
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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170 Chs

Seth's true power

With the survival round of the Grava Acadamy tournament nearing its end, every student left is trying their best to survive. In Mud Forest, Seth is sitting on a tree trunk, swiping on his phone.

"There's no point in having the most expensive phone on the market if I can't even use it out here in a sad place like this one."

Seth looks at the many bruises he has on his body.

"This survival round has been fight after fight since the start, but today it seems the fighting has died down. Probably because most of the students are probably out by now."

Seth starts to think back to his battles with Kage.

"I want to win this competition. If I do, then I will finally prove myself worthy of my last name, but I will have to get past Kage. I will prove that dumbass is under me! I will prove everyone is under me!"

Seth looks over to his left and sees a 5'7 light-skinned girl with red hair standing at the bottom of a tree, staring at the mud. The girl has a huge stomach covered by her rainbow Kamono, which goes all the way to her ankles. Seth, seeing this girl, jumps up and instantly gets on the defensive.

"How long has that girl been down there?"

Seth puts out his hand, preparing to go on the offensive, but then notices something.

"Wait, she's just staring at the mud like a dumbass. Ha, she's no threat to me!"

Seth looks back at the girl and sees her take a handful of mud and stuff it in her mouth.

"Eww, what the fuck is wrong with that girl? I'm out of here. If I have to talk to that girl, I might have to throw up."

Seth turns to leave, but with the sense technique, he senses something hurling towards him. Seth dodges a weird purple substance.

"You dumbass, you really thought I wouldn't notice you behind me!"

After hearing the girl scream at him, Seth looks at the purple substance that hit the tree behind him.

"What the hell is that? It's slimy and weird. It's not moving either."

The purple substance stretches toward Seth.


Seth jumps out of the way of the substance and onto another tree. The substance grabs onto the tree he was standing on and grips it so hard that it splits into two.

"This ke—"

The girl gets behind Seth while he's in mid-air and kicks him towards the mud.

"Go back to the auditorium!"

As Seth goes flying toward the mud, he puts his hand out and starts releasing a cold mist from his hand. The mist turns the mud under him into ice. Seth lands on the block of ice and looks at the girl standing on the tree above him.

"Oh, you were able to catch yourself well; ain't that a bitch!"

The girl grabs a piece of the tree she's on and opens her mouth wide. She then puts it in her mouth and swallows.

"Man, this tastes like shit!"

The girl spits out two balls of the same purple substance as before. Seth quickly jumps out of the way of the substances and freezes his feet on the side of a tree.

"Wait a minute. I think I know who you are now. Your Jess the number four of class three."

"Oh, so you did your research on me?"

"Of course not. Why would I do my research on fake upperclassmen like you? I just heard all the rumors about a dumbass girl from class three who eats everything she sets her sights on. It seems the rumors are true."

"Oh, those rumors!"

Jess stuffs a rock in her mouth and continues speaking.

"That shit about me eating anything is complete bullshit because I hate olives, pickles, and especially pineapples on pizza. That's just downright disgusting. Whoever thought of that needs to get their license for making food revoked."

Seth the looks at Jess with a face of confusion.

"But you'll happily eat mud?"

"What? I only do that for my power. I eat stuff and turn whatever I eat into giant purple saliva. Food isn't just sitting everywhere I go, so I gotta eat random stuff."

"Wait, wait, wait! That purple shit is saliva."

"Umm, yes, and once it's outside of my mouth, I can manipulate it any way I choose."

"That's disgusting; there's no way you're in a higher class than me!"

"Do you have a problem with me being a higher rank or something?"

"Yes, I do! My father helped advance this school, which means I should be above you! Seeing people like you above me pisses me off!"

"Insecure much"

Jess spits out more saliva, but this time she keeps it attached to her mouth. Seth releases a huge amount of cold mist from his hands to counter the spit, but it does nothing.


The spit wraps around his arm and crushes it, breaking a few bones.

"I can't freeze it!"

Seth attempts to pull the spit off of him, but has no luck.

"This is disgusting! Get off!"

Seth grabs the spit with his other hand but realizes his other hand got stuck as well.

"Damn it!"

"Come on, now use common sense! That spit can't be removed, no matter what you do. Anything that touches it will get stuck to it!"

Jess grips the spit with her teeth and swings her head to the right.


Seth gets pulled in the direction Jess pulled her head. Seth gets smacked through multiple trees, and then Jess pulls her head up and spins Seth around in the sky.

"Don't pass out now!"

She stops spinning Seth in the air and pulls him back to her. When Seth gets in front of her, she kicks him in the back.


She then slams her right elbow on his stomach.

"Damn for a person who talks so much; you're pretty weak!"

Jess lets go of Seth and starts blowing into the spit. The air bubble goes through the spit and slides all the way down the spit to Seth.

"Time for you to go boom!"

When the air bubble reaches the spit attached to Seth's hand, the spit blows up.


Seth falls onto a rocky plate in the middle of the mud, with blood spilling from his head, many broken bones, and bruises all over his body. Jess looks at Seth lying on the rock.

"Wait, you didn't vanish yet? I guess I'll just finish you off, but damn, I'm hungry."

Jess jumps to the bottom of the tree and bites it. She pulls the tree out of the ground and swallows it whole. Jess burps and yawns.

"OK, that's better. Now to finish you."

Jess starts to build up spit in her mouth.

"Time t—!"

Before she can attack, Seth stands up while breathing heavily.

"I will not lose until I prove myself!"

"Haha, there is no way you can still stand after getting tossed around like that. Didn't you say your father advanced this school? Are you sure that's true? I would think someone of that stature would have a stronger son."

Seth surrounds his hands and legs with ice.

