
Before the Press Conference - Part 1

Monday, continued …

As Hou Yi turned to Leave, Anna called out "Yi, can we talk?"

As he turned with a smile on his face Hou YI responded, "What Sweetheart?"

"Come into my office." With that the two of them entered Anna's office and sat down on the couch.

"Yi, I had this thought about the press conference regarding Du XuXu this afternoon. My only connection to the whole situation is that I am married to you. I do not have the emotional investment like everyone else, and therefore I can be dispassionate about the situation. It is going to be all about the evidence presented and public speaking, which are my forte. All we would have to do is work out a pre-prepared speech."

"Anna, I could not ask you to do that," came Hou YI's quiet response.

"Yi you are not, I am offering. You know that I am not as fragile as I was. When we married," and with that Anna lent over and gave him a brief kiss, and then paused, simply watching his expression.