
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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The Snachro brother's part three

Akira and Unknown, who have been thrown out of the jet by Satch, are now about to face their own battles. Akira walks over to the tree she finds suspicious.

"Hey, I know there's someone up there. How about you come down here and tell us what you want?"

"Akira, bring your ass back over here!"

"What's wrong? I'm just letting them know that we're friendly."

"Well, has it ever occurred to you that whoever is up there isn't friendly?"

"Hey, you know it's rude to assume everyone you come by is an enemy!"

"Well, if they're not enemies, explain why they are hiding in a tree instead of coming to us face-to-face!"

"Well, maybe whoever it is is shy! Not everyone has enough confidence to talk to people face-to-face. You're such a meanie!"

"Did she really just say meanie, like that's a proper way to speak?"

Unknown looks into the tree and sees a shimmer come from the leaves.

"Akira, watch out!"

From the tree, something springs off a branch, speeding towards Akira. Akira reacts quickly and moves out of the way of the oncoming attack.

"Wow, that was a close one!"

"I told you they weren't just shy!"

"Yeah, but at least we got it to come out of hiding."

With the dust cleared, Akira and Unknown see a scrawny 5'9 white-skinned man wearing a stretched-out brown shirt and pants. He also has long purple and blonde hair. With a sharp blade growing out of his left wrist, he dusts himself.

"Hey Akira you see that he has a blade coming out of his wrist."

"Yeah, that's so cool!"

"No! I mean, yeah, it is, but he tried to cut you down with that thing. Also, there's a possibility that this guy is a level two OgI user!"

"Oh yeah, of course, that too!"

"Are you idiots going to stop whispering over there? I'm getting impatient!"

Unknown looks over at the strange-looking man.

"Ok, first off, who the hell are you, and why did you attack us?"

"Surprise surprise, you ask a question anyone would ask. You're so boring."

"Wait, I'm boring!"

After hearing his words, an image of Kage popped into his head. Unknown shakes his head in frustration.

"Shut up, I'm not boring; you're just too dumb to understand how fun I am!"

"Yep, as I said, boring."

Unknown clutches his fist in anger.

"Alright, we will see who's boring soon!"

As Unknown and the unidentified man go back and forth, a voice comes from the same tree as before.

"His name is Frax, and my name is Ruth."

Everyone looks toward the part of the tree where the voice is coming from. When they do, they see a white-skinned man about six feet tall with a big stomach. He is wearing a black and white outfit with red beads around his neck and wrist. With his luscious orange hair flowing in the wind, Ruth jumps down from the tree.

"We are two out of three members of the Snachro brothers, and our brother Satch is taking care of your jet right now."

"Do you always have to go mouth-off to the enemy? Damn it!"

"Please calm down, brother Frax. Don't you think it would be sad if they died without knowing their killers?"

"You and this so sad bullshit, you know I couldn't care less if they die knowing my name or not!"

"Oh, so sad, Brother Frax. Brother Satch said he would send the passengers on that jet down here for us to deal with, but these are the only two. Do you think he ran into some difficulty?"

"Yeah, going off of how those two found us and that girl dodged my attack, I can tell we're not fighting any regular travelers."

"Oh, so sad. We must fight like this, but for my brother, I must."

"Boo-hoo, cry me a river; let's just kill these idiots and check on Satch before I fall asleep from all this talk."

Frax starts to grow sharp blades all over his body.

"Yes, brother, let's."

Unknown gets in a stance for battle. Akira taps Unknown on the shoulder before he can go in for battle.

"These guys are kind of weird, you know."

"Is this really the time for that conversation?"

"No, but they said earlier that their third brother is on the jet. Do you think we should be worried?"

"Of course not; it's Kage, Mr.Mink, and Selena; they can handle themselves fine; we need to worry about our situation."

Akira shakes her head in understatement. Unknown starts scanning their opponents up and down to figure out a strategy.

"Okay, let's do this. You fight the dude with weird hair, and I'll fight the big guy."

"No! I'm not fighting him!"

"What, why not?"

"Because look at his face, he is 100% a creep!"

"What happened to not being rude?"

Unknown looks around and notices the entire area is filled with mist that wasn't there before."

"What the hell?"

As Unknown and Akira start their battle with Frax and Ruth, Kage finds his way to the top of the jet, which is still flying at full speed. A hatch on top of the jet opens, and out of it comes Kage. Kage tries to get out of the hatch but quickly realizes how much of an issue the wind is going to be.

"The jet is moving too fast. I need a way to get on the roof without getting blown away. Wait, of course, this is the perfect time to pull out my newly mastered move."

Kage starts to remember his training with Selena. After Selena offered to help Kage with his move, they started training right away. Selena, after watching Kage attempt the move multiple times, gives him a word of advice.

"Hmm, I see your problem."

"You do!"

"Your posture is all wrong; you'll never be able to stay in the air if you stand like that."


"Keep a good gap between your legs and focus more on your lower body strength than your upper body."

Kage follows Selena's instructions to a T.

"Now go ahead and try."

Three tiny balls of energy form under each of Kage's feet.

"Ok, let's do this!"

The three balls of energy release a big blast of energy. Kage starts levitating with the constant blast of energy coming from his feet. For the first time, Kage was able to stay in the air for more than fifteen seconds.

"Yeah, I di—"

Kage loses balance and falls on his back after getting too excited.

"Hehe, Kage, you have to keep following the process to stay in the air; you can't just stop."

"Yeah, I know I just got so excited I lost concentration."

"It's OK, Kage; we will continue training till this becomes second nature to you."

Selena puts her hand out to help Kage get off the ground.


Selena pulls Kage up, and they continue working on Kage's new move. For about two weeks, this is what they did for hours until Kage was a master.

Kage, remembering the training he and Selena did together, smiles.

"Thanks, Selena I wouldn't be able to do this job without you."

Kage jumps out of the hatch and lets the wind blow him away from the jet. As Kage starts spiraling toward the ground, tiny balls of energy form under his feet. Kage smiles and screams with all his heart.

"Energy manipulation: energy jet!"

A constant blast of energy releases from Kage's feet, causing him to fly up. Using his new move, Kage flies back to the jet.

"Where did she say it was on top of the jet?"

Kage flies to the top of the jet and sees a sword stabbed into the nose of the jet. Kage instantly flies towards it.

"Ok, time for you to go!"

Kage flies to grab the sword, but with his sense technique, he notices something in the sky. Kage sees six blue eyes staring right at him. Out of the sky, a blue flame shoots at top speeds towards Kage.

"Oh shit I got to move!"

Kage starts flying away from the sword to avoid the flames but makes a realization.

"Wait, that flame will destroy the jet in seconds!"

Kage turns back around and points his palm toward the blue flames.

"Energy barrier!"

Kage surrounds the entire jet with an energy barrier, using up a lot of his OGI. The blue flames make contact with the barrier.

"Damn it! This barrier is going to be too weak; I need to make it stronger. This is going to take a lot out of me, but a man gotta do what a man gotta do!"

Kage pours more OGI into his barrier, which makes it more focused and stronger. The blue flames finally stop, and Kage drops his barrier.


Still levitating in the sky with his energy jet and exhausted, Kage looks up to the sky and sees that the sky is clear. With the sky clear, he sees a ten-foot dragon-like creature with blue scales and three long heads. With its huge body being held up by its long wings, it lets out a monstrous roar.


Kage, while breathing heavenly smiles.

"Wow, that's pretty badass for a beast!"

Chapter 49 end