"Shut up!"

Seth slams his foot and freezes all the mud in the area. Seth slides on the ice toward Jess and forms multiple shards of ice.

"Go to hell, you fake!"

Seth throws all the ice shards at Jess. Jess uses the accelerate technique to dodge the ice. The ice shards freeze whatever they come in contact with after they miss Jess.

Jess spits more saliva at Seth, but he quickly dodges all of them using the ice. Seth creates a spear of ice and throws it at Jess. Jess uses more spit to block the spear and send it back at him.

Seth jumps out of the way of the spear and starts thinking to himself.

"I'm using the recover technique to heal my injuries, but it's not working fast enough. Her powers are gross, but annoying! I can't even freeze the spit."

Seth jumps up in the direction of Jess.

"I'll have to get her health bar low before she captures me again!"

As he flies towards Jess, Seth notices she has a smile on her face.

"I got you now!"

All the spit that missed Seth earlier jumped up and hit him while he was in mid-air. The spit clumps together and crushes Seth's torso.


Seth falls back on the ice.

"You thought you had me that time, didn't you? But too bad for you! I have full control of all my spit! Now hold on while I get some more."

Jess takes a bite of a rock and starts chewing. At the same time, Seth attempts to freeze the salvia holding him down.

"Damn it! Why can't I freeze this stupid spit?"

Seth slams his head onto the ice out of frustration.

"Am I really going to lose here? Without beating him? Without even proving myself!"

Seth starts to hear voices in his head.

"Is that really the son of the greatest inventor of all time? He's so pathetic. He only got into class six, while people like Alexander and Akira got way higher ranks."

"I heard his cousin, who is only fourteen, is showing great promise. Are we sure Seth is the real son?"

"Get off your damn high horse; you're just a shame to your last name. Stop embarrassing your father everywhere you go."

"It's ok, son. I didn't expect too much from you in the first place."

Tears start to slide down Seth's face.

"Shut up! I am the son of the richest man on the planet! He is revolutionary! I am revolutionary!"

The tears on Seth's face start to freeze as he grits his teeth.

Meanwhile, in the auditorium, Mrs.Nova is bringing Nixion a stack of papers.

"Here you go, principal. These are the papers for the upcoming tournament."

"Thank you, Mrs.Nova."

Nixon looks at the big screen in the middle of the room.

"Mrs. Nova, you know your student is fighting right now."

Mrs.Nova looks at the screen and sees the fight between Seth and Jess.

"Oh yes, Seth, what about him?"

"That boy has a lot of passion."

"Oh yes, I will say he does have that, but he is sometimes way too arrogant for me. Which most of the time makes him a waste of time."

"You know, Mrs. Nova, there is a theory out there called the "power theory."

"No, I never heard of it."

"Well, you see, every human has a want for something, but there are those who want something so much they'll die for it, and then there are a few people who want something so bad they'll even become something completely unrecognizable to get what they want. The last person is the scariest because once they truly want something more than anything, they will release unfathomable years of untapped potential."

At the same time, in the battle between Seth and Jess, Seth's body starts to release an even colder mist.

"I refuse to be looked down upon any longer!"

The spit holding Seth freezes, and he breaks out of it. Jess sees this and is shocked.

"Woah! Did it get colder all of a sudden?"

Seth stands up on the ice. The tips of his hair start to freeze, and the ice on his arms and legs starts to solidify even more. Seth breathes, and everything surrounding him freezes.

"I will prove myself!"

A sharp pillar of ice rises under Jess and slams her in the stomach.


Seth uses the accelerate technique to get next to Jess and slam his leg on her back. Jess gets sent spiraling through a tree.

"That's more like it, you fake upper class!"

Seth lands next to Jess and punches her in the face with the flex technique applied. When his fist connects with her face, it freezes her cheek.

Jess lands on her feet, grabs a rock, and stuffs it in her mouth.

"Don't get too cocky now!"

Jess starts spitting multiple balls of saliva at great speed.

They all hit Seth but freeze instantly.

"How? My spit can't be affected by anything but me!"

Jess looks Seth in the eyes and sees an expression of pure focus. When Jess sees this, fear sets in her heart.

"I got to get out of here!"

Jess uses the accelerate technique to run as fast as she can in the opposite direction. She jumps from tree to tree as fast as she can to get away.

"I don't know what it is, but something is telling me to run."

Jess looks behind her and sees nothing.

"Yes, I got away!"

A wall of ice rises behind Jess, and she instantly stops on a tree. Jess looks at the wall in confusion.

"What, but he's no—"

"Your name is Jess, right?"

Jess looks behind her and sees Seth standing above her.

"Where do you think you're going? Our fight just started."

A large amount of cold mist starts to release from Seth's body.

"Chilling bone."

As the mist starts to surround the entire area, Jess starts to think to herself.

"I need to get out of here!"

When Jess moves, she feels the bones in her legs snap.

"Wait, all my bones are frozen!"

Seth puts his right middle finger and index finger up, pointing at Jess. A blue ball starts to form in the middle of the fingers.

"Absolute zero: cryo freeze!"

A large beam of under-zero-degree ice blasts from Seth's fingers. As the beam goes towards her, Jess starts to think to herself.

"It's so cold!"

The beam hits her, and everything within a mile radius freezes, including Jess. Everyone in Mud Forest sees the area get frozen. Jess's health bar gets too low, and she vanishes, signaling that she got sent back to the auditorium.

Seth puts his hand down and starts lowering the temperature. He starts breathing heavily and sits down.

"Finally a win!"

Seth clenches his fist and starts thinking to himself.

"I will see you at the tournament, Kage."

Chapter 96 end