
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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Battle in grava forest part three

Burgus's kick sends Unknown flying extremely far and through multiple trees. Nest starts to laugh as Kage's face turns to despair after seeing his friend get sent flying.

"Haha, Burgus is strong, isn't he? Burgus focuses on letting OGI flow through his muscles for not only more strength but also more durability. He's pretty much a tank. I hope your friend that Burgus just sent flying doesn't die too fast. It would be so sad if I wasn't able to hear his screams! Now, Burgus, go finish him and make sure he suffers!"

Burgus starts to walk towards where he kicked Unknown. Kage instantly jumps in the way of Burgus in an attempt to stop him.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere near Unknown!"

"Sorry to tell you, but you'll be fighting me!"

Nest appears next to Kage and kicks him out of the way of Burgus.

"Hey, you creep, move out of my damn way!"

"You'll have to kill me for that to happen."

"Fine, since you asked, I will!"

Kage activates level two and proceeds to rush at Nest with a ferocious look on his face.

"Come on now, little boy; you should know by now that coming at me head-on won't work since I'm a master of the accelerate technique."

Nest disappears in the blink of an eye, then reappears behind Kage and lunges at him with his blade.


"It's the same shit with you disappearing, reappearing, and attacking from behind!"

Kage dodges Nest's attack and puts his palm in Nest's face.

"You are nothing but a one-trick pony!"

Kage's palm starts to glow with green energy.

"Oh, shit!"

Nest vanishes with the accelerate technique in an attempt to run from Kage.

"This entire time, all you've been doing is fucking running. Now I think it's time for me to cut the distance!"

As Kage specks, his legs start to glow, signaling OGI flowing through them.

"Accelerate! "

Kage, with great speed, rushes forward and grabs Nest's face with his right hand.

"But how?" 

"Energy manipulation: energy shot!"

A concentrated force of energy releases from Kage's palm and slams into Nest's face. Nest falls to the ground and starts rolling on the ground in pain.

"Ahh! Fuck! You son of a bitch!"

"What the hell, how is he alive? My energy shot is a concentrated form of energy that can even tear apart steel. So how the hell is he still alive?"

Nest stops rolling on the ground and gets up with his face bleeding all over and his right eye destroyed.

"Didn't I tell you earlier? That big boofoon burgus is a master of the flex technique. I might not be a master at it, but I can use it for a strong defense."

Kage chuckles at Nest's statement.

"Yeah, your right you can use it for a strong defense. I'm sure your right eye would say the same thing," he says with a smug tone.

"Shut the hell up! I only got these injuries because you randomly learned the accelerate technique."

"random? Sorry to tell you, but I didn't learn it. I just did what Unknown said you did to use the technique and ran forward because I knew you would just back away from me to get away. The only reason I was able to catch you was because of how predictable you are."

"Why, you little shit, I'm going to fucking kill you."

Nest vanishes once again.

"Ok, where are you going to go this time, creep?"

A far distance away from Kage and Nest's battle, Unknown is heavily injured and is struggling to get up after a kick from Burgus.

"Damn it, I have to get up; that big thing is coming."

Unknown looks up and sees Burgus getting closer to him.

"Shit, he's getting too close. I have to move!"

After massive amounts of struggling Unknown finally gets up.

"Ok, I think I can fight now, but this guy is huge, not to mention his strength. When he hit me, I could feel his flow of OGI going mostly to his muscles. I guess that explains why that kick was so strong."

Burgus slowly throws a punch at Unknown.

"What a slow punch."

Unknown jumps out of the way of the punch but gets blown away by the impact of the punch hitting the ground.

"Damn, that's how it feels when he misses a punch. I don't want to know how it feels when it makes contact."

Unknown starts to run around Burgus, looking for an opening. Unknown jumps up and kicks Burgus in the chin, but when he does, Burgus screams something out.


The muscles in Burgus's chin fill up with OGI and completely bounce off Unkown's attack. As Unknown hits the ground, he starts to think of himself.

