
Officially Mine? or Still Strangers?

Running away to an Unknown City can be Scary, Refreshing, and most importantly also can be a Dream come true. Starting your new life, facing hardships and joyful moments can be fun- Until one day Symon meets Thea, the one from whom he is running away. "you are mine." "I don't know you- We are strangers, Miss." "From the moment you turned 16, you were mine.." "Who are you? Why can't you just let go of me?!" he swatted her hand away from his bag. Moving fast, the thunderstorm which entered Symon's daily run to the grocers left nothing but a note saying- "so Officially mine?" in his empty bag. "Dear... what happened? Who made you like this? I waited for 2 years... I can't wait anymore... Please..." "NO! you are like them. I don't want to see your face ever. Go away Alpha!!.." he cried "Please go away I don't know you.." Symon Perri said composing himself now. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like this.." pleaded Thea. "Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life" he said distancing himself from her. "Symon.. okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea" . . . . "What are you doing here?" he asked with his sharp and cold voice. "It's your New Neighbour, Mr.Perri. She will move in here after a week." answered The Real Estate agent hesitatingly. He was a beta and could surely sense the tension between them. "It's my pleasure to meet you again Mr. Perri. Myself Thea Suzuki. Currently working as a lawyer for the KJ corporation" His eyes popped out. She cannot be kidding him now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see what happens to Symon and Thea 3 years later to their early encounters,

_Shikhu_ · Urbain
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21 Chs

Chapter 15: Tolerating the Old Alpha

The Meeting Room was quiet after the deal had been made, both sides waiting for the official signing of the contract. It happened after the legal counselors checked each other's terms and conditions.

"So, Mr. Perri..."

"Ah, yes sir?" he said with a professional smile.

The now red-eyed Alpha continued speaking in his Alpha voice after blinking twice.

"You Are An Omega, aren't you? Who did you approach to land this job? This Social Status? Huh? Don't mind it, I am just asking -- No offense." he said, in his sick venomous voice, still as sweet as honey with a smug grin plastered on his wrinkled face.

Taking a stand and putting the old hag in his place, he replied, "Oh, I only heard you still lived in the 1800s, guess that's true."

Moreover, as an Omega, why would I object to accepting my sub-gender? Isn't it one of the finest? I have this job because of my skills, not because I wooed anyone. It was unfortunate that I had to do well at work and present my skills to everyone, but I wish I had opted to work here instead- where we get jobs just by wooing people. Ahh- I wish I had applied here. No Offense Sir" he says, tsking here and here in between.

Hearing a snicker from behind the files, he turned to see his mate smirking with sparkling eyes focused on him and only him - not even blinking. This of course had him blushing, but he quickly covered it up.

"You..." Unable to counter his reply, the old alpha was left speechless.

"I hope to have a pleasant chat with Ms.Zara soon, Mr.Perri," he says gritting his teeth.

Shrugging his shoulders at that, the omega flashed the old alpha a smile.

"Ms. Suzuki, how long?"

"Just a minute, sir"

Finally, after checking all the contract details, both parties signed it.

Smelling the thick scent of smoke in the office, the alpha looked up from her bag only to catch the old alpha enjoying a cigar. Using the one he used, he offered it to her omega.

"Here, Ms.--oh Mr.Omega, try it. It's just like you. One of a Kind and Expensive - Marlboro" he says with a smug grin.

Chucking with disgust, the omega pushes his hand away "Maybe next time sir. I never thought you would find me dangerous to your lungs by the way"

"Have a healthy and safe day, everyone. I hope we have a happy and successful working relationship" With these words, the omega turns away and leaves, leaving the Alpha behind.

"Why were you tolerating that sick bastard? Even if I loved hearing your replies- still. If I could, I would have smashed and shredded his head the moment he spoke in his alpha tone." grumbled Thea, as soon as they were in the car, only to be met with her smiling omega.

"Wha-?" Shaking her head, she turned towards the steering wheel to start moving, when she heard the loud laughter beside her.

"Calm down, My baby grumpy alpha... No Alpha voice or command affects me... Gosh, your face transitioned so fast from a fuming red-eyed birdie to a proud chicken mama back there..." He chuckled wiping his tears off.

My baby...? Thea!! Our omega called us his!! We are theirs! We BELONG TO THEM !!!! Along with her wolf, Thea too was rather flustered as soon as she heard the statement- if she could she would have given everything she had to her omega- just to hear that. The idea of belonging to someone never occurred to her before meeting her omega, nor after. The pinch of hope she had vanished as soon as she left the apartment that day.

Symon was still laughing at her red face which he knew was because of his statement, even if he didn't want to voice it out, he couldn't help it. Alpha was a Whole Baby with him, and he knows that especially well after the crying incident.

As for Thea, she shook her head, "No, but honestly... Why would you tolerate him?" Now composed, she knew this was his last day- she would make sure he saw hell himself tonight.

"I guess I'm used to it. It's not the first time it has happened and it certainly won't be the last. It's a relief that our deals are not affected by this," he says, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

"Let's go to the office. You still have to finish all those files I asked you to do... I have not forgotten it- you don't have any way out of it..."

"Yeah?" he says with a smug grin as Thea starts the car to leave after grumbling a "Yes, my highness"


"Sir Zen... A legal team member wants to discuss something with you."

"Who and what is it?" he asked, not looking up from his files.

"I don't know sir... He says it's some confidential file "

"Okay, send him in"

Opening the door slightly and then hurriedly entering the office, after checking the coast was clear and only his Alpha was inside, the male omega sighed in relief.

"Yes, what files do you want to talk about?" asked Zen in his authoritative voice without looking up.

He didn't even recognize my scent? Mumbled the Omega who was carrying lunches for both of them.

Taking quick steps, he walked towards his mate's desk and kept the boxes there. He now furiously rushed to his Alpha's side and jerked the chair backward, and sat on his Alpha's lap.

"It's me. You did not even look up... what if someone else came here like this?"

"Tell your assistant to not let anyone in like this in the name of some confidential files.." huffs Riki, staring at his mate's smiling face... Annoyed when the Alpha starts laughing and pats his head. the deep laughter, already melting his heart.

"Muffin, I got your scent when you were standing outside the office... but it was faint, so I thought someone else who you work with was here after they met you... Don't be angry, bubba.. and I would never let anyone behave like this with me- I am All Yours, love..." he says pecking his omega's cheeks, once, twice, and thrice - until the omega giggled and turned to his happy face from his angry pout.

"Okay, I...I brought lunch for you if you want to have it with me..." he asks now shyly after realizing their position.

"Okay, just wait a bit-- Let me put these files away," Zen says as he picks up the omega from his lap and puts him on the sofa. Soon keeping the files away and again carried his omega to the table while chuckling a bit at the omega's shocked and embarrassed face as he picked him up.

Lots Of Love

Be Healthy and Happy

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