
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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Releasing Demons!

After the defeat of Liz, the next match was quickly decided. The next will be between Max, the number two of class five, Vs. Chika, the number one of class two. With Mr.Zane in the middle of the battlefield, Mr.Brown starts calling the fighters to the field.

"Now coming from the right corner is Chika!"

From the right corner of the field, Chika walks out.

"Now from the left corner is Max!"

From the left corner, a 5'9 dark-skinned boy with long dreadlocks walks out. This is Max, the number two of class five, and Chika's opponent. He's wearing baggy clothing and a beanie on his head.

"This match is interesting because if either one of these two loses, their class will be completely out of the tournament! Let's see how this match ends."

Chika and Max walk to the middle of where Mr.Zane is standing. Max smiles awkwardly at Chika while he's thinking to himself.

"Wow, they really put me against Chika. She's no Paul, but she's too damn close to his level! This is the mismatch of the century! I literally spent the entirety of the survival round hiding, and I only got past the first round because my opponent happened to be weak. I guess this is where my luck runs out; she's not expecting to win this match, right?"

Max looks over to the teacher's stand and sees Mrs. Doja, who has a vicious look on her face.

"Of course she is; I don't even know why I asked. I don't even care for this stupid tournament. I already forgot why this thing was even held."

Max starts looking Chika up and down.

"Damn, but this bitch is kind of fine. I wonder if I can get them digits."



To Max's surprise, the match starts, and Chika throws a quick punch at him. Max dodges the punch easily.

"Oh shit I forgot that I have to fight her. What a shame. I guess I can wait till the end of the match."

Chika starts throwing multiple punches at Max with the accelerate technique but constantly gets dodged.

"Woah, we can't even have a civil conversation before getting handsy?"

Chika backs away from Max and waves her hand at great speed. Max does a split to move out of the way of something. Behind him, the wall gets sliced into two.

"Woah, was that some type of invisible attack?"

Chika looks at Max with a calm expression.

"How do you keep doing that?"

"Oh, so you are interested? Well, it's my power, Insta Dodge! A power that allows me to instantly dodge any physical attack without me even thinking or knowing an attack is coming!"

"Hmm, interesting."

Chika points both of her palms to the ground.

"Then I'll just strip away your ability to dodge."

Chika raises her arms to the sky, and suddenly a huge gust of wind blows up. The gust of wind is so powerful that it throws Max up 500 feet into the air.

"Ahhhh! What the hell is this?"

He floats in the air for a second, but then starts to descend to the ground at high speeds.

"Since I can't hit you, I'll just make you forfeit. Now forfeit the match, or I won't save you from hitting the ground."

"Are you crazy? If I die, you'll get disqualified!"

"Well, that all depends on you, so do you forfeit?"

While he's quickly falling, he hears Mrs.Doja screaming from the stands.

"You better not forfeit it or I'll turn you into my personal rag!"

Max looks down at the ground and then looks back at Chika, whose face hasn't changed since she made her threat.

"Yeah, I ain't dying for some dumb competition! I forfeit!"

Max looks down and sees the ground.

"Hey, I said I forfeit!"

Max continues falling.

"I said I forfeit damn it!"

Max gets closer and closer to the ground.

"Well, it looks like I'm about to be one with the dirt."

Max puts his arms in front of his face, but before he hits the ground, something catches him.

"What the hell was that?"

"That was my wind manipulation."

"That's it folks! The winner of the second match in the second round is Chika! This means class five is completely out of the tournament!"

When Mrs.Doja hears this, she jumps from the teacher's stand onto Max.

"Ahh! Mrs. Doja, get off of me!"

"You stupid kid, I told you if you lost, I would use you as a rag!"

Mrs.Doja starts to choke Max out, which causes Mr.Zane to run in and help Max.

"Please, Mrs. Doja, calm down; you're going to hurt him!"

Chika calmly walks off the battlefield while Max and Mrs.Doja get separated.

In the student stands, Kage, Unknown, Selena, Akira, Wayne, Kai, and Aurora are sitting together.

"Aye Kage Chika is pretty strong. She was able to beat someone who can literally dodge anything."

"Yeah, he can dodge anything physical. I could beat that! You would be the one struggling with that Unknown."

"You realize that all of those energy attacks are physical attacks, right?"

"I would find a way!"

As the two of them are talking, Liz shows up at the stands, fully healed after her battle.

"Hey guys, I got lucky with Doc, and he healed all my injuries. I guess going first round wasn't so bad."

"Oh, welcome back, Liz. I'm glad you're okay!"

"Thanks, Unknown; it was a tough loss, but I'm sure Jason and Blaze will take us to the top!"

"Ha! Sorry to tell you, Liz, but class one will be at the top!"

"Oh, Kage! Do you know where Dexter is?

"Did you just ignore me? Uhh, never mind, Dexter left to go check up on you."

