
Stiring Up Trouble - Part 4

Saturday, continued …

Having moved away to a quieter area, other people started to come up to Anna and Hou Yi to talk to them about various matters. Before either of them knew it, everyone was being called inside the banquet hall for their dinner and the auction afterwards.

Hou Yi had spoken to the organisers before the function and despite their reluctance agreed, the made sure the main Lu Corporation Table one table away from the main Hou Enterprises Table. He knew how to continue to stir up Lu Jingho, with bidding on various items he already knew that he had expressed an interest in.

Before either Anna or Hou Yi knew, the entrees were being brought out. Anna took one look at her place, and Hou Yi's plate, and realised that they needed to swap them over given her plate had items she knew she could not eat.