
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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170 Chs

The mystery of Unknown part two

It has now been two months since Kirata's death, and nothing much has happened since then for Kage at least. Kage has spent the last two months going to class, hanging out with Unknown, and training a lot. Currently, Kage is on the Grava Academy battlegrounds, working on a new attack. Today he has chosen the mountain simulation as his training location.

"Ok, it's time to try this one more time!"

Kage activates level two and starts forming tiny balls of energy under his feet.

"OK, good so far; now I just have to get in the air!"

From the tiny balls of energy that Kage formed under both of his feet, a huge blast of energy came from both of his feet. The blast of energy causes Kage to start hovering in the sky.

"Yes! I did it!"

Before Kage can celebrate too long, he loses balance.

"Oh fuck not again!"

Kage falls flat on his face, and the simulation ends.

"Damn it, another false hope! How the hell am I going to get this down?"

"Working on a new move, I see."

Kage looks behind him and sees Selenea, who has just entered the room.

"Oh, what's up, Selena? I didn't even see you come in."

"Oh, don't worry, I just got here. I was about to do some training myself, but I noticed that you were here, so I came to say hi."

"Oh, alright, I'm just working on this new move that I think will be helpful for my fighting style."

"Oh, really, what's this new move all about?"

"Well, to put it simply, I'm trying to fly through the sky instead of being stuck on the ground. Yes, I can shoot myself up with energy beams, but with this move, I can continuously stay airborne, which will be a big advantage in battle."

"Oh, I see you're thinking of ways to get ahead in battle. What brought all this thinking on, Kage?"

"Oh well, I actually got the idea for this move in the battle against Hunter."

As he speaks, Kage starts to remember a specific movement where Hunter used wings on his back to fly through the sky.

"The thing that made Hunter so strong was his versatility. He had so many different ways of attacking and moving around the battlefield. He was unpredictable, and I believe if we had more versatility, we could have done better in that battle. So when I thought of this, I started working on a technique that allows me to fly."

"Oh, ok, that makes sense, but what seems to be the issue you're having now?"

"Well, I can get up into the air, but the problem is that every time I do it, I completely lose balance and fall flat on my face, which is bad because, for this move to work, I must be able to fly with full balance! This move sends a constant blast of energy from my feet, making it hard to balance, so I've been in here slowly learning how to balance."

"Yeah, that sounds complicated. Well, I'm not doing anything today. Do you mind if I help you out?"

"Oh yeah, that would be lit! I'm sure if anyone can help me, you can!"

Selena softly giggles at Kage's excitement. She looks around the room in search of something.

"Hey Kage, where is Unknown? He's usually here with you."

"Oh, Unknown, he's in the library right now; he said he's been needing to research something for a while now."

"Hmm, interesting. I wonder what he could be researching."

"I have no idea; all he said was research, and I didn't feel like asking him what it was about."

"Oh well, let's just focus on getting you completely balanced on that new move."

As Kage trains with Selena's assistance, Unknown is in a library on the far left side of Grava Academy. This library is exclusive to Grava Academy. It is believed that almost every book in all four zones' history is here in this library. It is full of tall shelves going to the ceiling and computers with the most advanced search engines in history. Unknown came here to research the castle he saw in the strange visions he had before leaving for the Moro zone. Unknown sat at a computer and turned on the monitor. When it turned on, he looked up "red castle."

"Of course there are a million results for Red Castle. Okay, I guess I've got to think harder about what I saw in that vision."

Unknown starts thinking back to his vision in an attempt to remember some type of key detail. Finally, after three minutes of thinking, he remembered something.

"Oh, right above the castle there was some sort of rainbow sun, which is definitely not normal."

Unknown adds Rainbow Sun to his search, and one result pops up.

"Wait, this is an article from fifty years ago, and not only that, it doesn't even have a castle in the title. Well, this is the only thing I've got, so let's read it."

Unknown clicks on the article titled "Rainbow Sun from the Other Side" and starts reading.

"Today, December 23, 1965, on Zone News, we have an interview with a man named Jearaled. He has claimed to have seen some strange hole in the sky."

As he reads, using all the information he is gathering and the information he already has, Unknown starts to connect the dots.

"A hole in the sky? We do live in a world where it's normal for people to run faster than cars, but I've never heard of holes just appearing in the sky. Wait a minute; actually, I might be on to something here. When Kage first found me in Grava Forest, I faintly remember seeing a hole in the sky before I passed out. I always thought I was just seeing things, but maybe what I saw that day wasn't just me hallucinating because of the blood loss."

Unknown scrolls further down and sees a video attached to the article.

"Wait a minute, a video comes with this old ass article. Well, I'm sure watching this will be more helpful than reading."

Unknown clicks on the video, and it starts playing. In the video, a woman is interviewing a man who looks crazy.

"Hello, yes, this is zone news, where we cover all news that happens throughout the four zones, and the person speaking to you now is Linda."

When Unknown hears the name of the reporter, he pauses the video.

"There's no way this is the same Linda, right? If it is, I need to know what age this woman is. Okay, let me stop before I get too distracted."

Unknown resumes the video, and Linda continues talking.

"Today I will be interviewing Jearald, who claims to have seen a... sorry, excuse me, can you tell me what you told me earlier?"

Jearald looks at Linda with nothing but craziness in his eyes.

"Oh, you want me to repeat it!"

"Umm, yeah, but before you do so, are you okay, sir?"

"Oh no, no, no, I'm fine. Let me tell you what I saw that day."

"Ummm, alright, please start."

"A few days ago, I was outside my house taking out the trash when the ground under me started to shake. I then looked up and saw it—a hole in the sky, but now that I think about it more, it was more of a crack in the sky."

"Oh, really, why do you say so?"

"Keke, oh, I'll tell you! The sky was basically falling apart like a broken glass mirror."

"Wait, is that even possible?"

"Oh, you bet your ass it is; I see it with my own eyes!"

"Wow, this is a very interesting story, but did you even see anything in this crack in the sky?"

"Oh yes, yes, of course! Through the crack, I saw something so beautiful!"

Linda pulls out her notebook and starts listening to Jearald even more intensely.

"I saw a sun a beautiful sun at that! The sun had every color you could think of, even some colors I couldn't even name. It was a perfect sight; the sun over the luscious land was absolutely blissful!"

"Wow, it seemed you enjoyed the crack in the sky more than you first let on."

"Oh no, you must have been getting me wrong! At first, I felt fear when I saw the crack in the sky, but then I looked even closer, and I've never felt any better since! This world we live in is nothing compared to what I saw! I must go! I must! Hahaha!"

Jearald started to laugh like a maniac, causing Linda to become uncomfortable.

"OK, security, come take him away. I think he's completely lost his mind!"

The video then ended before security grabbed Jearald and dragged him out of the room.

With the video finished, Unknown stares at the black screen with a face of pure confusion.

"What the hell was up with that video? That guy just seemed totally out of his mind—how did he even get an interview? Actually, better yet, how did they even find him? Well, even if he's crazy, what he says could be true, and with the visions I saw, I think cracks in the sky could be possible. Maybe if I can completely discover all the mysteries of these visions and whatever Jearald was talking about in this interview, I can get my memories back. Yeah, that sounds like a plan, but to do that, I need more research, so let's continue.

Unknown spent the rest of the day in Grava Academy's library researching, but didn't get any better information than he already had.

Chapter 43 end