
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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Destiny in a new form

Both Paul and Elias walk to the middle of the battlefield.

"Hello, Elias I haven't seen you since the entrance exam."

Mr.Zane starts reading the rules to the two fighters.


With Elias not responding to his greeting Paul starts to think to himself.

"Something about him seems different it's almost like i'm feeling some dark aura."


The second Mr.Zane screams fight Elias throws a punch at Paul's face. Paul easily catches the punch and pushes Elias away.

Elias plants his feet on the ground to stay standing. Elias jumps at Paul for an attack. Paul punches Elias in the chin when he gets too close. As Elias slowly falls backward a conversation starts up in the teacher's stands. Mr.Strout walks over to Mrs.Lez and Mr.Baz.

Mrs.Lez quickly looks over to Mr.Strout with animosity.


"Yes, Mrs.Lez is there something you would like to say?"

"How many times do I have to say this Mr.Strout? We need to devise a plan to come back from our losses!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about have we really lost something?"

"What the hell are you talking about Mr.Strout? We lost every lower-class student and our last student left is about to lose!"

Mr.Baz interjects into their conversation by saying "Please calm down you two we can't make a scene especially right here."

Mrs.Lez grabs Mr.Strout by the collar.

"You've been acting like a fool this entire tournament Mr.Strout! It's very apparent now we don't compare to the upper classes so we must devise a plan to get something out of this little scheme of ours."

Mr.Strout pulls Mrs.Lez's hands off him with a smile.

"Stop being a spineless worm Mrs.Lez. I keep telling you we have Elias and as long as he's still standing we have lost nothing."

"There's no way you believe in that child that much!"

"Hehe well, how about you stop whining and just look at the battlefield."


Mrs.Lez looks back to the battlefield and sees a shocking sight. After Paul hit Elias in the chin Elias flipped backward and kicked Paul in the chin sending him flying into the wall.

Mrs.Lez screams "What!" at the top of her lungs. Mrs.Lez looks over to Mr.Strout who is cackling.

"Yes, that's it, my dear Elias! Use it! Use your power! "Counter!"

Elias's level two power is "counter" a power that allows him to get hit by any attack and send it back a hundred times stronger and sometimes there are rare instances where he will send an attack back two hundred times stronger.

On the battlefield, Paul pulls himself out of the wall and takes a knee. As he looks at the ground he notices blood spilling from his mouth.

"What was that? It felt like he took my attack and threw it back at me with more power. Wait a minute is that his power?"

Paul looks up to Elias who is standing on the other side of the battlefield.

"What's wrong Paul? Are you surprised by my counter? Yeah, that's right all your attacks are useless against me because all they do is hurt you!"

Paul starts looking Elias up and down and notices he has taken no damage. Paul stands up and wipes the blood from his mouth.

"So this entire battle my attacks are going to be working against me."

"Yep that's right and you can't possibly do anything to win this battle so stand there and feel my wrath!"

Elias rushes at Paul and punches him in the face. Paul grabs Elias's wrist and attempts to crush it. While his wrist is getting crushed Elias looks at Paul and smiles.

"I already told you all your attacks are nothing to my counter!"

Suddenly Paul feels his wrist crack. Paul then releases Elias's wrist

"Yeah, that's right feel pain!"

Elias grabs Paul by the shoulder and slams his knee into his ribcage.

"You will never embarrass me again Paul!"

While Paul is still down Elias slams his knee into his ribcage again and throws him to the ground.

"What did you tell me again? That I didn't have enough drive! That I'm just like everyone else! Well, look at you now!"

Paul jumps off the ground and lands on his feet. He then gets into a strong fighting stance.

"What now? You're going to hit me?"

With the charged flex technique applied Paul starts to punch Elias over and over again. As Paul continues to punch him Elias laughs.

"Haha! Is this your plan? To keep punching me hoping something will change! Get out of my face trash! Counter!"

As he punches him Paul suddenly gets bombarded with damage all across his body.


Paul throws up a massive amount of blood. With his body in shambles, Paul falls to his knees once again.

"So it's true my attacks really don't affect him whatsoever."

As his body shakes Paul slowly rises with an unchanging expression.

"Ha, you're still going to stand up after taking that much damage! Great now I can exact even more vengeance!"

Elias rushes at Paul with a vicious look on his face. Elias starts punching Paul with extreme aggression.

While the battle is going on Kage asks a question.

"What the hell is Paul doing? He's getting his ass handed to him!"

Unknown answers his question.

"Do you really not get it, Kage? Elias's powers literally prevent him from taking damage which means the only one taking damage right now is Paul!"

Selena and Akira show up to the student stands walking side by side.

"This battle isn't that straightforward Unknown."

"Oh, Selena."

Akira takes a seat while Selena looks at the Battle between Paul and Elias where Elias is currently punching Paul.

"This might look like a one-sided battle right now but Paul is smart. He knows a battle isn't decided the second someone has a clear advantage. He's waiting this battle out. Every time he goes in for an attack he's testing out the waters. Constantly breaking down his opponent's formula in his head and soon his decision to play it smart will pay off because he's about to find out this battle is a battle of durability."