"Oh, I didn't see him; he probably lagged out on the way there."

Unknown looks at Liz with a worried expression.

"Hey, Liz Dexter told us about your powers."

"Yeah, they suck, don't they? Having to remember that moment every time I use them is the worst part, but soon I will get control of these powers."

Liz takes a seat, and everyone looks at the shuffleboard to see what's going to be the next match.

"And the next match is Wayne, the number six of class one, vs.Damion, the number two of class six!"

The second Wayne hears his name called, he stands up with a face ready for action.

"Ok, my second match! I'll make sure to win this one too!"

Lex lands on Wayne's shoulder and rubs his cheek against him.


"It's ok, Lex, I'll be alright!"

"Hey, Wayne!"

"Oh Unknown!"

"Be careful against that dude because I fought him before and he's nothing to play around with!"

"Yeah, I know Unknown; I heard about his powers too! I won't let him lay a finger on me."

Wayne puts Lex down in his seat and walks away. At the same time, on the south side of the stadium, Damion walks away from Seth and Amelia after hearing his name announced.

"Hey, Damion, remember what I said!"

"Don't worry, Seth, he's a level zero; this should be an easy battle."

Damion starts walking to the waiting room with a smile on his face. Three minutes later, Mr.Brown starts calling the fighters to the battlefield.

"From the left corner, we have Wayne!"

Wayne walks out of the left exit.

"Now from the right corner is Damion!"

Damion walks out of the right exit.

Both of the fighters walk to the middle, where Mr.Zane is. As Mr.Zane is reading the rules, Damion smiles at Wayne.

"Is something funny?"

"No, I'm just wondering how a level zero like you will beat me."

"Oh, then keep thinking that because my ambition has been underestimated before."

"Three! Two! One! Fight!"

Mr.Zane jumps to his special stands and at the same time, Damion attempts to grab Wayne. Wayne avoids his hand by jumping back.

"Oh, so a level zero can move fast. Accelerate!"

At the same time, Wayne puts on his skates and starts skating around the field.

"There is no way you think those ugly looking skates will do you any good!"

Damion starts chasing Wayne with the accelerate technique.

Wayne pulls out his double barral multi-shot pistol and anti-OGI blade. Wayne starts shooting at Damion, but Damion uses the accelerate technique to evade the bullets.

"Those things might be anti-OGI, but they are useless if they don't make contact!"

Damion rushes at Wayne, and at the same time, Wayne pulls out three metal balls out of his pocket.

"You might be fast, but let's see how good you do against this!"

Wayne throws the metal balls around him, and when they break, he gets surrounded by a large amount of green clouds.

"Anti-OGI toxins!"

"Look at that, folks! Wayne has surrounded himself with anti-OGI toxins! If Damion runs in there and breathes in the toxins, he'll be unable to use OGI for a certain amount of time!"

As Mr.Brown yells on the mic, Mr.Alex sits up in his seat.

"So he really does have anti-OGI toxins. I know we discussed it, but when I was told he made it himself, I just couldn't believe it."

"Making it isn't actually that hard."

"Ahhh, Mr.Chad you're awake!"

"Anti-OGI weapons were first discovered by Chris Sato, who experimented on beasts to figure out that a mixture of different beast blood could burn through an OGI user's skin. For example, putting Crayvax and Screecher blood together will give you that effect. Now the toxins were discovered by Kira, who piggybacked off of Chris's idea. He's the one who came up with the idea of using the mixed-together beast's blood in its liquid form to just weaken OGI users. That's where anti-OGI cuffs came from. Now we have the beast mixture in solid form with the weapons and in liquid form with the raw mixture. Kira was the first to turn them into gas, which is the most valuable form of anti-OGI toxins since it allows you to completely weaken an OGI user without having to get close, which is also the reason why Kira is the second richest man on the planet since he discovered it. All it takes to make this is to boil the mixture of beast blood until it turns into its gas form, then capture it into a ball or something that will keep it in."

"Oh, thanks for explaining, but I see what Wayne is doing. He can move freely since he's a level zero, and Damion can't go in the cloud of toxins or he'll lose his ability to use OGI for a while, but what does he plan to do now, stall?"

"So tiring! I see you haven't been paying attention to the level zero too much. I'm going back to sleep."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Mr.Alex looks back down on the field and sees a bullet graze Damion's cheek. After that, more bullets come from the cloud of toxins.

"Of course, Wayne's strategy is to keep Damion away from him and shoot at him from a safe distance. He has a disadvantage in almost every area, and he really thought of a workaround for every challenge. Impressive!"

On the battlefield, Wayne is in the eye of the cloud of toxins, shooting his pistol.

"I can barely see him, but as long as I can see something, I can hit him! I'm untouchable right now, so I can just keep shooting from here until I hit a critical blow. This match is mine!"