"Shit, so that flex technique can be used to attack and as a defense. I need to find a way to break through that defense and land an attack strong enough to take him out quickly."

Unknown gets up and starts to run around Burgus's huge body. He starts to attack Burgus from all sides, but seems to be doing no damage.

"Nothing is working; if I had level two, maybe I could work something out, but there's no point in complaining now!"

"Do you always talk to yourself?"

Burgus suddenly turns around and smacks Unknown, cracking his right arm and sending him flying. He then crashes and rolls onto the ground.

"Ahh, fuck my arm. I think he completely shattered it. That strength is seriously a problem. I need to avoid getting hit by him."

After getting up, Unknown tears the sleeve off of his shirt and wraps it around his shattered arm. Unknown gets into a strong fighting stance and screams for battle.


Unknown rushes at Burgus with a face of determination.

"There are trees all around us; maybe just maybe I can use those to get enough power to knock him out, but I'm going to need that accelerate technique. I've never used it before, but there's no time like the present."

Unknown's legs start to glow with OGI flowing through them, and he starts to pick up speed. He starts to move faster and faster.


With great speed, Unknown starts to jump from tree to tree around Burgus, leaving him confused.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

Unknown continues to jump from tree to tree while quickly increasing his speed with each jump. With him confused, Burgus starts to become frustrated.

"So that's how you want to play it, huh?"

Burgus tries to snatch Unknown out of the air multiple times but misses every time.

"Stop fucking moving, you damn fly!"

"Oh, is that what you want? Fine, I'll give you exactly what you want."

Unknown bounces from one tree to another and launches himself at Burgus with great speed. While in the air, he starts to spin with great speed.

"Take this, you big ugly bastard! I call this one Metor kick!"

Unknown kicks Burgus in the jaw, completely breaking it and causing him to fall face-flat on the ground. Unknown stops spinning and lands on the ground, and when he lands on the ground, he starts gasping loudly.

"I had to push my OGI capacity to the limit to pull that one off, but he's finally down."

Unknown falls to his knees in exhaustion.

From behind Unknown, Burgus gets up and stands over him. With his jaw completely broken, Burgus lets out a huge yawn.

"Of course he gets up after I put my all into that attack. I have no more OGI in the tank, and not only that, but I can still feel the effects of the poison from earlier. Shit, I might die!"

Burgus lifts his arm, lets out another yawn, and falls to the ground on his side.

"What the fuck? He got up, only to fall to the ground again. Whatever doesn't bother me."

Unknown Starts to cough aggressively.

"Oh no, this looks bad. I've been fighting nonstop and getting a lot of injuries, and with me using up all the OGI I had left, I don't think I ca—"

Before Unknown could finish his sentence, he fell to the ground, unconscious. As Unknown lies unconscious on the ground, Kage and Nest are fighting to end this battle in Grava Forest.

Nest uses his accelerate technique to get next to Kage and stab him in the shoulder.

"Haha, you're not so smug now, are you?"

"Damn, I got a little distracted, but that won't be a problem."

Kage kicks Nest and sends him into a tree. Kage wastes no time and rushes at Nest with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Rushing at me won't do you any good anymore; I'm fully prepared for all your attacks."

Nest vanishes, reappears behind Kage, and tries to cut him down. Kage ducks Nest's attack and hits him with an uppercut.

"You said you were prepared; what happened? Were you lying?"

"Shut the hell up!" I don't need your damn adlibs."

Nest backs away from Kage and uses the accelerate technique to start running around Kage at top speeds.

"You love running around, don't you?"

Nest starts running around Kage so fast that it causes the wind to become intense. Nest starts to speak while running around Kage.

"Shut the hell up! I don't care how I got to kill you, but you will die here, and I will get my promotion!"

"What the hell? I can't even see him anymore. Could he have done this the entire time?"

"Oh, now you're afraid? good! Because now you know you can't win! Now it's time to finish this!"

Nest, at high speeds, starts to cut Kage from every angle without missing a beat.

"Shit, his speed might be too much, but I've got to wait it out just a little more."

Chapter 8 end