
Office Bliss

In this Romance novel we have our main character Cher Evans (short for Cheryl-Anne), finds the perfect job and even though it's an office job, she seems to being doing well for herself. Her Boss Daniel Sanders knows that Cher is a great addition. Over the course of her working there, he notices her beauty and how kind she is, and he wants to get to know her better. There will be swearing, some steamyness... it is an office romance.

Amy96525 · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

Chapter 5. Cher

I've been working here for a week now and I have to say I'm finally getting the hang of things. Mr.Sanders did say I've been making a lot of progress and even Nick has complimenting me, which is kind of weird. I've got nothing against the guy, he's nice, but he has a bit of a dark sense of humor. Maybe that's not the right way to put it, but I never met anyone like Nick before.

I told Kelly about Mr. Sanders and about Nick, of course she was more interested when I talked about my boss and I showed her his picture and she thought that he was hot and she asked if I thought so, but I shrugged it off. Yes, he's attractive and I like him but I don't know him that well to really show my feelings. Also it would be kind of awkward, especially since I work for the guy. But Kelly went on and on about how I need to "grow a pair" and ask him out and whatever it was she said. Oh yeah, get under him. She's such a charmer. "You remember high school, right?" I asked her during our conversation. "Duh! I was there!" Maybe she doesn't know what I'm talking about exactly. "Senior Prom." That's all I said, and I began feeling sick and she even turned a little pale. We don't really discuss Senior Prom especially because it was such a horrible experience for me. "Cher, I doubt if you were to get with someone, something like that would happen again." She tried reassuring me, but I couldn't even think about what could happen this time around.


When I got into work, Nick was over at the coffee machine talking to a few people and they all began laughing. Call me a little self conscious, but I feel like they were talking about me and Nick said something insulting about me and they all laughed. It's all in my head though, they couldn't be talking about me. Right? I tried to ignore all the laughing and made my way to my desk. As I walked up to it, I saw that Mr. Sanders was walking my way. I could feel my face turn a shade of pink and I tried to look down before he noticed me.

"Ms.Evans" he waved at me and smiled. So much for not being noticed. Instead of being rude though, I waved back. He started walking closer to me and I felt my face turn even more pink. Shit. "Good morning, Mr. Sanders." He smiled, "Morning." He said back. There was silence for a few seconds and then he spoke again, "I have to say, you're doing great. You might actually be better at this than Nick." The both of us laughed, I mean it was actually funny what he said. It wasn't insulting, but it was flattering. "There's no way!" I say shoving him on the shoulder. Oh god, why did I do that? He laughed again, he's so... sexy!!! Damn it! "I should get to work." I tried not sounding awkward and make things weird. "Of course, I'll let you get to it." He patted me on the shoulder and walked over to Nick.

I watched him walk off, and as he's walking I looked at his butt. For some reason I can't seem to keep my eyes off of him. Whenever he walks out here he always gets my attention. I mean, obviously I have to pay attention to what he says because he is my boss, but I mean in a different way he gets my attention. You'd have to be blind not to notice how good looking he is. This morning he had a white button up dress shirt with a blue tie, with black pants. Today his hair was a little messy, but he still looked great. Someday I'd like to admit how I feel, just not right now. It doesn't seem appropriate to have a crush on your boss. Unless he felt the same way? But I honestly doubt it. Why would be like me? He has Britney here, she looks more his type anyway. Why not go for someone super gorgeous that has everything a guy wants? I'm too plain and boring for him. Typical blonde with blue eyes, I hardly have a big chest, no ass, I feel so plain.

There's no way I can pay attention to my work, he's still talking with Nick. I steal some glimpses his way, and as if he could sense it, he looks over at me and smiles. Shit, shit, shit!!! I look back at the computer and ignore him. I try not to look back at him, but it's like my eyes are magnetized and so when I look back up in his direction, he's still staring at me. Even though Nick is still talking to him and it's seems he's totally oblivious that Mr. Sanders isn't even paying attention and I think Mr. Sanders isn't even listening to a word Nick is saying. My face really turns red this time, and I can't seem stop staring at him. There was a small smile on his face, and he began biting at his bottom lip. Oh god... I had this tingling sensation down below, and I could feel wetness pool in between my legs. Why does he have to keep staring at me.

This time I look down in embarrassment, and this time when I look back at him, he's finally paying attention to what Nick is saying, and the two of them start laughing together. I'm still feeling a little tingly from a few moments ago, and I'm trying to distract myself by doing some more work. I did get distracted after a few awhile, so when I heard someone clear their throat I jumped. "Hiya." Nick said to me. "Hi" I said back. "Everything okay?" He was smiling down at me. Does he know that Mr.Sanders was looking at me? "Everything's fine." I lied. "You sure? You seem... I don't know? Distracted." Shit. "Nope, I'm good." I looked back at my computer and finished up  what I was doing. "You like him, don't you?" He was still smiling when I looked back up at him. "What? Who?" How does he know?

"Daniel." He said. "What? No, he-he's my boss. That would be inappropriate." What else am I supposed to say? Yes?! There was no way in hell I was going to tell Nick how I felt for my boss. As much as I would love to tell Mr. Sanders himself , he would probably reject me. "Hmm. Okay!" He walked away. "Wait, what?" I got up and followed him, "what does that mean?" Nick went back to get some more coffee. He held up the pot of coffee. "Want some?" I shake my head, he's trying to change the conversation. "Why did you ask if I liked him?" I crossed my arms, he was pouring coffee into his mug and took awhile to answer my question. Once his cup was filled, he took a sip and began walking over to his desk. So I followed him over to his desk. Nick sat right down in his seat and I stayed standing up,  crossing my arms again.

Nick had this smile on his face, he looked up at me and said "May I help you?" My eyes practically bulged out of my head , what the hell is this guy's problem? "Seriously?" I tried to say it quietly, but some of the other employees stared at me, and I could feel my face turn red but this time with embarrassment. This time I whispered to Nick, "Why did you ask if I like him?" Nick was typing away, "I was just curious." He didn't look up, he just kept typing. "Curious my ass." I whispered at him angrily. "I'm serious, I was just curious. It's okay if you like him, I won't tell him." This time he looked up at me. Was he messing with again? "Why though?" I was curious this time. He stood up this time and leaned in a bit. "He's my best friend, he's like a little brother to me. I worry about him, the poor guy hasn't been in a relationship for awhile and he pretends that he's fine with being alone." He does seem concerned for his friend.

"He's been in some shitty situations when it came to relationships. And honestly, I want him to find someone that actually cares about him." He sighs, when I see this Nick, he looks tired and worried all the time. He's so vulnerable at this moment, dark circle under his eyes. "Nick," I don't even know what to say to him? "Mr. Sanders, I mean Daniel seems like a sweet guy, and believe me I know what it's like being in shitty situations with relationships. But I don't think it would be a great idea to start a relationship with my boss." It pains me to say it, but it's true. "I understand." He says quietly. "I do like him, but I can't..." I gave him a sad smile and I walked over to my desk.