On the battlefield, Elias is still throwing Paul around the ring. Elias rushes at Paul and kicks him in the face causing Paul to stumble backwards. Elias follows it up with a kick to his knee causing Paul to fall again but before he falls to the ground Elias hits him with an uppercut that sends him flying off of his feet. He then uses the accelerate technique to get behind Paul and kick him in his back sending him forward.

"What's wrong Paul? I thought you were number one!"

Elias uses the accelerate technique to get in front of Paul and grabs him by the head. He then slams his knee onto Paul's face causing a crack in Paul's skull.

"Ha as I thought pathetic!"

Elias drops Paul to the ground leaving his head leaking blood. Elias then turns to the crowd.

"Is this your so-called level one demon! A man who can't even defeat a lower-class student like me!"

Elias starts to scan the crowd and sees everyone is in shock.

"Don't act shocked now! Say something you fools! You all called me the false destiny when I lost one battle! Do the same to him! Or what are you all brainwashed to believe this sack of shit is at the top!"

Elias looks to Paul who is struggling to get up off the ground. With a face of anger, Elias stomps on his head and spits in his face.

"Look at your top student now! Nothing but a struggling fraud!"

Elias picks him up and kicks Paul to the other side of the other side of the battlefield. He then looks back to the crowd.

"You all called me the child of destiny and then you switched on me and called me the false destiny now I will be named by the only one worthy to name! myself!"

As Elias speaks Mr.Strout stands up in his seat which leaves Mrs.Lez and Mr.Strout in shock.

"Yes, my dear Elias! Do it! Let your anger take form!"

Elias smiles menacingly as the crowd looks in awe.

"You will all call me Elias the vengeful destiny!"

After hearing Elias's declaration Mr.Strout starts cackling.

"Haha! Yes my dear Elias that's it a title only worthy of you!"

Elias starts walking towards Paul who is currently on the ground.

"Now it's time to finish this!"

As Elias walks to Paul Mrs.Lez is still in shock.

"No way that kid is actually about to defeat Paul."

Mrs.Lez looks over to Mr.Strout who has a big smile on his face.

"Was he really right to put all of our trust in Elias?"

Elias stands in front of Paul who is currently on all fours.

"Now I will be on to—"

Every muscle in Elias's body slightly tears, every bone in his body fractures, and blood starts to pour from his mouth like a waterfall.

As Elias stumbles backward Mr.Strout screams, "Shit why now!"

Mrs.Lez looks over to Mr.Strout once again.

"What the hell do you mean not right now!"

Mr.Srrout's face becomes irritated after her question.

"It's his damn weakness! Every time he uses his counter he sends the attack back at his opponent but he still takes damage from the attack just not as much as his opponent. Elias doesn't have a great pain tolerance so we figured out a way to make the damage take no effect on him until later but the only problem with that is when he saves the damage for later it's way worse than if he were to take it from the start. We planned for him to finish this battle fast but Paul is way more durable than we thought!"

Mrs.Lez becomes infuriated after hearing this.

"What the hell is wrong with you Mr.Strout? Putting our trust into th—"

"Would you shut your trap already! Elias hasn't lost yet so shut your useless ass up and watch!"

On the battlefield, Paul has stood back up while Elias is still dazed after his power backfiring on him.

"So that's what it is a battle of durability. Well, I've already thought of such a thing being the case."

Paul flips up his cloak to reveal he's been using the charged flex technique in every muscle in his body for a stronger defense.

"I'm ready to end this but I do want to ask. Are you?"

While stumbling Elias puts both of his fists up.

"I will never be defeated by you again."

"Hmph it seems you have found your drive at last. I commend you—"

Elias walks toward Paul and throws an extremely weak and slow punch. Paul easily dodges it.

"But I'm afraid you must be defeated by me once again."

Paul punches Elias in the chin and takes damage from his counter but Elias gets completely knocked out.

"That's it! Paul the level one demon and the top student of Grava Acadamy defends his title and wins the match which means the lower classes are completely knocked out of the tournament!

Paul sits down on the ground exhausted from the battle.

"You know that was one of the toughest battles I've ever fought. You truly have grown since our last fight."

Up in the teacher's stands the lower-class representatives have left. In a hallway, Mrs.Lez is currently yelling at Mr.Strout.

"Are you a damn idiot Mr.Strout! We could've been devising plans to salvage our efforts but instead, you chose to put everything on that boy who has already lost to Paul before!"

Mr.Baz also shares his thoughts.

"She's right Mr.Strout we have completely lost this battle against the upper classes which means we've lost a large amount of time thanks to your antics."

Mr.Srourt smiles after hearing his partner's complaints.

"What's so funny Mr.Strout this isn't a laughing matter."

"I knew Elias was going to lose that match against Paul which is why I hyped him up so much."

Both Mr.Baz and Mrs.Lez look at each other in shock.

"What are you saying, Mr.Strout?"

"Now my dear Elias's anger will rise even more meaning he will be very useful."

Mr.Strout starts walking back to the teacher's stands.

"Now how about we watch these next matches with a smiles on our faces? Hehe."

Chapter 120 end