against hope that help would arrive in the turmoil.

Beatrice lowered her hands slowly and looked up, only to find the cold steel of a gun barrel pressed against her temple.

"BLADEEE!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.
