
The Karma Bus - Part 4

Thursday, continued…

Anna realised that James was attempting to mess with her and quickly replied "I have always been smart.  Tell Alecia is she needs to speak about the challenges just call me." Anna paused and continued "When are you working today?"

"I have a half day starting at lunchtime.  Why?"

"Yi wants us to employ a nanny to help care for Jang, and I need help …"

"You want some support?"

"True, Yi otherwise will not pay attention to what I say…"

"Anna, he has for months let you walk over him.  All because he did not want to add to your stress and impact your pregnancy.  Do you think he will risk hurting you simply to force something on you?"

"James, despite all the issues we have with mother, she managed to work full time and care for five children with only dad's and Adam and Ben's maternal grandparents help.  Why should I not be able to care for my son?"