Wayne starts looking around but can't seem to find Damion.

"Where the hell did he go? Did I knock him down already? No, that can't be, or Mr.Brown would have called the match already. So then, where is he? The only thing I can think of is!"

Wayne looks behind him and sees Damion jumping at him. Wayne's mind instantly starts racing with thoughts as Damion closes in.

"Did he really give up on using OGI in this match? Is he underestimating me in an equal fight? Wait!"

Wayne notices that Damion has his shirt wrapped around his mouth and nose.

"Of course! This form of the toxins does nothing if he doesn't breathe it in!"

Damion tries to put his hand on Wayne, but Wayne quickly rolls out of the way.

"Now that he's bypassed the toxins, this cloud of toxins I've made is a disadvantage. I need to get out of here!"

Wayne runs out of the cloud of toxins, but when he is finally able to see clearly, the first thing he sees is Damion's palm. Damion grabs Wayne's face.

"This match is over!"

Damion lets go of Wayne's face, and Wayne now has an empty look in his eyes. Damion starts preparing to hit him.

In the student stands, Kage jumps out of his seat.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, Wayne! He's right in front of you, idiot!"

"The match is over, Kage."


Kage looks behind him and sees Seth and Amelia.

"And what the hell do you know, dumbass?"

After hearing what Kage says, Amelia says, "You better watch your mouth, Kage!"

Seth puts his hand in front of Amelia to stop her from moving.

"The only dumbass here is you, Kage! How the hell do you not know Damion's power by now? Almost everyone knows."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Damion's power is "trauma fuel" which allows him to trap anyone he touches into a state of mind that continuously plays the most traumatic moments in their lives over and over again. Not only that, but the pain you felt in that moment will be increased by a hundredfold and will continue to go up, which means you will never get numb to the pain. That's why it's good to avoid touching Damion at all."

When Unknown hears what Seth says, he asks himself something.

"Wait, so is what I saw when I fought him—a traumatic memory I just don't remember."

Kage looks at Seth with an annoyed expression.

"Tch, ok, what if you don't have a traumatic memory?"

"According to Damion, everyone has trauma, no matter how small it is. Trauma is impossible to avoid."

"Wait a minute, Wayne!"

Kage looks back to the battlefield and sees Wayne getting pummeled by Damion.

"Dang Wayne, after so many punches, you're still standing!"

While this is all going on, in Wayne's head, he is experiencing a traumatic moment over and over again. Currently, Wayne is in tears watching his father, Kirata, get killed over and over again by Hunter.

"No Father!"

This is his 637th time seeing it happen, and every time he hears Hunter's voice.

"Haha! What's wrong, Wayne? Do you miss him, or do you miss that elderly man who also cared for you? Or maybe both! Haha!"

After watching his father die for the 2000th time, Wayne fell down in the darkness within his head. He started hearing his own voice.

"Oh, look at that, it's me! The loser who let his father and friend die! And get this! I took time off school just to go home and question my ambition! The one thing that I was taught to have! So pathetic! Instead of hunting that damn Hunter down, I sat in the house screaming about how I should've died that day! You live for nothing! You're worthless!"

Wayne starts to grit his teeth in pure rage after experiencing the pain of losing his father 5,000 times.


Back on the battlefield, Damion had beaten Wayne bloody.

"Would you just pass out already? At least fall to the ground so I can win! Annoying level zero!"

Damion attempts to throw another punch but notices the color in Wayne's eyes has returned.

"Wait! You broke out impossible!"

Wayne pulls out his pistol and shoots Damion in the leg and chest.



The second Damion gets shot, everyone in the crowd realizes something is wrong.

With an excessive amount of saliva spilling out of his mouth, Wayne pulls out two bottles of liquid anti-OGI toxins and crushes them. With his hands covered in the toxins, Wayne rushes at Damion and starts punching him over and over again. With each blow more painful than the last, Damion starts to become wobbly on his feet.


Damion falls to the ground.

"Damn it, my leg won't let me run!"

Wayne starts punching him over and over again while he's on the ground. He then lifts him and slams his knee on the back of Damion's elbow to break his arm.


Wayne throws Damion to the ground once again, but this time he points his gun at him. With his body covered in blood and a few teeth missing, Damion makes a realization.

"This guy is crazy! He's going to fucking kill me!"

Damion looks Wayne directly in the eyes as he moves closer.

"I forfeit!"

Wayne continues moving closer.

"Did you not hear me? I forfeit!"

From Wayne's point of view, all he can see is Hunter with a smile on his face, and all he can hear is Hunter's laughter.

"Die you worm!"

Wayne starts to pull the trigger, but Mr.Zane steps in and knocks him out with a chop to the neck before Wayne can go too far.

"That's it! The third match of the day is over, and since Wayne was 100% planning to kill Damion, he is disqualified! Damion is the winner!"

Chapter 117 end